It is now possible to start a game even if not all players are "ready"; a confirmation prompt is shown. This commit updates the server.
Unless the official server is updated, this commit will do nothing new.
Moved room name edit box from footer to top of page. Also shows room name when in slave mode.
Temporarily increased HWForm's min height from 580 to 610.
Start piano higher (piano on maps that matched land_height was really weird before). Experiment w/ trying to make birdy shrink into distance to avoid odd birdy vanishes if tracking it.
lupdate -pro project_files/ -no-obsolete
yes, I think the lupdate commits should be separate and should contain the -no-obsole flag
Centered desc label. (Fixes
issue #461)
Fixes password not actually saving when "save password" is checked in the HWPasswordDialog called by HWForm.
Added padding to QDialogButtonBox buttons.
Fixed code indentation starting on hwform.cpp:1343.
Accidentally left atexit() inside a mac-only section in last revision (
Moved FileEngineHandler instance in main() to be a pointer released "atexit". (Fixes
issue #509)
Moved library version info out of about.html and into a QLabel beneath Hedgehog.png on about page.