author nemo
Fri, 27 Apr 2012 22:25:26 -0400 (2012-04-28)
changeset 6944 fe23137def16
parent 6923 d2405a6a86f5
child 6965 5718ec36900c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Ok, 20,000 was a bit much. Arbitrary multiplier that seems to shove things off enough.
#pragma once

#include <stdbool.h>

typedef union string255_
        struct {
            char s[256];
        struct {
            char len;
            char str[255];
    } string255;
typedef struct string192_
        char s[193];
    } string192;
typedef struct string31_
        char s[32];
    } string31;
typedef struct string15_
        char s[16];
    } string15;

typedef int SmallInt;
typedef int Word;
typedef int LongInt;
typedef int LongWord;
typedef int Byte;
typedef int Integer;
typedef long long int QWord;

typedef float extended;
typedef float real;

typedef bool boolean;

typedef void * pointer;
typedef Byte * PByte;
typedef char * PChar;
typedef LongInt * PLongInt;
typedef Integer * PInteger;

#define new(a) __new((void **)&a, sizeof(*(a)))
void __new(void ** p, int size);

#define dispose(a) __dispose(a, sizeof(*(a)))
void __dispose(pointer p, int size);

#define FillChar(a, b, c) __FillChar(&(a), b, c)

void __FillChar(pointer p, int size, char fill);
string255 _strconcat(string255 a, string255 b);
string255 _strappend(string255 s, char c);
string255 _strprepend(char c, string255 s);
bool _strcompare(string255 a, string255 b);
char * _pchar(string255 s);

int Length(string255 a);
string255 copy(string255 a, int s, int l);
string255 delete(string255 a, int s, int l);

#define STRCONSTDECL(a, b) const string255 a = {.len = sizeof(b), .str = b}

typedef int file;
extern int FileMode;
extern int IOResult;

#define assign(a, b) assign_(&(a), b)
void assign_(int * f, string255 fileName);
void reset(int f, int size);
#define BlockRead(a, b, c, d) BlockRead_(a, &(b), c, &(d))
void BlockRead_(int f, void * p, int size, int * sizeRead);
void close(int f);