Make lowest line of Splash image frames transparent to work around scaling issues
The Splash image is scaled. Sometimes, the lowest line is repeated on the top, which caused some weird lines to appear above big splashes (e.g. piano).
This has been done fully automated with a script. Only the alpha channel was changed. The color information is preserved.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module PascalPreprocessor where
import Text.Parsec
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Control.Exception as E
char' :: Char -> ParsecT String u IO ()
char' = void . char
string' :: String -> ParsecT String u IO ()
string' = void . string
-- comments are removed
comment :: ParsecT String u IO String
comment = choice [
char '{' >> notFollowedBy (char '$') >> manyTill anyChar (try $ char '}') >> return ""
, (try $ string "(*") >> manyTill anyChar (try $ string "*)") >> return ""
, (try $ string "//") >> manyTill anyChar (try newline) >> return "\n"
preprocess :: String -> String -> String -> [String] -> IO String
preprocess inputPath alternateInputPath fn symbols = do
r <- runParserT (preprocessFile (inputPath ++ fn)) (Map.fromList $ map (\s -> (s, "")) symbols, [True]) "" ""
case r of
(Left a) -> do
hPutStrLn stderr (show a)
return ""
(Right a) -> return a
preprocessFile fn' = do
f <- liftIO (readFile fn')
setInput f
preprocessor, codeBlock, switch :: ParsecT String (Map.Map String String, [Bool]) IO String
preprocessor = chainr codeBlock (return (++)) ""
codeBlock = do
s <- choice [
, comment
, char '\'' >> many (noneOf "'\n") >>= \s -> char '\'' >> return ('\'' : s ++ "'")
, identifier >>= replace
, noneOf "{" >>= \a -> return [a]
(_, ok) <- getState
return $ if and ok then s else ""
--otherChar c = c `notElem` "{/('_" && not (isAlphaNum c)
identifier = do
c <- letter <|> oneOf "_"
s <- many (alphaNum <|> oneOf "_")
return $ c:s
switch = do
try $ string' "{$"
s <- choice [
, ifdef
, if'
, elseSwitch
, endIf
, define
, unknown
return s
include = do
try $ string' "INCLUDE"
(char' '"')
ifn <- many1 $ noneOf "\"\n"
char' '"'
char' '}'
f <- liftIO (readFile (inputPath ++ ifn)
`E.catch` (\(_ :: E.IOException) -> readFile (alternateInputPath ++ ifn)
`E.catch` (\(_ :: E.IOException) -> error $ "File not found: " ++ ifn)
c <- getInput
setInput $ f ++ c
return ""
ifdef = do
s <- try (string "IFDEF") <|> try (string "IFNDEF")
let f = if s == "IFNDEF" then not else id
ds <- (spaces >> identifier) `sepBy` (spaces >> string "OR")
char' '}'
updateState $ \(m, b) ->
(m, (f $ any (flip Map.member m) ds) : b)
return ""
if' = do
try (string' "IF" >> notFollowedBy alphaNum)
void $ manyTill anyChar (char' '}')
--char '}'
updateState $ \(m, b) ->
(m, False : b)
return ""
elseSwitch = do
try $ string' "ELSE}"
updateState $ \(m, b:bs) -> (m, (not b):bs)
return ""
endIf = do
try $ string' "ENDIF}"
updateState $ \(m, _:bs) -> (m, bs)
return ""
define = do
try $ string' "DEFINE"
i <- identifier
d <- ((string ":=" >> return ()) <|> spaces) >> many (noneOf "}")
char' '}'
updateState $ \(m, b) -> (if (and b) && (head i /= '_') then Map.insert i d m else m, b)
return ""
replace s = do
(m, _) <- getState
return $ Map.findWithDefault s s m
unknown = do
un <- many1 $ noneOf "}\n"
char' '}'
return $ "{$" ++ un ++ "}"