2018-10-26 unc0rr Fix lack of message and segfault when number texture creation fails
2018-10-26 Wuzzy Allow to escape | and : character in engine translation files
2018-10-26 Wuzzy Engine translation: With '::' can now suppress colons for highlighting
2018-10-25 Wuzzy Add CJK font support for sidAmmoCount
2018-10-09 nemo drop the error checked StrToInt as non-critical - pas2c did not implement it.
2018-10-09 nemo make explicit for pas2c some string casts that fpc was probably doing automatically
2018-10-04 Wuzzy Change syntax for Format/FormatA, remove array in function to be friendlier to Pas2C
2018-10-02 Wuzzy Rewrite StrToInt code in uStore; get rid of "try" and "except" keywords
2018-08-08 Wuzzy Refactor text color variable names, export 2 color values to Lua
2018-08-08 Wuzzy Make ammo count in ammo menu translatable, and replace “x” with “×”
2018-08-01 Wuzzy Load default clan colors from settings file
2018-07-28 nemo merge of 0.9.24 - hopefully correctly this time
2018-07-24 Wuzzy Fix teleport tooltip claiming it doesn't end turn in hog placing phase with inf. attack 0.9.24
2018-07-17 Wuzzy Switch from http:// to https:// URLs where possible
2018-07-17 Wuzzy Clarify the wording of a few checkFails messages
2018-07-16 Wuzzy Always use SDL_Map(A)RGB in SDL_FillRect for color
2018-07-12 Wuzzy Send proper failure error message when image loading has failed
2018-07-07 Wuzzy Fix teleport tooltip claiming it doesn't end turn, while in in hog placing phase with inf. attack
2018-05-15 sheepluva WIP: allow changing chat size ui-scaling
2018-05-03 Wuzzy Lua API: Add 5th parameter showExtra to SetAmmoTexts to hide extra text
2018-04-24 Wuzzy Change KeyBindToName to shortstring
2018-04-11 nemo merge with 0.9.23, pulling in unc0rr's desync fix
2018-03-17 Wuzzy Show sidNoEndTurn text for most weapons when in inf attack mode
2018-03-06 nemo the clipping was just due to remote abuse anyway - this addresses a couple of the concerns from the bug
2018-02-21 Wuzzy Fix quit menu showing incorrect key when using non-default bindings
2018-02-16 Wuzzy Add SetTeamLabel to Lua API, can set arbitrary string as team label
2018-02-08 Wuzzy Fix timebox being usable in SD w/ damage=0
2018-01-16 unc0rr Add assert on LoadingText texture value 0.9.23
2018-01-05 unc0rr Comment out functions that don't need to be called for engine in frontend window qmlfrontend
2018-01-02 unc0rr Break engine completely and make it render in frontend window (no actual rendering yet, just white screen) qmlfrontend
less more (0) -300 -100 -50 -30 tip