--[[ A Classic Fairytale: The enemy of my enemy = SUMMARY = Simple deathmatch on the Islands map. = GOAL = Wipe out the Hedge-cogs and Leader teams = FLOW CHART = - Cut scene: startAnim - Player starts with 3-4 natives and 4 cannibals - Player plays with 4 natives if m5DeployedNum ~= leaksNum and m8DeployedLeader == 0 - Enemy starts with 5 cyborgs - TBS - Goal completed - Cut scene: finalAnim > Victory ]] HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Animate.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Utils.lua") --------------------------------------------Constants------------------------------------ choiceAccepted = 1 choiceRefused = 2 choiceAttacked = 3 choiceEliminate = 1 choiceSpare = 2 leaksNum = 1 denseNum = 2 waterNum = 3 buffaloNum = 4 chiefNum = 5 girlNum = 6 wiseNum = 7 ramonNum = 8 spikyNum = 9 denseScene = 1 princessScene = 2 waterScene = 3 cyborgScene = 4 nativeNames = {loc("Leaks A Lot"), loc("Dense Cloud"), loc("Fiery Water"), loc("Raging Buffalo"), loc("Righteous Beard"), loc("Fell From Grace"), loc("Wise Oak"), loc("Ramon"), loc("Spiky Cheese") } nativeHats = {"Rambo", "RobinHood", "pirate_jack", "zoo_Bunny", "IndianChief", "tiara", "AkuAku", "rasta", "hair_yellow"} nativePos = {{1259, 120}, {2378, 796}, {424, 1299}, {3322, 260}, {1022, 1550}} nativeDir = {"Right", "Left", "Right", "Left", "Right"} cannibalNames = {loc("Honest Lee"), loc("Vegan Jack"), loc("Sirius Lee"), loc("Brutal Lily")} cannibalPos = {{162, 266}, {2159, 1517}, {3311, 1621}, {1180, 1560}} cannibalDir = {"Right", "Left", "Left", "Right"} cannibalsNum = 4 playersDir = {"Right", "Left", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left", "Left", "Right"} playersAntiDir = {"Left", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Left", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left"} cyborgNames = {loc("Smith 0.97"), loc("Smith 0.98"), loc("Smith 0.99a"), loc("Smith 0.99b"), loc("Smith 0.99f"), loc("Smith 1.0")} cyborgPos = {{2162, 20}, {2458, 564}, {542, 1133}, {3334, 1427}} cyborgDir = "Right" cyborgsNum = 6 cyborgsPos = {{1490, 330}, {1737, 1005}, {2972, 922}, {1341, 1571}, {751, 543}, {3889, 907}} cyborgsDir = {"Right", "Right", "Left", "Right", "Right", "Left"} leaderPos = {3474, 151} leaderDir = "Left" cyborgTeamName = nil nativesTeamName = nil cannibalsTeamName = nil hedgecogsTeamName = nil leaderTeamName = nil -----------------------------Variables--------------------------------- natives = {} origNatives = {} cyborgs = {} cyborg = nil cannibals = {} players = {} leader = nil gearDead = {} hedgeHidden = {} trackedMines = {} startAnim = {} finalAnim = {} -----------------------------Animations-------------------------------- function CondNeedToTurn(hog1, hog2) if (not GetHealth(hog1)) or (not GetHealth(hog2)) then return end local xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2) if xl > xd then AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Left"}}) AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Right"}}) elseif xl < xd then AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog2, "Left"}}) AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimTurn, args = {hog1, "Right"}}) end end function CondNeedToTurn2(hog1, hog2) if (not GetHealth(hog1)) or (not GetHealth(hog2)) then return end local xl, xd = GetX(hog1), GetX(hog2) if xl > xd then AnimTurn(hog1, "Left") AnimTurn(hog2, "Right") elseif xl < xd then AnimTurn(hog2, "Left") AnimTurn(hog1, "Right") end end function EmitDenseClouds(dir) local dif if dir == "Left" then dif = 10 else dif = -10 end if dir == nil then dx, dy = GetGearVelocity(dense) if dx < 0 then dif = 10 else dif = -10 end end AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false}) AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false}) AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false}) AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}}) AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false}) AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false}) AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimWait, args = {dense, 800}}) AnimInsertStepNext({func = AnimVisualGear, args = {dense, GetX(dense) + dif, GetY(dense) + dif, vgtSteam, 0, true}, swh = false}) end function RestoreNatives(cgi) for i = 1, playersNum do RestoreHedge(players[i]) AnimOutOfNowhere(players[i], GetGearPosition(players[i])) end end function AnimationSetup() SetupCyborgStartAnim() SetupPeopleStartAnim() SetupEnemyStartAnim() AddSkipFunction(startAnim, SkipStartAnim, {}) end function SetupCyborgStartAnim() table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 3000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Right"}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[2])}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Right"}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, args = {cyborg, "Left"}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[3])}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 1800}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTeleportGear, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[4])}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {cyborg, 800}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Everything looks OK..."), SAY_THINK, 2500}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("This will be fun!"), SAY_THINK, 2500}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimJump, args = {cyborg, "high"}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cyborg, RestoreNatives, {true}}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("HAHA!"