King Mode: Fix king placement phase not working correctly with multiple teams in a clan
New king placement phase rules:
* Before the game begins, each team can walk with their king and teleport for free, everything else is disabled
* This special round does not count towards the round counter, like in gfPlaceHog
* TotalRounds is set to -1 during this round, like in gfPlaceHog
Under the old rules, this was much more hacky. The delay of all delay-less weapons was just set to 1
The problem with the old rules was that if any clan had more than 1 team, eventually the weapon delay will time out before all kings have been placed.
#include <QImage>
#include <QObject>
#include <QOpenGLContext>
#include "engine_interface.h"
#include "game_config.h"
class EngineInstance : public QObject {
explicit EngineInstance(const QString& libraryPath,
QObject* parent = nullptr);
Q_PROPERTY(bool isValid READ isValid NOTIFY isValidChanged)
void sendConfig(const GameConfig& config);
void renderFrame();
void setOpenGLContext(QOpenGLContext* context);
QImage generatePreview();
bool isValid() const;
void isValidChanged(bool isValid);
public slots:
void advance(quint32 ticks);
void moveCamera(const QPoint& delta);
void simpleEvent(Engine::SimpleEventType event_type);
void longEvent(Engine::LongEventType event_type,
Engine::LongEventState state);
void positionedEvent(Engine::PositionedEventType event_type, qint32 x,
qint32 y);
Engine::EngineInstance* m_instance;
Engine::start_engine_t* start_engine;
Engine::generate_preview_t* generate_preview;
Engine::dispose_preview_t* dispose_preview;
Engine::cleanup_t* cleanup;
Engine::send_ipc_t* send_ipc;
Engine::read_ipc_t* read_ipc;
Engine::setup_current_gl_context_t* setup_current_gl_context;
Engine::render_frame_t* render_frame;
Engine::advance_simulation_t* advance_simulation;
Engine::move_camera_t* move_camera;
Engine::simple_event_t* simple_event;
Engine::long_event_t* long_event;
Engine::positioned_event_t* positioned_event;
bool m_isValid;