Ok, 20,000 was a bit much. Arbitrary multiplier that seems to shove things off enough.
(** Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game* Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the* GNU General Public License for more details.** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA*){$INCLUDE "options.inc"}{$IFDEF WIN32}{$R hwengine.rc}{$ENDIF}{$IFDEF HWLIBRARY}unit hwengine;interface{$ELSE}program hwengine;{$ENDIF}uses SDLh, uMisc, uConsole, uGame, uConsts, uLand, uAmmos, uVisualGears, uGears, uStore, uWorld, uKeys, uSound, uScript, uTeams, uStats, uIO, uLocale, uChat, uAI, uAIMisc, uRandom, uLandTexture, uCollisions, sysutils, uTypes, uVariables, uCommands, uUtils, uCaptions, uDebug, uCommandHandlers, uLandPainted {$IFDEF SDL13}, uTouch{$ENDIF}{$IFDEF ANDROID}, GLUnit{$ENDIF};{$IFDEF HWLIBRARY}procedure initEverything(complete:boolean);procedure freeEverything(complete:boolean);procedure Game(gameArgs: PPChar); cdecl; export;procedure GenLandPreview(port: Longint); cdecl; export;implementation{$ELSE}procedure OnDestroy; forward;procedure initEverything(complete:boolean); forward;procedure freeEverything(complete:boolean); forward;{$ENDIF}////////////////////////////////procedure DoTimer(Lag: LongInt);var s: shortstring;begin inc(RealTicks, Lag); case GameState of gsLandGen: begin GenMap; ParseCommand('sendlanddigest', true); GameState:= gsStart; end; gsStart: begin if HasBorder then DisableSomeWeapons; AddClouds; AddFlakes; AssignHHCoords; AddMiscGears; StoreLoad; InitWorld; ResetKbd; SoundLoad; if GameType = gmtSave then begin isSEBackup:= isSoundEnabled; isSoundEnabled:= false end; FinishProgress; PlayMusic; SetScale(zoom); ScriptCall('onGameStart'); GameState:= gsGame; end; gsConfirm, gsGame: begin DrawWorld(Lag); // never place between ProcessKbd and DoGameTick - bugs due to /put cmd and isCursorVisible// ProcessKbd; DoGameTick(Lag); ProcessVisualGears(Lag); end; gsChat: begin DrawWorld(Lag); DoGameTick(Lag); ProcessVisualGears(Lag); end; gsExit: begin isTerminated:= true; end; gsSuspend: exit; end;{$IFDEF SDL13} SDL_GL_SwapWindow(SDLwindow);{$ELSE} SDL_GL_SwapBuffers();{$ENDIF} if flagMakeCapture then begin flagMakeCapture:= false; s:= 'hw_' + FormatDateTime('YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss', Now()) + inttostr(GameTicks); playSound(sndShutter); if MakeScreenshot(s) then WriteLnToConsole('Screenshot saved: ' + s) else begin WriteLnToConsole('Screenshot failed.'); AddChatString(#5 + 'screen capture failed (lack of memory or write permissions)'); end end;end;////////////////////procedure OnDestroy;begin WriteLnToConsole('Freeing resources...'); FreeActionsList(); StoreRelease(); ControllerClose(); CloseIPC(); TTF_Quit();{$IFDEF SDL13} SDL_GL_DeleteContext(SDLGLcontext); SDL_DestroyWindow(SDLwindow); SDLGLcontext:= nil; SDLwindow:= nil;{$ENDIF} SDL_Quit(); isTerminated:= false;end;///////////////////procedure MainLoop;var event: TSDL_Event; PrevTime, CurrTime: Longword;{$IFDEF SDL13} previousGameState: TGameState;{$ELSE} prevFocusState: boolean;{$ENDIF}begin PrevTime:= SDL_GetTicks; while isTerminated = false do begin SDL_PumpEvents(); while SDL_PeepEvents(@event, 1, SDL_GETEVENT, {$IFDEF SDL13}SDL_FIRSTEVENT, SDL_LASTEVENT{$ELSE}SDL_ALLEVENTS{$ENDIF}) > 0 do begin case event.type_ of{$IFDEF SDL13} SDL_KEYDOWN: if GameState = gsChat then // sdl on iphone supports only ashii keyboards and the unicode field is deprecated in sdl 1.3 KeyPressChat(SDL_GetKeyFromScancode(event.key.keysym.sym))//TODO correct for keymodifiers else ProcessKey(event.key); SDL_KEYUP: if GameState <> gsChat then ProcessKey(event.key); SDL_WINDOWEVENT: if event.window.event = SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN then begin cHasFocus:= true; onFocusStateChanged() end else if event.window.event = SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MINIMIZED then begin previousGameState:= GameState; GameState:= gsSuspend; end