So. A while ago, while trying to prevent hogs blowtorching getting turned around, unc0rr altered the old range of blowtorch from 1/8th of 180° up or down, to a 4° gain in upwards and a -4° loss in downwards. He also made it so that starting tunnels could fail to erase sufficient terrain, trapping hogs. Here are a couple of workarounds to more closely approximate old behaviour (do some initial erasure, adjust min/max angles)
/* */
/* ttobjs.h */
/* */
/* Objects manager (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2009, 2011 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __TTOBJS_H__
#define __TTOBJS_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* TT_Driver */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A handle to a TrueType driver object. */
/* */
typedef struct TT_DriverRec_* TT_Driver;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* TT_Instance */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A handle to a TrueType size object. */
/* */
typedef struct TT_SizeRec_* TT_Size;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* TT_GlyphSlot */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A handle to a TrueType glyph slot object. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* This is a direct typedef of FT_GlyphSlot, as there is nothing */
/* specific about the TrueType glyph slot. */
/* */
typedef FT_GlyphSlot TT_GlyphSlot;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* TT_GraphicsState */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* The TrueType graphics state used during bytecode interpretation. */
/* */
typedef struct TT_GraphicsState_
FT_UShort rp0;
FT_UShort rp1;
FT_UShort rp2;
FT_UnitVector dualVector;
FT_UnitVector projVector;
FT_UnitVector freeVector;
FT_Bool both_x_axis;
FT_Long loop;
FT_F26Dot6 minimum_distance;
FT_Int round_state;
FT_Bool auto_flip;
FT_F26Dot6 control_value_cutin;
FT_F26Dot6 single_width_cutin;
FT_F26Dot6 single_width_value;
FT_Short delta_base;
FT_Short delta_shift;
FT_Byte instruct_control;
/* According to Greg Hitchcock from Microsoft, the `scan_control' */
/* variable as documented in the TrueType specification is a 32-bit */
/* integer; the high-word part holds the SCANTYPE value, the low-word */
/* part the SCANCTRL value. We separate it into two fields. */
FT_Bool scan_control;
FT_Int scan_type;
FT_UShort gep0;
FT_UShort gep1;
FT_UShort gep2;
} TT_GraphicsState;
FT_LOCAL( void )
tt_glyphzone_done( TT_GlyphZone zone );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
tt_glyphzone_new( FT_Memory memory,
FT_UShort maxPoints,
FT_Short maxContours,
TT_GlyphZone zone );
/* */
/* */
/* These sub-tables relate to instruction execution. */
/* */
/* */
/* There can only be 3 active code ranges at once: */
/* - the Font Program */
/* - the CVT Program */
/* - a glyph's instructions set */
/* */
typedef enum TT_CodeRange_Tag_
tt_coderange_none = 0,
} TT_CodeRange_Tag;
typedef struct TT_CodeRange_
FT_Byte* base;
FT_ULong size;
} TT_CodeRange;
typedef TT_CodeRange TT_CodeRangeTable[TT_MAX_CODE_RANGES];
/* */
/* Defines a function/instruction definition record. */
/* */
typedef struct TT_DefRecord_
FT_Int range; /* in which code range is it located? */
FT_Long start; /* where does it start? */
FT_UInt opc; /* function #, or instruction code */
FT_Bool active; /* is it active? */
} TT_DefRecord, *TT_DefArray;
/* */
/* Subglyph transformation record. */
/* */
typedef struct TT_Transform_
FT_Fixed xx, xy; /* transformation matrix coefficients */
FT_Fixed yx, yy;
FT_F26Dot6 ox, oy; /* offsets */
} TT_Transform;
/* */
/* A note regarding non-squared pixels: */
/* */
/* (This text will probably go into some docs at some time; for now, it */
/* is kept here to explain some definitions in the TT_Size_Metrics */
/* record). */
/* */
/* The CVT is a one-dimensional array containing values that control */
/* certain important characteristics in a font, like the height of all */
/* capitals, all lowercase letter, default spacing or stem width/height. */
/* */
/* These values are found in FUnits in the font file, and must be scaled */
/* to pixel coordinates before being used by the CVT and glyph programs. */
/* Unfortunately, when using distinct x and y resolutions (or distinct x */
/* and y pointsizes), there are two possible scalings. */
/* */
/* A first try was to implement a `lazy' scheme where all values were */
/* scaled when first used. However, while some values are always used */
/* in the same direction, some others are used under many different */
/* circumstances and orientations. */
/* */
