author | nemo |
Thu, 16 Dec 2010 14:34:11 -0500 | |
changeset 4544 | d999e3221e3d |
parent 4413 | 46caab3a8f84 |
child 4824 | efbc8f80acac |
permissions | -rw-r--r-- |
(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2008 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA *) {$INCLUDE ""} unit uStats; interface uses uConsts, uTypes; var TotalRounds: LongInt; FinishedTurnsTotal: LongInt; procedure initModule; procedure freeModule; procedure AmmoUsed(am: TAmmoType); procedure HedgehogDamaged(Gear: PGear); procedure Skipped; procedure TurnReaction; procedure SendStats; implementation uses uSound, uLocale, uVariables, uUtils, uIO, uCaptions, uDebug, uMisc; var DamageGiven : Longword = 0; DamageClan : Longword = 0; DamageTotal : Longword = 0; KillsClan : LongWord = 0; Kills : LongWord = 0; KillsTotal : LongWord = 0; AmmoUsedCount : Longword = 0; AmmoDamagingUsed : boolean = false; SkippedTurns: LongWord = 0; isTurnSkipped: boolean = false; vpHurtSameClan: PVoicepack = nil; vpHurtEnemy: PVoicepack = nil; procedure HedgehogDamaged(Gear: PGear); begin if CurrentHedgehog^.Team^.Clan = Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Clan then vpHurtSameClan:= CurrentHedgehog^.Team^.voicepack else vpHurtEnemy:= Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.voicepack; if bBetweenTurns then exit; ////////////////////////// if Gear <> CurrentHedgehog^.Gear then inc(CurrentHedgehog^.stats.StepDamageGiven, Gear^.Damage); if CurrentHedgehog^.Team^.Clan = Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Clan then inc(DamageClan, Gear^.Damage); if Gear^.Health <= Gear^.Damage then begin inc(CurrentHedgehog^.stats.StepKills); inc(Kills); inc(KillsTotal); inc(CurrentHedgehog^.Team^.stats.Kills); if (CurrentHedgehog^.Team^.TeamName = Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.TeamName) then begin inc(CurrentHedgehog^.Team^.stats.TeamKills); inc(CurrentHedgehog^.Team^.stats.TeamDamage, Gear^.Damage); end; if CurrentHedgehog^.Team^.Clan = Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Clan then inc(KillsClan); end; inc(Gear^.Hedgehog^.stats.StepDamageRecv, Gear^.Damage); inc(DamageGiven, Gear^.Damage); inc(DamageTotal, Gear^.Damage) end; procedure Skipped; begin inc(SkippedTurns); isTurnSkipped:= true end; procedure TurnReaction; var i, t: LongInt; begin TryDo(not bBetweenTurns, 'Engine bug: TurnReaction between turns', true); inc(FinishedTurnsTotal); if FinishedTurnsTotal <> 0 then begin inc(CurrentHedgehog^.stats.FinishedTurns); if (DamageGiven = DamageTotal) and (DamageTotal > 0) then PlaySound(sndFirstBlood, CurrentTeam^.voicepack) else if CurrentHedgehog^.stats.StepDamageRecv > 0 then begin PlaySound(sndStupid, PreviousTeam^.voicepack); if DamageGiven = CurrentHedgehog^.stats.StepDamageRecv then AddCaption(Format(GetEventString(eidHurtSelf), CurrentHedgehog^.Name), cWhiteColor, capgrpMessage); end else if DamageClan <> 0 then if DamageTotal > DamageClan then if random(2) = 0 then PlaySound(sndNutter, CurrentTeam^.voicepack) else PlaySound(sndWatchIt, vpHurtSameClan) else if random(2) = 0 then PlaySound(sndSameTeam, vpHurtSameClan) else PlaySound(sndTraitor, vpHurtSameClan) else if DamageGiven <> 0 then if Kills > 0 then PlaySound(sndEnemyDown, CurrentTeam^.voicepack) else PlaySound(sndRegret, vpHurtEnemy) else if AmmoDamagingUsed then PlaySound(sndMissed, PreviousTeam^.voicepack) else if (AmmoUsedCount > 0) and not isTurnSkipped then // nothing ? else if isTurnSkipped then begin PlaySound(sndBoring, PreviousTeam^.voicepack); AddCaption(Format(GetEventString(eidTurnSkipped), CurrentHedgehog^.Name), cWhiteColor, capgrpMessage); end