else if event.window.event = SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESTORED then begin GameState:= previousGameState;{$IFDEF ANDROID} //This call is used to reinitialize the glcontext and reload the textures ParseCommand('fullscr '+intToStr(LongInt(cFullScreen)), true);{$ENDIF} end else if event.window.event = SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED then begin cNewScreenWidth:= max(2 * (event.window.data1 div 2), cMinScreenWidth); cNewScreenHeight:= max(2 * (event.window.data2 div 2), cMinScreenHeight); cScreenResizeDelay:= RealTicks + 500{$IFDEF IPHONEOS}div 2{$ENDIF}; end; SDL_FINGERMOTION: onTouchMotion(event.tfinger.x, event.tfinger.y,event.tfinger.dx, event.tfinger.dy, event.tfinger.fingerId); SDL_FINGERDOWN: onTouchDown(event.tfinger.x, event.tfinger.y, event.tfinger.fingerId); SDL_FINGERUP: onTouchUp(event.tfinger.x, event.tfinger.y, event.tfinger.fingerId);{$ELSE} SDL_KEYDOWN: if GameState = gsChat then KeyPressChat(event.key.keysym.unicode) else ProcessKey(event.key); SDL_KEYUP: if GameState <> gsChat then ProcessKey(event.key); SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: ProcessMouse(event.button, true); SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: ProcessMouse(event.button, false); SDL_ACTIVEEVENT: if (event.active.state and SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS) <> 0 then begin prevFocusState:= cHasFocus; cHasFocus:= event.active.gain = 1; if prevFocusState xor cHasFocus then onFocusStateChanged() end; SDL_VIDEORESIZE: begin // using lower values than cMinScreenWidth or cMinScreenHeight causes widget overlap and off-screen widget parts // Change by sheepluva: // Let's only use even numbers for custom width/height since I ran into scaling issues with odd width values. // Maybe just fixes the symptom not the actual cause(?), I'm too tired to find out :P cNewScreenWidth:= max(2 * (event.resize.w div 2), cMinScreenWidth); cNewScreenHeight:= max(2 * (event.resize.h div 2), cMinScreenHeight); cScreenResizeDelay:= RealTicks+500; end;{$ENDIF} SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: ControllerAxisEvent(event.jaxis.which, event.jaxis.axis, event.jaxis.value); SDL_JOYHATMOTION: ControllerHatEvent(event.jhat.which, event.jhat.hat, event.jhat.value); SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: ControllerButtonEvent(event.jbutton.which, event.jbutton.button, true); SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: ControllerButtonEvent(event.jbutton.which, event.jbutton.button, false); SDL_QUITEV: isTerminated:= true end; //end case event.type_ of end; //end while SDL_PollEvent(@event) <> 0 do if (cScreenResizeDelay <> 0) and (cScreenResizeDelay < RealTicks) and ((cNewScreenWidth <> cScreenWidth) or (cNewScreenHeight <> cScreenHeight)) then begin cScreenResizeDelay:= 0; cScreenWidth:= cNewScreenWidth; cScreenHeight:= cNewScreenHeight; ParseCommand('fullscr '+intToStr(LongInt(cFullScreen)), true); WriteLnToConsole('window resize: ' + IntToStr(cScreenWidth) + ' x ' + IntToStr(cScreenHeight)); ScriptOnScreenResize(); InitCameraBorders(); InitTouchInterface(); end; if isTerminated = false then begin CurrTime:= SDL_GetTicks; if PrevTime + longword(cTimerInterval) <= CurrTime then begin DoTimer(CurrTime - PrevTime); PrevTime:= CurrTime end else SDL_Delay(1); IPCCheckSock(); end; end;end;///////////////procedure Game{$IFDEF HWLIBRARY}(gameArgs: PPChar); cdecl; export{$ENDIF};var p: TPathType; s: shortstring; i: LongInt;begin{$IFDEF HWLIBRARY} cBits:= 32; cTimerInterval:= 8; cShowFPS:= {$IFDEF DEBUGFILE}true{$ELSE}false{$ENDIF}; val(gameArgs[0], ipcPort); val(gameArgs[1], cScreenWidth); val(gameArgs[2], cScreenHeight); val(gameArgs[3], cReducedQuality); cLocaleFName:= gameArgs[4]; // cFullScreen functionality is platform dependent, ifdef it if you need to modify it cFullScreen:= false; if (Length(cLocaleFName) > 6) then cLocale := Copy(cLocaleFName,1,5) else cLocale := Copy(cLocaleFName,1,2); UserNick:= gameArgs[5]; isSoundEnabled:= gameArgs[6] = '1'; isMusicEnabled:= gameArgs[7] = '1'; cAltDamage:= gameArgs[8] = '1'; PathPrefix:= gameArgs[9]; UserPathPrefix:= '../Documents'; recordFileName:= gameArgs[10]; cStereoMode:= smNone;{$ENDIF} cMinScreenWidth:= min(cScreenWidth, cMinScreenWidth); cMinScreenHeight:= min(cScreenHeight, cMinScreenHeight); cOrigScreenWidth:= cScreenWidth; cOrigScreenHeight:= cScreenHeight; initEverything(true); WriteLnToConsole('Hedgewars ' + cVersionString + ' engine (network protocol: ' + inttostr(cNetProtoVersion) + ')'); AddFileLog('Prefix: "' + PathPrefix +'"'); AddFileLog('UserPrefix: "' + UserPathPrefix +'"'); for i:= 0 to ParamCount do AddFileLog(inttostr(i) + ': ' + ParamStr(i)); for p:= Succ(Low(TPathType)) to High(TPathType) do if (p <> ptMapCurrent) and (p <> ptData) then UserPathz[p]:= UserPathPrefix + '/Data/' + Pathz[p]; UserPathz[ptData]:= UserPathPrefix + '/Data'; for p:= Succ(Low(TPathType)) to High(TPathType) do if p <> ptMapCurrent then Pathz[p]:= PathPrefix + '/' + Pathz[p]; WriteToConsole('Init SDL... '); SDLTry(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO or SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE) >= 0, true); WriteLnToConsole(msgOK); SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); SDL_ShowCursor(0); WriteToConsole('Init SDL_ttf... '); SDLTry(TTF_Init() <> -1, true); WriteLnToConsole(msgOK); // show main window if cFullScreen then ParseCommand('fullscr 1', true) else ParseCommand('fullscr 0', true); ControllerInit(); // has to happen before InitKbdKeyTable to map keys InitKbdKeyTable(); AddProgress(); LoadLocale(UserPathz[ptLocale] + '/en.txt'); // Do an initial load with english LoadLocale(Pathz[ptLocale] + '/en.txt'); // Do an initial load with english if cLocaleFName <> 'en.txt' then begin // Try two letter locale first before trying specific locale overrides if (Length(cLocale) > 2) and (Copy(cLocale,1,2) <> 'en') then begin LoadLocale(UserPathz[ptLocale] + '/' + Copy(cLocale,1,2)+'.txt'); LoadLocale(Pathz[ptLocale] + '/' + Copy(cLocale,1,2)+'.txt') end; LoadLocale(UserPathz[ptLocale] + '/' + cLocaleFName); LoadLocale(Pathz[ptLocale] + '/' + cLocaleFName) end else cLocale := 'en'; WriteLnToConsole(msgGettingConfig); if recordFileName = '' then begin InitIPC; SendIPCAndWaitReply('C'); // ask for game config end else LoadRecordFromFile(recordFileName); ScriptOnGameInit; s:= 'eproto ' + inttostr(cNetProtoVersion); SendIPCRaw(@s[0], Length(s) + 1); // send proto version InitTeams(); AssignStores(); if isSoundEnabled then InitSound(); isDeveloperMode:= false; TryDo(InitStepsFlags = cifAllInited, 'Some parameters not set (flags = ' + inttostr(InitStepsFlags) + ')', true); ParseCommand('rotmask', true); MainLoop(); // clean up SDL and GL context OnDestroy(); // clean up all the other memory allocated freeEverything(true); if alsoShutdownFrontend then halt;end;procedure initEverything (complete:boolean);begin Randomize(); if complete then cLogfileBase:= 'game' else cLogfileBase:= 'preview'; // uConsts does not need initialization as they are all consts uUtils.initModule; uMisc.initModule; uVariables.initModule; uConsole.initModule; // MUST happen after uMisc uCommands.initModule; uCommandHandlers.initModule; uLand.initModule; uLandPainted.initModule; uIO.initModule; if complete then begin{$IFDEF ANDROID}GLUnit.init;{$ENDIF}{$IFDEF SDL13}uTouch.initModule;{$ENDIF} uAI.initModule; //uAIActions does not need initialization //uAIAmmoTests does not need initialization uAIMisc.initModule; uAmmos.initModule; uChat.initModule; uCollisions.initModule; //uFloat does not need initialization //uGame does not need initialization uGears.initModule; uKeys.initModule; //uLandGraphics does not need initialization //uLandObjects does not need initialization //uLandTemplates does not need initialization