/* I have found a simpler way to do the same, and it even seems to work */
/* in most of the cases: */
/* */
/* - All CVT values are scaled to the maximum ppem size. */
/* */
/* - When performing a read or write in the CVT, a ratio factor is used */
/* to perform adequate scaling. Example: */
/* */
/* x_ppem = 14 */
/* y_ppem = 10 */
/* */
/* We choose ppem = x_ppem = 14 as the CVT scaling size. All cvt */
/* entries are scaled to it. */
/* */
/* x_ratio = 1.0 */
/* y_ratio = y_ppem/ppem (< 1.0) */
/* */
/* We compute the current ratio like: */
/* */
/* - If projVector is horizontal, */
/* ratio = x_ratio = 1.0 */
/* */
/* - if projVector is vertical, */
/* ratio = y_ratio */
/* */
/* - else, */
/* ratio = sqrt( (proj.x * x_ratio) ^ 2 + (proj.y * y_ratio) ^ 2 ) */
/* */
/* Reading a cvt value returns */
/* ratio * cvt[index] */
/* */
/* Writing a cvt value in pixels: */
/* cvt[index] / ratio */
/* */
/* The current ppem is simply */
/* ratio * ppem */
/* */
/* */
/* Metrics used by the TrueType size and context objects. */
/* */
typedef struct TT_Size_Metrics_
/* for non-square pixels */
FT_Long x_ratio;
FT_Long y_ratio;
FT_UShort ppem; /* maximum ppem size */
FT_Long ratio; /* current ratio */
FT_Fixed scale;
FT_F26Dot6 compensations[4]; /* device-specific compensations */
FT_Bool valid;
FT_Bool rotated; /* `is the glyph rotated?'-flag */
FT_Bool stretched; /* `is the glyph stretched?'-flag */
} TT_Size_Metrics;
/* */
/* TrueType size class. */
/* */
typedef struct TT_SizeRec_
FT_SizeRec root;
/* we have our own copy of metrics so that we can modify */
/* it without affecting auto-hinting (when used) */
FT_Size_Metrics metrics;
TT_Size_Metrics ttmetrics;
FT_ULong strike_index; /* 0xFFFFFFFF to indicate invalid */
FT_UInt num_function_defs; /* number of function definitions */
FT_UInt max_function_defs;
TT_DefArray function_defs; /* table of function definitions */
FT_UInt num_instruction_defs; /* number of ins. definitions */
FT_UInt max_instruction_defs;
TT_DefArray instruction_defs; /* table of ins. definitions */
FT_UInt max_func;
FT_UInt max_ins;
TT_CodeRangeTable codeRangeTable;
TT_GraphicsState GS;
FT_ULong cvt_size; /* the scaled control value table */
FT_Long* cvt;
FT_UShort storage_size; /* The storage area is now part of */
FT_Long* storage; /* the instance */
TT_GlyphZoneRec twilight; /* The instance's twilight zone */
/* debugging variables */
/* When using the debugger, we must keep the */
/* execution context tied to the instance */
/* object rather than asking it on demand. */
FT_Bool debug;
TT_ExecContext context;
FT_Bool bytecode_ready;
FT_Bool cvt_ready;
} TT_SizeRec;
/* */
/* TrueType driver class. */
/* */
typedef struct TT_DriverRec_
FT_DriverRec root;
TT_ExecContext context; /* execution context */
TT_GlyphZoneRec zone; /* glyph loader points zone */
void* extension_component;
} TT_DriverRec;
/* Note: All of the functions below (except tt_size_reset()) are used */
/* as function pointers in a FT_Driver_ClassRec. Therefore their */
/* parameters are of types FT_Face, FT_Size, etc., rather than TT_Face, */
/* TT_Size, etc., so that the compiler can confirm that the types and */
/* number of parameters are correct. In all cases the FT_xxx types are */
/* cast to their TT_xxx counterparts inside the functions since FreeType */
/* will always use the TT driver to create them. */
/* */
/* Face functions */
/* */
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
tt_face_init( FT_Stream stream,
FT_Face ttface, /* TT_Face */
FT_Int face_index,
FT_Int num_params,
FT_Parameter* params );
FT_LOCAL( void )
tt_face_done( FT_Face ttface ); /* TT_Face */
/* */
/* Size functions */
/* */
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
tt_size_init( FT_Size ttsize ); /* TT_Size */
FT_LOCAL( void )
tt_size_done( FT_Size ttsize ); /* TT_Size */
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
tt_size_run_fpgm( TT_Size size,
FT_Bool pedantic );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
tt_size_run_prep( TT_Size size,
FT_Bool pedantic );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
tt_size_ready_bytecode( TT_Size size,
FT_Bool pedantic );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
tt_size_reset( TT_Size size );
/* */
/* Driver functions */
/* */
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
tt_driver_init( FT_Module ttdriver ); /* TT_Driver */
FT_LOCAL( void )
tt_driver_done( FT_Module ttdriver ); /* TT_Driver */
/* */
/* Slot functions */
/* */
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
tt_slot_init( FT_GlyphSlot slot );
#endif /* __TTOBJS_H__ */
/* END */