Thu, 18 Feb 2010 13:23:24 +0000 Engine:
smxx [Thu, 18 Feb 2010 13:23:24 +0000] rev 2825
Engine: * Removed memory leaks displaying usage / syntax
Thu, 18 Feb 2010 01:02:28 +0000 Extra incentive to attack non-king hogs. If king loses his entourage, he loses 5hp per turn
nemo [Thu, 18 Feb 2010 01:02:28 +0000] rev 2824
Extra incentive to attack non-king hogs. If king loses his entourage, he loses 5hp per turn
(0) -1000 -300 -100 -30 -10 -2 +2 +10 +30 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 tip