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {players[1]}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[4])}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = HideHedge, swh = false, args = {cyborg}}) end function SetupPeopleStartAnim() for i = 1, playersNum do table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {players[i], playersAntiDir[i]}}) end table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {players[1], 800}}) for i = 1, playersNum do table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimTurn, swh = false, args = {players[i], playersDir[i]}}) end table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimWait, args = {players[1], 800}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("What is this place?"), SAY_SHOUT, 2500}}) if m5LeaksDead == 1 then table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("And how am I alive?!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}}) end local playerTalker -- There are 3 or 4 natives in this mission. The last one takes part in the dialog if nativesNum >= 4 then playerTalker = players[4] else playerTalker = players[3] end table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {players[1], CondNeedToTurn, {players[1], players[2]}}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[2], loc("It must be the cyborgs again!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[3], loc("Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"), SAY_SHOUT, 6000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {playerTalker, CondNeedToTurn, {playerTalker, cannibals[1]}}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {playerTalker, CondNeedToTurn, {players[1], cannibals[1]}}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {playerTalker, loc("Cannibals?! You're the cannibals!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("WHAT?! You're the ones attacking us!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {playerTalker, loc("You have kidnapped our whole tribe!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("You've been assaulting us, we have been just defending ourselves!"), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("I can't believe this!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Have we ever attacked you first?"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {playerTalker, loc("Yes!"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("When?"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {playerTalker, loc("Uhmm...ok no."), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("But you're cannibals. It's what you do."), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Where do you get that?!"), SAY_SHOUT, 3000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {playerTalker, loc("Everyone knows this."), SAY_SHOUT, 2500}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("I didn't until about a month ago."), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {playerTalker, loc("Hmmm...actually...I didn't either."), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("A cy-what?"), SAY_SHOUT, 2000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("They told us to wear these clothes. They said that this is the newest trend."), SAY_SHOUT, 8000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("They've been manipulating us all this time!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("They must be trying to weaken us!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("We have to unite and defeat those cylergs!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {cannibals[1], loc("We can't let them take over our little island!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}}) end function RestoreCyborgs(cgi) if cyborgsRestored == true then return end for i = 1, cyborgsNum do RestoreHedge(cyborgs[i]) if cgi == true then AnimOutOfNowhere(cyborgs[i], unpack(cyborgsPos[i])) end end RestoreHedge(leader) AnimOutOfNowhere(leader, unpack(leaderPos)) cyborgsRestored = true end function SetupEnemyStartAnim() local gear table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {cannibals[1], RestoreCyborgs, {true}}}) if m8EnemyFled == 1 then gear = leader else gear = cyborgs[2] end local turnPlayer if nativesNum >= 4 then turnPlayer = players[4] else turnPlayer = players[3] end table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {players[1], CondNeedToTurn, {turnPlayer, gear}}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimCustomFunction, args = {players[1], CondNeedToTurn, {players[1], gear}}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("You have finally figured it out!