2014-09-19 unc0rr - Remove --port command qmlfrontend
2014-05-07 sheepluva rolling back (most of) lua 5.2 compatibility patches. hopefully that will unbreak unC0Rr's lua issues for now.
2014-04-28 sheepluva minimal changes for compatibility with lua 5.2, thanks to v4hn for fixing standard library loads. note: ALSO compatibile with (internal) lua 5.1, until something bothers to upgrade bundled lua version
2014-03-14 unc0rr Move template-based generator into its own file
2014-03-07 unc0rr Perlin noise generator untweaked, temporarily replacing maze generator
2014-03-03 unc0rr - Fix crasher in doStepSniperRifleShot
2014-03-01 unc0rr Fix "don't know how to make hwengine.pas" error
2014-02-25 unc0rr - Make world wrap edges not depend on gear radius
2014-01-21 koda partial merge of the webgl branch
2014-01-17 koda drop redundancies for lua and physfs
2014-01-17 koda use bundled physfs on win and osx
2014-01-16 sheepluva unCORr likes PChar arrays
2014-01-15 sheepluva add compatibility for physicsfs 2.0
2014-01-08 koda fix a few uses of VERSION_* checks
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