2018-02-20 Wuzzy Lua API: Remove empty functions CampaignLock and CampaignUnlock
2018-02-20 Wuzzy Expose 5 land flags to Lua for use with SetGearCollisionMask
2018-02-20 Wuzzy Fix inconsistent name of SetGearAIHints
2018-02-16 Wuzzy Lua API: Add functons: GetTeamIndex and GetTeamClan
2018-02-16 Wuzzy Add SetTeamLabel to Lua API, can set arbitrary string as team label
2018-02-09 Wuzzy Lua API: AddAmmo unselects weapons before it would remove current ammo from current hog
2018-02-09 Wuzzy Lua API: Add HealHog to heal hog with visual effects + message
2018-02-09 Wuzzy Lua API: Add SpawnSupplyCrate
2018-02-09 Wuzzy Lua API: Add GetTeamName
2018-02-08 Wuzzy Lua API: Add GetWind function to get current wind
2018-02-08 Wuzzy Lua API: Add SetVampiric and SetLaserSight
2018-02-07 Wuzzy Lua API: Add WriteLnToChat
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