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4500}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5500}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("Why do you want to take over our island?"), SAY_SHOUT, 5500}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"), SAY_SHOUT, 5500}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("This island is the only place left on Earth with grass on it!"), SAY_SHOUT, 7000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("It's worth more than wood!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("That makes it almost invaluable!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4500}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("We have nowhere else to live!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4500}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {gear, loc("That's not our problem!"), SAY_SHOUT, 4500}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("We'll give you a problem then!"), SAY_SHOUT, 5000}}) table.insert(startAnim, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {gear}}) end function SetupFinalAnim() finalAnim = { {func = AnimGearWait, args = {cyborg, 1000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Nicely done, meatbags!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You have won the game by proving true cooperative skills!"), SAY_SAY, 7000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You have proven yourselves worthy!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("Game? Was this a game to you?!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Well, yes. This was a cyborg television show."), SAY_SAY, 5500}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("It is called 'Hogs of Steel'."), SAY_SAY, 4000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"), SAY_SAY, 8000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("Our tribe, our beautiful island!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("All gone...everything!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("But the ones alive are stronger in their heart!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Just kidding, none of you have died!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("I mean, none of you ceased to live."), SAY_SAY, 5000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("You'll see what I mean!"), SAY_SAY, 4000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("They are all waiting back in the village, haha."), SAY_SAY, 7000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("You are playing with our lives here!"), SAY_SAY, 6000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("Do you think you're some kind of god?"), SAY_SAY, 6000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Interesting idea, haha!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}}, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {players[1]}}, {func = AnimWait, args = {players[1], 1}}, {func = AnimDisappear, swh = false, args = {cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[4])}}, {func = HideHedge, swh = false, args = {cyborg}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {players[1], loc("What a douche!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}}, } end --------------------------Anim skip functions-------------------------- function SkipStartAnim() RestoreNatives() RestoreCyborgs() SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, 0) AnimSwitchHog(cyborgs[1]) AnimWait(cyborg, 1) AddFunction({func = HideHedge, args = {cyborg}}) end function AfterStartAnim() ShowMission(loc("The Enemy Of My Enemy"), loc("The Union"), loc("Defeat the cyborgs!"), 1, 0) PutWeaponCrates() PutHealthCrates() EndTurn(true) end function PutHealthCrates() for i = 1, 10 do SpawnHealthCrate(0, 0) end end function PutWeaponCrates() SpawnSupplyCrate(2399, 622, amNapalm, 2) SpawnSupplyCrate(2199, -18, amBee, 2) SpawnSupplyCrate(2088, 430, amBee, 2) SpawnSupplyCrate(237, 20, amMortar, 4) SpawnSupplyCrate(312, 1107, amMolotov, 3) SpawnSupplyCrate(531, 1123, amWatermelon, 2) SpawnSupplyCrate(1253, 1444, amFlamethrower, 5) SpawnSupplyCrate(994, 1364, amBaseballBat, 3) SpawnSupplyCrate(1104, 1553, amMine, 6) SpawnSupplyCrate(2277, 803, amDynamite, 2) SpawnSupplyCrate(1106, 184, amRCPlane, 3) SpawnSupplyCrate(1333, 28, amSMine, 4) SpawnSupplyCrate(90, 279, amAirAttack, 2) SpawnSupplyCrate(288, 269, amBee, 2) SpawnSupplyCrate(818, 1633, amBaseballBat, 2) end -----------------------------Events------------------------------------ function CheckNativesDead() return nativesLeft == 0 end function CheckCannibalsDead() return cannibalsLeft == 0 end function CheckPlayersDead() return playersLeft == 0 end function CheckCyborgsDead() return (cyborgsLeft == 0 and (leader == nil or gearDead[leader] == true)) end function DoNativesDead() nativesDeadFresh = true EndTurn(true) end function DoCannibalsDead() cannibalsDeadFresh = true EndTurn(true) end function DoPlayersDead() RemoveEventFunc(CheckNativesDead) RemoveEventFunc(CheckCannibalsDead) RemoveEventFunc(CheckCyborgsDead) playersDeadFresh = true EndTurn(true) end function DoCyborgsDead() -- RemoveEventFunc(CheckNativesDead) -- RemoveEventFunc(CheckCannibalsDead) cyborgsDeadFresh= true EndTurn(true) end function CheckGearsDead(gearList) for i = 1, # gearList do if gearDead[gearList[i]] ~= true then return false end end return true end function CheckGearDead(gear) return gearDead[gear] end function FailedMission() RestoreHedge(cyborg) AnimOutOfNowhere(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[1])) ClearMinesAroundCyborg() if CheckCyborgsDead() then AnimSay(cyborg, loc("Hmmm...it's a draw. How unfortunate!"), SAY_THINK, 6000) elseif leader ~= nil then CondNeedToTurn2(cyborg, leader) AddAnim({{func = AnimSay, args = {leader, loc("Yay, we won!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Nice work!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}}}) else CondNeedToTurn2(cyborg, cyborgs[1]) AddAnim({{func = AnimSay, args = {cyborgs[1], loc("Yay, we won!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}}, {func = AnimSay, args = {cyborg, loc("Nice work!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}}}) end AddFunction({func = LoseMission, args = {}}) end function LoseMission() DismissTeam(nativesTeamName) DismissTeam(cannibalsTeamName) DismissTeam(cyborgTeamName) EndTurn(true) end function WonMission() RestoreHedge(cyborg) CondNeedToTurn2(cyborg, players[1]) SetupFinalAnim() ClearMinesAroundCyborg() AddAnim(finalAnim) AddFunction({func = WinMission, args = {}}) end function WinMission() if progress and progress<9 then SaveCampaignVar("Progress", "9") end DismissTeam(cyborgTeamName) EndTurn(true) end -----------------------------Misc-------------------------------------- function HideHedge(hedge) if hedgeHidden[hedge] ~= true then HideHog(hedge) hedgeHidden[hedge] = true end end function RestoreHedge(hedge) if hedgeHidden[hedge] == true then RestoreHog(hedge) hedgeHidden[hedge] = false end end function ClearMinesAroundCyborg() if GetHealth(cyborg) then local vaporized = 0 for mine, _ in pairs(trackedMines) do if GetHealth(mine) and GetHealth(cyborg) and gearIsInBox(mine, GetX(cyborg) - 50, GetY(cyborg) - 50, 100, 100) == true then AddVisualGear(GetX(mine), GetY(mine), vgtSmoke, 0, false) DeleteGear(mine) vaporized = vaporized + 1 end end if vaporized > 0 then PlaySound(sndVaporize) end end end function GetVariables() progress = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("Progress")) m5DeployedNum = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5DeployedNum")) or leaksNum m2Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M2Choice")) or choiceRefused m5Choice = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5Choice")) or choiceEliminate m5LeaksDead = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M5LeaksDead")) or 0 m8DeployedLeader = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8DeployedLeader")) or 0 m8PrincessLeader = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8PrincessLeader")) or 1 m8EnemyFled = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8EnemyFled")) or 0 m8Scene = tonumber(GetCampaignVar("M8Scene")) or princessScene end function SetupPlace() for i = 1, playersNum do HideHedge(players[i]) end for i = 1, cyborgsNum do HideHedge(cyborgs[i]) end if leader ~= nil then HideHedge(leader) end end function SetupEvents() AddNewEvent(CheckPlayersDead, {}, DoPlayersDead, {}, 0) AddNewEvent(CheckNativesDead, {}, DoNativesDead, {}, 0) AddNewEvent(CheckCannibalsDead, {}, DoCannibalsDead, {}, 0) AddNewEvent(CheckCyborgsDead, {}, DoCyborgsDead, {}, 0) end function SetupAmmo() AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amClusterBomb, 100) AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amMortar, 100) AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amDynamite, 2) AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amAirAttack, 2) AddAmmo(cyborgs[1], amTeleport, 100) if leader ~= nil then AddAmmo(leader, amClusterBomb, 100) AddAmmo(leader, amMortar, 100) AddAmmo(leader, amDynamite, 100) AddAmmo(leader, amAirAttack, 3) AddAmmo(leader, amTeleport, 100) end end function AddHogs() cyborgTeamName = AddTeam(loc("011101001"), -1, "ring", "UFO", "Robot_qau", "cm_binary") cyborg = AddHog(loc("Unit 334a$7%;.