uLandTexture.initModule; //uLocale does not need initialization uRandom.initModule; uScript.initModule; uSound.initModule; uStats.initModule; uStore.initModule; uTeams.initModule; uVisualGears.initModule; uWorld.initModule; uCaptions.initModule; end;end;procedure freeEverything (complete:boolean);begin if complete then begin uCaptions.freeModule; uWorld.freeModule; uVisualGears.freeModule; uTeams.freeModule; uStore.freeModule; //stub uStats.freeModule; //stub uSound.freeModule; uScript.freeModule; uRandom.freeModule; //stub //uLocale does not need to be freed //uLandTemplates does not need to be freed uLandTexture.freeModule; //uLandObjects does not need to be freed //uLandGraphics does not need to be freed uKeys.freeModule; //stub uGears.freeModule; //uGame does not need to be freed //uFloat does not need to be freed uCollisions.freeModule; //stub uChat.freeModule; uAmmos.freeModule; uAIMisc.freeModule; //stub //uAIAmmoTests does not need to be freed //uAIActions does not need to be freed uAI.freeModule; //stub end; uIO.freeModule; //stub uLand.freeModule; uLandPainted.freeModule; uCommandHandlers.freeModule; uCommands.freeModule; uConsole.freeModule; uVariables.freeModule; uUtils.freeModule; uMisc.freeModule; // uMisc closes the debug log.end;/////////////////////////procedure GenLandPreview{$IFDEF HWLIBRARY}(port: LongInt); cdecl; export{$ENDIF};var Preview: TPreview;begin initEverything(false);{$IFDEF HWLIBRARY} WriteLnToConsole('Preview connecting on port ' + inttostr(port)); ipcPort:= port; InitStepsFlags:= cifRandomize;{$ENDIF} InitIPC; IPCWaitPongEvent; TryDo(InitStepsFlags = cifRandomize, 'Some parameters not set (flags = ' + inttostr(InitStepsFlags) + ')', true); Preview:= GenPreview(); WriteLnToConsole('Sending preview...'); SendIPCRaw(@Preview, sizeof(Preview)); SendIPCRaw(@MaxHedgehogs, sizeof(byte)); WriteLnToConsole('Preview sent, disconnect'); CloseIPC(); freeEverything(false);end;{$IFNDEF HWLIBRARY}/////////////////////procedure DisplayUsage;var i: LongInt;begin WriteLn('Wrong argument format: correct configurations is'); WriteLn(); WriteLn(' hwengine <path to user hedgewars folder> <path to global data folder> <path to replay file> [options]'); WriteLn(); WriteLn('where [options] must be specified either as:'); WriteLn(' --set-video [screen width] [screen height] [color dept]'); WriteLn(' --set-audio [volume] [enable music] [enable sounds]'); WriteLn(' --set-other [language file] [full screen] [show FPS]'); WriteLn(' --set-multimedia [screen width] [screen height] [color dept] [volume] [enable music] [enable sounds] [language file] [full screen]'); WriteLn(' --set-everything [screen width] [screen height] [color dept] [volume] [enable music] [enable sounds] [language file] [full screen] [show FPS] [alternate damage] [timer value] [reduced quality]'); WriteLn(' --stats-only'); WriteLn(); WriteLn('Read documentation online at http://code.google.com/p/hedgewars/wiki/CommandLineOptions for more information'); WriteLn(); Write('PARSED COMMAND: '); for i:=0 to ParamCount do Write(ParamStr(i) + ' '); WriteLn();end;////////////////////{$INCLUDE "ArgParsers.inc"}procedure GetParams;begin if (ParamCount < 3) then GameType:= gmtSyntax else if (ParamCount = 3) and ((ParamStr(3) = '--stats-only') or (ParamStr(3) = 'landpreview')) then internalSetGameTypeLandPreviewFromParameters() else if (ParamCount = cDefaultParamNum) then internalStartGameWithParameters() else playReplayFileWithParameters();end;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// m a i n ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////begin GetParams(); if (Length(cLocaleFName) > 6) then cLocale := Copy(cLocaleFName,1,5) else cLocale := Copy(cLocaleFName,1,2); if GameType = gmtLandPreview then GenLandPreview() else if GameType = gmtSyntax then DisplayUsage() else Game(); // return 1 when engine is not called correctly ExitCode:= LongInt(GameType = gmtSyntax);{$ENDIF}end.