2010-01-03 koda smaller patches, one missing Sky-lowres, IMG_Init and Mix_Init (might require newer libraries), updates to SDL bindings, code cleanup, new compile flags
2009-12-24 koda introduction of IMG_Init
2009-12-20 koda binding typo
2009-12-16 koda random updates for 10.6 and iphone builds
2009-11-29 unc0rr Smaxx patch with tuning by me:
2009-11-20 koda trailing mods from previous commit
2009-11-20 koda revamped file access and debug display
2009-11-05 koda revert previous commit to remove a wip patch
2009-11-05 koda update themes cmakefiles to use GLOB instead of listing all the files
2009-11-05 koda fix iphone build
2009-11-05 koda revamped SDLh.pas
2009-11-05 koda move compiler directives to standard pascal
2009-10-26 koda other controls implementation + sdlh revisited (once again)
2009-10-25 koda touch control completely revamped
2009-10-25 koda fix a segfault in the iphone simulator by moving options.inc at the beginning of the file
2009-10-25 koda added little/big endian checks, added symbol for touch input, simplified iphoneos definitions
2009-10-25 koda convert 24 bits images to 32 (faster to manage)
2009-10-25 koda completes touch input/control (problems with moving camera)
2009-10-24 koda more updates on touch input/control
2009-10-20 koda ifdefs all the way
2009-10-20 nemo Bunch of neat stuff by Smaxx. ATI check, translucent name tags to reduce terrain fail, disabling health crates on invulnerable hogs. Also tweaks to prior stuff.
2009-10-20 koda WE HAVE TOUCH INPUT
2009-10-12 unc0rr Huge Smaxx patch with some fixes by me:
2009-10-10 koda fix that nasty "Pascal Internal Error" when compiling
2009-10-08 koda fix a very rare bug in which CurSlot becomes greater than cMaxCurSlot
2009-09-22 koda Smaxx's patch fixing openal sound issues with poor card drivers
2009-09-22 koda converts some gl calls to gles
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