*"), 0, 200, "cyborg1") nativesTeamName = AddMissionTeam(-2) -- There are 3-4 natives in this mission natives[1] = AddHog(nativeNames[leaksNum], 0, 100, nativeHats[leaksNum]) if m5DeployedNum ~= leaksNum and m8DeployedLeader == 0 then natives[2] = AddHog(nativeNames[m5DeployedNum], 0, 100, nativeHats[m5DeployedNum]) end table.insert(natives, AddHog(nativeNames[ramonNum], 0, 100, nativeHats[ramonNum])) table.insert(natives, AddHog(nativeNames[spikyNum], 0, 100, nativeHats[spikyNum])) if m8PrincessLeader == 0 then table.insert(natives, AddHog(loc("Fell From Heaven"), 0, 100, "tiara")) end nativesNum = #natives nativesLeft = nativesNum cannibalsLeft = cannibalsNum for i = 1, nativesNum do table.insert(players, natives[i]) end cannibalsTeamName = AddTeam(loc("Cannibals"), -2, "skull", "Island", "Pirate_qau", "cm_vampire") for i = 1, cannibalsNum do cannibals[i] = AddHog(cannibalNames[i], 0, 100, "Zombi") table.insert(players, cannibals[i]) end playersNum = #players playersLeft = playersNum hedgecogsTeamName = AddTeam(loc("Hedge-cogs"), -9, "ring", "UFO", "Robot_qau", "cm_cyborg") for i = 1, cyborgsNum do cyborgs[i] = AddHog(cyborgNames[i], 2, 80, "cyborg2") end if m8EnemyFled == 1 then leaderTeamName = AddTeam(loc("Leader"), -9, "ring", "UFO", "Robot_qau", "cm_cyborg") if m8Scene == denseScene then leader = AddHog(loc("Dense Cloud"), 2, 200, nativeHats[denseNum]) elseif m8Scene == waterScene then leader = AddHog(loc("Fiery Water"), 2, 200, nativeHats[waterNum]) elseif m8Scene == princessScene then leader = AddHog(loc("Fell From Heaven"), 2, 200, "tiara") else leader = AddHog(loc("Nancy Screw"), 2, 200, "cyborg2") end end cyborgsLeft = cyborgsNum for i = 1, nativesNum do AnimSetGearPosition(natives[i], unpack(nativePos[i])) AnimTurn(natives[i], nativeDir[i]) end for i = 1, cannibalsNum do AnimSetGearPosition(cannibals[i], unpack(cannibalPos[i])) AnimTurn(cannibals[i], cannibalDir[i]) end for i = 1, cyborgsNum do AnimSetGearPosition(cyborgs[i], unpack(cyborgsPos[i])) AnimTurn(cyborgs[i], cyborgsDir[i]) end AnimSetGearPosition(cyborg, unpack(cyborgPos[1])) AnimTurn(cyborg, cyborgDir) if leader ~= nil then AnimSetGearPosition(leader, unpack(leaderPos)) AnimTurn(leader, leaderDir[i]) end end -----------------------------Main Functions---------------------------- function onGameInit() Seed = 0 GameFlags = gfSolidLand TurnTime = 60000 CaseFreq = 0 MinesNum = 0 MinesTime = 3000 Explosives = 0 Map = "Islands" Theme = "EarthRise" WaterRise = 0 HealthDecrease = 0 GetVariables() AnimInit() AddHogs() end function onGameStart() SetupAmmo() SetupPlace() AnimationSetup() SetupEvents() AddAnim(startAnim) AddFunction({func = AfterStartAnim, args = {}}) end function onGameTick() AnimUnWait() if ShowAnimation() == false then return end ExecuteAfterAnimations() CheckEvents() end function onGearAdd(gear) local gt = GetGearType(gear) if gt == gtMine or gt == gtSMine or gt == gtAirMine then trackedMines[gear] = true end end function onGearDelete(gear) local gt = GetGearType(gear) if gt == gtMine or gt == gtSMine or gt == gtAirMine then trackedMines[gear] = nil end gearDead[gear] = true if gt == gtHedgehog then if GetHogTeamName(gear) == nativesTeamName then for i = 1, nativesLeft do if natives[i] == gear then table.remove(natives, i) table.remove(players, i) nativesLeft = nativesLeft - 1 playersLeft = playersLeft - 1 end end elseif GetHogTeamName(gear) == cannibalsTeamName then for i = 1, cannibalsLeft do if cannibals[i] == gear then table.remove(cannibals, i) table.remove(players, nativesLeft + i) cannibalsLeft = cannibalsLeft - 1 playersLeft = playersLeft - 1 end end elseif GetHogTeamName(gear) == hedgecogsTeamName then for i = 1, cyborgsLeft do if cyborgs[i] == gear then table.remove(cyborgs, i) end end cyborgsLeft = cyborgsLeft - 1 end end end function onAmmoStoreInit() SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0) SetAmmo(amSwitch, 9, 0, 0, 0) SetAmmo(amDEagle, 9, 0, 0, 0) SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 9, 0, 0, 0) SetAmmo(amBazooka, 8, 0, 0, 0) SetAmmo(amGrenade, 7, 0, 0, 0) SetAmmo(amFirePunch, 9, 0, 0, 0) SetAmmo(amShotgun, 9, 0, 0, 0) SetAmmo(amParachute, 9, 0, 0, 0) SetAmmo(amRope, 9, 0, 0, 0) SetAmmo(amPickHammer, 9, 0, 0, 0) SetAmmo(amBlowTorch, 9, 0, 0, 0) end function onNewTurn() if AnimInProgress() then SetTurnTimeLeft(MAX_TURN_TIME) return end if playersDeadFresh then playersDeadFresh = false FailedMission() elseif cyborgsDeadFresh then cyborgsDeadFresh = false WonMission() elseif nativesDeadFresh and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == cannibalsTeamName then AnimSay(CurrentHedgehog, string.format(loc("Your deaths will be avenged, %s!"), nativesTeamName), SAY_SHOUT, 0) nativesDeadFresh = false elseif cannibalsDeadFresh and GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) == nativesTeamName then AnimSay(CurrentHedgehog, string.format(loc("Your deaths will be avenged, %s!"), cannibalsTeamName), SAY_SHOUT, 0) cannibalsDeadFresh = false end end function onPrecise() if GameTime > 3000 and AnimInProgress() then SetAnimSkip(true) end end