else if not PlacingHogs then PlaySound(sndCoward, PreviousTeam^.voicepack); end; for t:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do // send even on zero turn with TeamsArray[t]^ do for i:= 0 to cMaxHHIndex do with Hedgehogs[i].stats do begin inc(DamageRecv, StepDamageRecv); inc(DamageGiven, StepDamageGiven); if StepDamageRecv > MaxStepDamageRecv then MaxStepDamageRecv:= StepDamageRecv; if StepDamageGiven > MaxStepDamageGiven then MaxStepDamageGiven:= StepDamageGiven; if StepKills > MaxStepKills then MaxStepKills:= StepKills; StepKills:= 0; StepDamageRecv:= 0; StepDamageGiven:= 0 end; for t:= 0 to Pred(ClansCount) do with ClansArray[t]^ do begin SendStat(siClanHealth, IntToStr(Color) + ' ' + IntToStr(ClanHealth)); end; Kills:= 0; KillsClan:= 0; DamageGiven:= 0; DamageClan:= 0; AmmoUsedCount:= 0; AmmoDamagingUsed:= false; isTurnSkipped:= false end; procedure AmmoUsed(am: TAmmoType); begin inc(AmmoUsedCount); AmmoDamagingUsed:= AmmoDamagingUsed or Ammoz[am].isDamaging end; procedure SendStats; var i, t: LongInt; msd, msk: Longword; msdhh, mskhh: PHedgehog; mskcnt: Longword; maxTeamKills : Longword; maxTeamKillsName : shortstring; maxTurnSkips : Longword; maxTurnSkipsName : shortstring; maxTeamDamage : Longword; maxTeamDamageName : shortstring; begin msd:= 0; msdhh:= nil; msk:= 0; mskhh:= nil; mskcnt:= 0; maxTeamKills := 0; maxTurnSkips := 0; maxTeamDamage := 0; for t:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do with TeamsArray[t]^ do begin if not ExtDriven then SendStat(siTeamStats, GetTeamStatString(TeamsArray[t])); for i:= 0 to cMaxHHIndex do begin if Hedgehogs[i].stats.MaxStepDamageGiven > msd then begin msdhh:= @Hedgehogs[i]; msd:= Hedgehogs[i].stats.MaxStepDamageGiven end; if Hedgehogs[i].stats.MaxStepKills >= msk then if Hedgehogs[i].stats.MaxStepKills = msk then inc(mskcnt) else begin mskcnt:= 1; mskhh:= @Hedgehogs[i]; msk:= Hedgehogs[i].stats.MaxStepKills end; end; { send player stats for winner teams } if Clan^.ClanHealth > 0 then begin SendStat(siPlayerKills, IntToStr(Clan^.Color) + ' ' + IntToStr(stats.Kills) + ' ' + TeamName); end; { determine maximum values of TeamKills, TurnSkips, TeamDamage } if stats.TeamKills > maxTeamKills then begin maxTeamKills := stats.TeamKills; maxTeamKillsName := TeamName; end; if stats.TurnSkips > maxTurnSkips then begin maxTurnSkips := stats.TurnSkips; maxTurnSkipsName := TeamName; end; if stats.TeamDamage > maxTeamDamage then begin maxTeamDamage := stats.TeamDamage; maxTeamDamageName := TeamName; end; end; { now send player stats for loser teams } for t:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do begin with TeamsArray[t]^ do begin if Clan^.ClanHealth = 0 then begin SendStat(siPlayerKills, IntToStr(Clan^.Color) + ' ' + IntToStr(stats.Kills) + ' ' + TeamName); end; end; end; if msdhh <> nil then SendStat(siMaxStepDamage, IntToStr(msd) + ' ' + msdhh^.Name + ' (' + msdhh^.Team^.TeamName + ')'); if mskcnt = 1 then SendStat(siMaxStepKills, IntToStr(msk) + ' ' + mskhh^.Name + ' (' + mskhh^.Team^.TeamName + ')'); if maxTeamKills > 1 then SendStat(siMaxTeamKills, IntToStr(maxTeamKills) + ' ' + maxTeamKillsName); if maxTurnSkips > 2 then SendStat(siMaxTurnSkips, IntToStr(maxTurnSkips) + ' ' + maxTurnSkipsName); if maxTeamDamage > 30 then SendStat(siMaxTeamDamage, IntToStr(maxTeamDamage) + ' ' + maxTeamDamageName); if KilledHHs > 0 then SendStat(siKilledHHs, IntToStr(KilledHHs)); end; procedure initModule; begin TotalRounds:= -1; FinishedTurnsTotal:= -1; end; procedure freeModule; begin end; end.