Call act as if attack ended on last shot if switching while in mid multi-shoot. Thanks to AI for discovering this.
issue #528. Fixed platform-specific order of buttons on seed prompt and new room prompt. Fixed height of back button on all pages -- now aligns to bottom. On pagemain, feedback and dlc buttons no longer fixed size.
Review the list of synced messages in isSyncedCommand. Fixes
issue #546.
Made pressing the button in mapContainer only randomize things if client is master. Fixes
issue #545. Also synchronized themes. Fixes issue 547.
So. A while ago, while trying to prevent hogs blowtorching getting turned around, unc0rr altered the old range of blowtorch from 1/8th of 180° up or down, to a 4° gain in upwards and a -4° loss in downwards. He also made it so that starting tunnels could fail to erase sufficient terrain, trapping hogs. Here are a couple of workarounds to more closely approximate old behaviour (do some initial erasure, adjust min/max angles)