HedgeEditor: Make landgun spawn in utility crates and sort list of ammo types to reflect the ammo menu ordering
#if 0
#include <stdio.h>
#include "fpcrtl.h"
#include "fileio.h"
string255 t = STRINIT("test");
string255 Pathz[1] = {STRINIT(".")};
//int ptCurrTheme = 0;
string255 cThemeCFGFilename = STRINIT("theme.cfg");
const string255 __str79 = STRINIT("object");
string255 c1 = STRINIT("=");
string255 c2 = STRINIT("\x2c");
string255 c3 = STRINIT("\x2f");
typedef struct __TResourceList {
Integer count;
string255 files[500 + 1];
} TResourceList;
TResourceList readThemeCfg_0()
TResourceList readthemecfg_result;
string255 s;
string255 key;
TextFile f;
Integer i;
TResourceList result;
int t = 0;
s = _strconcat(_strappend(Pathz[ptCurrTheme], '\x2f'), cThemeCFGFilename);
assign(&f, s);
if (f.fp == NULL) {
readthemecfg_result.count = 0;
return readthemecfg_result;
result.count = 0;
while (!eof(&f)) {
readLnS(&f, &s);
if ((Length(s)) == (0)) {
if ((s.s[1]) == ('\x3b')) {
i = pos(c1, s);
key = fpcrtl_trim(fpcrtl_copy(s, 1, i - 1));
fpcrtl_delete(&s, 1, i);
if (_strcompare(key, __str79)) {
i = pos(c2, s);
result.files[result.count] = _strconcat(_strappend(Pathz[ptCurrTheme], '\x2f'), trim(copy(s, 1, i - 1)));
readthemecfg_result = result;
return readthemecfg_result;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int i;
TResourceList result = readThemeCfg_0();
for(i = 0; i < result.count; i++) {
printf("%s\n", result.files[i].str);