2017-09-21 Clarify the default license of media files in CREDITS file
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Thu, 21 Sep 2017 15:47:14 +0200] rev 12470
Clarify the default license of media files in CREDITS file
2017-09-21 Allow skipping in two ASA missions
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Thu, 21 Sep 2017 05:11:01 +0200] rev 12469
Allow skipping in two ASA missions
2017-09-21 Disable Sudden Death for a couple of ASA missions
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Thu, 21 Sep 2017 04:58:37 +0200] rev 12468
Disable Sudden Death for a couple of ASA missions
2017-09-21 Use new turn ending method in moon02.lua
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Thu, 21 Sep 2017 04:25:10 +0200] rev 12467
Use new turn ending method in moon02.lua
2017-09-21 Fix incorrect crate messages when collecting crates in ACF mission 1
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Thu, 21 Sep 2017 03:46:17 +0200] rev 12466
Fix incorrect crate messages when collecting crates in ACF mission 1
2017-09-21 Fix vgtAmmo showing air attack icon if frame is amNothing
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Thu, 21 Sep 2017 03:08:25 +0200] rev 12465
Fix vgtAmmo showing air attack icon if frame is amNothing
2017-09-21 Show “Empty!” when collecting ammo crate with amNothing or 0 ammo
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Thu, 21 Sep 2017 03:07:29 +0200] rev 12464
Show “Empty!” when collecting ammo crate with amNothing or 0 ammo
2017-09-20 Show “Ammo Type (+∞)” when taking crate w/ infinite ammo
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Thu, 21 Sep 2017 01:59:49 +0200] rev 12463
Show “Ammo Type (+∞)” when taking crate w/ infinite ammo
2017-09-20 Fix ammo tooltip icon being white
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Thu, 21 Sep 2017 00:23:40 +0200] rev 12462
Fix ammo tooltip icon being white
2017-09-20 Increase maximum event string message count to 255
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Wed, 20 Sep 2017 20:25:59 +0200] rev 12461
Increase maximum event string message count to 255
2017-09-20 Update Italian translation
Enrico <enricobe@hotmail.com> [Wed, 20 Sep 2017 19:59:25 +0200] rev 12460
Update Italian translation
2017-09-20 ranges for alnum were silly. also lets not fail to same value
nemo [Wed, 20 Sep 2017 13:15:17 -0400] rev 12459
ranges for alnum were silly. also lets not fail to same value
2017-09-20 Data is not part of the path
nemo [Wed, 20 Sep 2017 11:00:43 -0400] rev 12458
Data is not part of the path
2017-09-12 Try to prevent the script safety checking from totally screwing up localisation. Also untested.
nemo [Tue, 12 Sep 2017 16:14:40 -0400] rev 12457
Try to prevent the script safety checking from totally screwing up localisation. Also untested.
2017-09-12 this probably isn't helpful
nemo [Tue, 12 Sep 2017 08:35:13 -0400] rev 12456
this probably isn't helpful
2017-09-12 This should be ok right?
nemo [Tue, 12 Sep 2017 08:32:01 -0400] rev 12455
This should be ok right?
2017-09-11 Totally untested. Trying to ensure scripts loaded more or less match.
nemo [Mon, 11 Sep 2017 14:28:58 -0400] rev 12454
Totally untested. Trying to ensure scripts loaded more or less match.
2017-09-05 fix buffered read going into inf recursion loop
sheepluva [Tue, 05 Sep 2017 21:15:25 +0200] rev 12453
fix buffered read going into inf recursion loop
2017-09-05 fix physfs using inflateCopy() (not part of miniz)
sheepluva [Tue, 05 Sep 2017 20:46:40 +0200] rev 12452
fix physfs using inflateCopy() (not part of miniz)
2017-09-03 PHYSFS: fix off-by-one error
sheepluva [Sun, 03 Sep 2017 19:09:30 +0200] rev 12451
PHYSFS: fix off-by-one error
2017-09-01 remove the collision addition for hogs again.
nemo [Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:24:18 -0400] rev 12450
remove the collision addition for hogs again.
