Tue, 10 Nov 2015 13:53:12 +0100 videorec: Fix flushing encoders 0.9.22
Vittorio Giovara <vittorio.giovara@gmail.com> [Tue, 10 Nov 2015 13:53:12 +0100] rev 11594
videorec: Fix flushing encoders When passing NULL frames, encoders empty their queues, but we have to stop polling from them when they don't any more data.
Tue, 10 Nov 2015 13:53:10 +0100 videorec: Make sure the audio packet is considered empty 0.9.22
Vittorio Giovara <vittorio.giovara@gmail.com> [Tue, 10 Nov 2015 13:53:10 +0100] rev 11593
videorec: Make sure the audio packet is considered empty
Sat, 05 Mar 2016 21:04:06 +0100 [BUG 1] - Fixed simultaneous pressing of two arrow buttons on mobile
antonc27 <antonc27@mail.ru> [Sat, 05 Mar 2016 21:04:06 +0100] rev 11592
[bug #1] - Fixed simultaneous pressing of two arrow buttons on mobile
Sat, 05 Mar 2016 16:46:04 +0300 Fix TechRacer not recoding finish if time was >= 100s by raising this limit ten times.
unc0rr [Sat, 05 Mar 2016 16:46:04 +0300] rev 11591
Fix TechRacer not recoding finish if time was >= 100s by raising this limit ten times.
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