Stop SplitByChar also lowercasing the entire string. Fixes bug #581.
It's weird that a function with this name would lowercase the whole string.
Nemo and I have checked the history and code for any justifications of the
lowercasing but we found none.
I have checked in the code if anything actually depends on SplitByChar also
lowercasing the string but I found nothing.
It would surprise me since it's not obvious from the name IMO is bad
coding practice anyway.
Bug 581 is fixed by this because cLocale was (incorrectly) lowercased,
which broke locale names like pt_BR to pt_br.
/* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */#include "LibavInteraction.h"#ifdef VIDEORECextern "C"{#include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"#include "libavformat/avformat.h"#include "libavutil/avutil.h"}#include <QVector>#include <QList>#include <QComboBox>#include "HWApplication.h"// compatibility section#if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < AV_VERSION_INT(54, 8, 0)#define av_codec_is_encoder(x) x->encode#endif#if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MAJOR < 55#define AVCodecID CodecID#endif#if LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_MAJOR < 54#define avformat_find_stream_info(x, y) av_find_stream_info(x)#define avformat_close_input(x) av_close_input_file(*(x))#endif#if LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_MAJOR < 54#define AVPixelFormat PixelFormat#define AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P PIX_FMT_YUV420P#endifstruct Codec{ AVCodecID id; bool isAudio; QString shortName; // used for identification QString longName; // used for displaying to user bool isRecomended;};struct Format{ QString shortName; QString longName; bool isRecomended; QString extension; QVector<Codec*> codecs;};QList<Codec> codecs;QMap<QString,Format> formats;// test if given format supports given codecbool FormatQueryCodec(AVOutputFormat *ofmt, enum AVCodecID codec_id){#if LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 54 return avformat_query_codec(ofmt, codec_id, FF_COMPLIANCE_NORMAL) == 1;#else if (ofmt->codec_tag) return !!av_codec_get_tag(ofmt->codec_tag, codec_id); return codec_id == ofmt->video_codec || codec_id == ofmt->audio_codec;#endif}LibavInteraction::LibavInteraction() : QObject(){ // initialize libav and register all codecs and formats av_register_all(); // get list of all codecs AVCodec* pCodec = NULL; while ((pCodec = av_codec_next(pCodec))) { if (!av_codec_is_encoder(pCodec)) continue; if (pCodec->type != AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO && pCodec->type != AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) continue; // this encoders seems to be buggy if (strcmp(pCodec->name, "rv10") == 0 || strcmp(pCodec->name, "rv20") == 0) continue; // doesn't support stereo sound if (strcmp(pCodec->name, "real_144") == 0) continue; if (!pCodec->long_name || strlen(pCodec->long_name) == 0) continue; if (pCodec->type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { if (pCodec->supported_framerates != NULL) continue; // check if codec supports yuv 4:2:0 format if (!pCodec->pix_fmts) continue; bool yuv420Supported = false; for (const enum AVPixelFormat* pfmt = pCodec->pix_fmts; *pfmt != -1; pfmt++) if (*pfmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P) { yuv420Supported = true; break; } if (!yuv420Supported) continue; } if (pCodec->type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { // check if codec supports signed 16-bit format if (!pCodec->sample_fmts) continue; bool s16Supported = false; for (const enum AVSampleFormat* pfmt = pCodec->sample_fmts; *pfmt != -1; pfmt++) if (*pfmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16) { s16Supported = true; break; } if (!s16Supported) continue; } // add codec to list of codecs codecs.push_back(Codec()); Codec & codec = codecs.back(); = pCodec->id; codec.isAudio = pCodec->type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO; codec.shortName = pCodec->name; codec.longName = pCodec->long_name; codec.isRecomended = false; if (strcmp(pCodec->name, "libx264") == 0) { codec.longName = "H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10 AVC (x264)"; codec.isRecomended = true; } else if (strcmp(pCodec->name, "libxvid") == 0) { codec.longName = "MPEG-4 Part 2 (Xvid)"; codec.isRecomended = true; } else if (strcmp(pCodec->name, "libmp3lame") == 0) { codec.longName = "MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3) (LAME)"; codec.isRecomended = true; } else codec.longName = pCodec->long_name; if (strcmp(pCodec->name, "mpeg4") == 0 || strcmp(pCodec->name, "ac3_fixed") == 0) codec.isRecomended = true; // FIXME: remove next line //codec.longName += QString(" (%1)").arg(codec.shortName); } // get list of all formats AVOutputFormat* pFormat = NULL; while ((pFormat = av_oformat_next(pFormat))) { if (!pFormat->extensions) continue; // skip some strange formats to not confuse users if (strstr(pFormat->long_name, "raw")) continue; Format format; bool hasVideoCodec = false; for (QList<Codec>::iterator codec = codecs.begin(); codec != codecs.end(); ++codec) { if (!FormatQueryCodec(pFormat, codec->id)) continue; format.codecs.push_back(&*codec); if (!codec->isAudio) hasVideoCodec = true; } if (!hasVideoCodec) continue; QString ext(pFormat->extensions); ext.truncate(strcspn(pFormat->extensions, ",")); format.extension = ext; format.shortName = pFormat->name; format.longName = QString("%1 (*.%2)").arg(pFormat->long_name).arg(ext); // FIXME: remove next line //format.longName += QString(" (%1)").arg(format.shortName); format.isRecomended = strcmp(pFormat->name, "mp4") == 0 || strcmp(pFormat->name, "avi") == 0; formats[pFormat->name] = format; }}void LibavInteraction::fillFormats(QComboBox * pFormats){ // first insert recomended formats foreach(const Format & format, formats) if (format.isRecomended) pFormats->addItem(format.longName, format.shortName); // remember where to place separator between recomended and other formats int sep = pFormats->count(); // insert remaining formats foreach(const Format & format, formats) if (!format.isRecomended) pFormats->addItem(format.longName, format.shortName); // insert separator if necessary if (sep != 0 && sep != pFormats->count()) pFormats->insertSeparator(sep);}void LibavInteraction::fillCodecs(const QString & fmt, QComboBox * pVCodecs, QComboBox * pACodecs){ Format & format = formats[fmt]; // first insert recomended codecs foreach(Codec * codec, format.codecs) { if (codec->isRecomended) { if (codec->isAudio) pACodecs->addItem(codec->longName, codec->shortName); else pVCodecs->addItem(codec->longName, codec->shortName); } } // remember where to place separators between recomended and other codecs int vsep = pVCodecs->count(); int asep = pACodecs->count(); // insert remaining codecs foreach(Codec * codec, format.codecs) { if (!codec->isRecomended) { if (codec->isAudio) pACodecs->addItem(codec->longName, codec->shortName); else pVCodecs->addItem(codec->longName, codec->shortName); } } // insert separators if necessary if (vsep != 0 && vsep != pVCodecs->count()) pVCodecs->insertSeparator(vsep); if (asep != 0 && asep != pACodecs->count()) pACodecs->insertSeparator(asep);}QString LibavInteraction::getExtension(const QString & format){ return formats[format].extension;}// get information abaout file (duration, resolution etc) in multiline stringQString LibavInteraction::getFileInfo(const QString & filepath){ AVFormatContext* pContext = NULL; QByteArray utf8path = filepath.toUtf8(); if (avformat_open_input(&pContext,, NULL, NULL) < 0) return ""; if (avformat_find_stream_info(pContext, NULL) < 0) return ""; int s = float(pContext->duration)/AV_TIME_BASE; //: Duration in minutes and seconds (SI units) QString desc = tr("Duration: %1min %2s").arg(s/60).arg(s%60) + "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < (int)pContext->nb_streams; i++) { AVStream* pStream = pContext->streams[i]; if (!pStream) continue; AVCodecContext* pCodec = pContext->streams[i]->codec; if (!pCodec) continue; if (pCodec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { desc += QString(tr("Video: %1x%2")).arg(pCodec->width).arg(pCodec->height) + ", "; if (pStream->avg_frame_rate.den) { float fps = float(pStream->avg_frame_rate.num)/pStream->avg_frame_rate.den; desc += QString(tr("%1 FPS")).arg(fps, 0, 'f', 2) + ", "; } } else if (pCodec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) desc += tr("Audio: "); else continue; AVCodec* pDecoder = avcodec_find_decoder(pCodec->codec_id); desc += pDecoder? pDecoder->name : tr("unknown"); desc += "\n"; } AVDictionaryEntry* pComment = av_dict_get(pContext->metadata, "comment", NULL, 0); if (pComment) desc += QString("\n") + pComment->value; avformat_close_input(&pContext); return desc;}#elseLibavInteraction::LibavInteraction() : QObject(){}void LibavInteraction::fillFormats(QComboBox * pFormats){ Q_UNUSED(pFormats);}void LibavInteraction::fillCodecs(const QString & format, QComboBox * pVCodecs, QComboBox * pACodecs){ Q_UNUSED(format); Q_UNUSED(pVCodecs); Q_UNUSED(pACodecs);}QString LibavInteraction::getExtension(const QString & format){ Q_UNUSED(format); return QString();}QString LibavInteraction::getFileInfo(const QString & filepath){ Q_UNUSED(filepath); return QString();}#endifLibavInteraction & LibavInteraction::instance(){ static LibavInteraction instance; return instance;}