2017-08-10 block spawning on ice slopes
alfadur [Thu, 10 Aug 2017 08:13:37 -0400] rev 12449
block spawning on ice slopes
2017-08-09 So, was trying to allow spawning on level surfaces of ice but not girders, but seems to be failing. We'll call this WIP
nemo [Wed, 09 Aug 2017 15:36:05 -0400] rev 12448
So, was trying to allow spawning on level surfaces of ice but not girders, but seems to be failing. We'll call this WIP
2017-08-09 Add checkins so that spawning on top of things is possible too
nemo [Wed, 09 Aug 2017 15:35:39 -0400] rev 12447
Add checkins so that spawning on top of things is possible too
2017-08-09 trying to eliminate that annoying impact sound for gears that are well under the water and not even exiting it. sheepluva might want to look this over since this is modifying his code and should perhaps be part of the addSplashForGear checks, but hadn't had much luck getting him to examine it past year or so
nemo [Wed, 09 Aug 2017 12:46:52 -0400] rev 12446
trying to eliminate that annoying impact sound for gears that are well under the water and not even exiting it. sheepluva might want to look this over since this is modifying his code and should perhaps be part of the addSplashForGear checks, but hadn't had much luck getting him to examine it past year or so
2017-08-09 don't spawn things on ice. it's too unpredictable what'll happen to them
nemo [Wed, 09 Aug 2017 12:22:05 -0400] rev 12445
don't spawn things on ice. it's too unpredictable what'll happen to them
2017-07-30 while we're tweaking this phrase, "with" feels awkward
nemo [Sun, 30 Jul 2017 19:06:57 -0400] rev 12444
while we're tweaking this phrase, "with" feels awkward
2017-07-28 cleanup/fix .hgignore
sheepluva [Sat, 29 Jul 2017 00:25:38 +0200] rev 12443
cleanup/fix .hgignore
2017-07-28 bug #238 install the .desktop file too
Worldblender [Fri, 28 Jul 2017 18:12:28 -0400] rev 12442
bug #238 install the .desktop file too
2017-07-28 use gender neutral language
Worldblender [Fri, 28 Jul 2017 16:49:38 -0400] rev 12441
use gender neutral language
2017-07-18 Add .git, remove glob from things that aren't globs.
nemo [Tue, 18 Jul 2017 11:29:50 -0400] rev 12440
Add .git, remove glob from things that aren't globs.
2017-07-16 - Add .gitignore (duplicated from .hgignore)
antonc27 <antonc27@mail.ru> [Mon, 17 Jul 2017 00:59:46 +0200] rev 12439
- Add .gitignore (duplicated from .hgignore)
2017-07-14 - Fix fpc download link for travis iOS build
antonc27 <antonc27@mail.ru> [Fri, 14 Jul 2017 19:44:14 +0200] rev 12438
- Fix fpc download link for travis iOS build
2017-07-14 Merge pull request #48 from LocutusOfBorg/trusty
Anton Malmygin <antonc27@mail.ru> [Fri, 14 Jul 2017 14:46:30 +0200] rev 12437
Merge pull request #48 from LocutusOfBorg/trusty Move to trusty travis ci environment
2017-07-10 travis: move to trusty environment
Gianfranco Costamagna <costamagnagianfranco@yahoo.it> [Mon, 10 Jul 2017 14:58:36 +0200] rev 12436
travis: move to trusty environment
2017-03-17 french language updates
tariqbenezza <tariq.benezza@gmail.com> [Fri, 17 Mar 2017 15:58:50 +0100] rev 12435
french language updates
2017-07-13 - Bump iOS version
antonc27 <antonc27@mail.ru> [Thu, 13 Jul 2017 16:23:49 +0200] rev 12434
- Bump iOS version
2017-07-08 fix issue 199: video recording crashed when trying to freeEverything twice
sheepluva [Sun, 09 Jul 2017 00:30:17 +0200] rev 12433
fix issue #199: video recording crashed when trying to freeEverything twice
2017-07-02 update finnish
Janne Uusitupa [Sun, 02 Jul 2017 11:31:00 -0400] rev 12432
update finnish
2017-06-15 bug #230 - Precise aiming is disabled after firing first Deagle shot (when held down)
nemo [Thu, 15 Jun 2017 14:57:16 -0400] rev 12431
bug #230 - Precise aiming is disabled after firing first Deagle shot (when held down)
2017-06-15 Mutant: Fix turn skip of next hog after mutating when TurnTimeLeft = 0
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Thu, 15 Jun 2017 15:50:23 +0200] rev 12430
Mutant: Fix turn skip of next hog after mutating when TurnTimeLeft = 0
2017-05-17 HedgeEditor: Add 2 names to Mushroom Kingdom team identidy to get a full set of 8 hogs
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Thu, 18 May 2017 00:57:15 +0200] rev 12429
HedgeEditor: Add 2 names to Mushroom Kingdom team identidy to get a full set of 8 hogs
2017-05-17 Complete and update German Lua translation (de.lua)
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Thu, 18 May 2017 00:44:16 +0200] rev 12428
Complete and update German Lua translation (de.lua)
2017-05-17 Sort strings in de.lua alphabetically
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Thu, 18 May 2017 00:24:24 +0200] rev 12427
Sort strings in de.lua alphabetically
2017-05-17 Fix even more bad/broken loc()'s in scripts (hopefully the last one)
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Wed, 17 May 2017 23:28:21 +0200] rev 12426
Fix even more bad/broken loc()'s in scripts (hopefully the last one)
2017-05-16 Fix 3 more incorrect uses of loc() in scripts
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Tue, 16 May 2017 23:31:28 +0200] rev 12425
Fix 3 more incorrect uses of loc() in scripts
2017-05-16 Fix various loc() syntax errors in scripts
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Tue, 16 May 2017 21:37:46 +0200] rev 12424
Fix various loc() syntax errors in scripts
2017-05-14 Add Anachron into credits for the Battalion style
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sun, 14 May 2017 19:08:57 +0200] rev 12423
Add Anachron into credits for the Battalion style
2017-05-14 Battalion: RC Plane gets 2 bombs, set air bomb dmg to 20
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sun, 14 May 2017 18:41:18 +0200] rev 12422
Battalion: RC Plane gets 2 bombs, set air bomb dmg to 20
2017-05-14 Battalion: Extend weapon tooltips for modified weapons
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sun, 14 May 2017 17:23:49 +0200] rev 12421
Battalion: Extend weapon tooltips for modified weapons
2017-05-14 Battalion: Make mutated hog names translatable
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sun, 14 May 2017 16:57:05 +0200] rev 12420
Battalion: Make mutated hog names translatable
2017-05-14 Update readme link in Battalion script
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sun, 14 May 2017 16:29:51 +0200] rev 12419
Update readme link in Battalion script
2017-05-14 Show Battalion mission panel for the default time
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sun, 14 May 2017 16:28:32 +0200] rev 12418
Show Battalion mission panel for the default time
2017-05-14 Battalion: Rename “Air-General” to “Air General”
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sun, 14 May 2017 16:27:38 +0200] rev 12417
Battalion: Rename “Air-General” to “Air General”
2017-05-14 Battalion: Don't show SD count at start (it's shown in each round anyway)
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sun, 14 May 2017 16:24:45 +0200] rev 12416
Battalion: Don't show SD count at start (it's shown in each round anyway)
2017-05-14 Rewrite all Battalion strings to be more translator-friendly
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sun, 14 May 2017 16:24:01 +0200] rev 12415
Rewrite all Battalion strings to be more translator-friendly
2017-05-14 Remove IceGun from default Highlander weaponset
sheepluva [Sun, 14 May 2017 15:20:26 +0200] rev 12414
Remove IceGun from default Highlander weaponset
2017-05-14 Added tag 0.9.23-alpha for changeset 8cc070640fd1
sheepluva [Sun, 14 May 2017 14:56:08 +0200] rev 12413
Added tag 0.9.23-alpha for changeset 8cc070640fd1
2017-05-14 New Game-Style: Battalion (version 0.33)
sheepluva [Sun, 14 May 2017 14:06:51 +0200] rev 12412
New Game-Style: Battalion (version 0.33)
2017-05-12 Lua refactor: Replace ParseCommand('setweap… with SetWeapon
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Fri, 12 May 2017 17:15:45 +0200] rev 12411
Lua refactor: Replace ParseCommand('setweap… with SetWeapon
2017-05-12 Remove the buggy /finish chat command
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Fri, 12 May 2017 16:53:29 +0200] rev 12410
Remove the buggy /finish chat command
2017-05-08 Add many, many English announcer messages for crate drops
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Mon, 08 May 2017 03:42:51 +0200] rev 12409
Add many, many English announcer messages for crate drops
2017-05-07 Add a few (adapted) announcer messages suggested by Star and Moon
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Sun, 07 May 2017 13:51:59 +0200] rev 12408
Add a few (adapted) announcer messages suggested by Star and Moon
2017-05-04 Fix skipping in Racer causing the next team to be skipped, too 0.9.23-alpha
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Thu, 04 May 2017 16:49:34 +0200] rev 12407
Fix skipping in Racer causing the next team to be skipped, too
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -64 +64 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 tip