(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *){$INCLUDE "options.inc"}unit uScript;(* * This unit defines, implements and registers functions and * variables/constants bindings for usage in Lua scripts. * * Please keep http://hedgewars.org/kb/LuaAPI up to date! * * Note: If you add a new function, make sure to test if _all_ parameters * work as intended! (Especially conversions errors can sneak in * unnoticed and render the parameter useless!) *)interfaceprocedure ScriptPrintStack;procedure ScriptClearStack;procedure ScriptLoad(name : shortstring);procedure ScriptOnPreviewInit;procedure ScriptOnGameInit;procedure ScriptOnScreenResize;procedure ScriptSetInteger(name : shortstring; value : LongInt);procedure ScriptSetString(name : shortstring; value : shortstring);procedure ScriptCall(fname : shortstring);function ScriptCall(fname : shortstring; par1: LongInt) : LongInt;function ScriptCall(fname : shortstring; par1, par2: LongInt) : LongInt;function ScriptCall(fname : shortstring; par1, par2, par3: LongInt) : LongInt;function ScriptCall(fname : shortstring; par1, par2, par3, par4 : LongInt) : LongInt;function ScriptExists(fname : shortstring) : boolean;procedure LuaParseString(s: shortString);//function ParseCommandOverride(key, value : shortstring) : shortstring; This did not work out wellprocedure initModule;procedure freeModule;implementation{$IFDEF USE_LUA_SCRIPT}uses LuaPas, uConsole, uConsts, uGears, uGearsList, uGearsUtils, uFloat, uWorld, uAmmos, uTeams, uSound, uChat, uStats, uStore, uRandom, uTypes, uVariables, uCommands, uUtils, uCaptions, uDebug, uCollisions, uRenderUtils, uTextures, uLandGraphics, SysUtils, uIO, uVisualGearsList, uGearsHandlersMess, uPhysFSLayer, SDLh{$IFNDEF PAS2C} , typinfo{$ENDIF} ;var luaState : Plua_State; ScriptAmmoLoadout : shortstring; ScriptAmmoProbability : shortstring; ScriptAmmoDelay : shortstring; ScriptAmmoReinforcement : shortstring; ScriptLoaded : boolean; mapDims : boolean; PointsBuffer: shortstring; prevCursorPoint: TPoint; // why is tpoint still in sdlh...procedure ScriptPrepareAmmoStore; forward;procedure ScriptApplyAmmoStore; forward;procedure ScriptSetAmmo(ammo : TAmmoType; count, probability, delay, reinforcement: Byte); forward;procedure ScriptSetAmmoDelay(ammo : TAmmoType; delay: Byte); forward;var LuaDebugInfo: lua_Debug;procedure SetGlobals; forward;procedure LuaParseString(s: shortString);begin SetGlobals; AddFileLog('[Lua] input string: ' + s); AddChatString(#3 + '[Lua] > ' + s); if luaL_dostring(luaState, Str2PChar(s)) <> 0 then begin AddFileLog('[Lua] input string parsing error!'); AddChatString(#5 + '[Lua] Error while parsing!'); end;end;function LuaUpdateDebugInfo(): Boolean;begin FillChar(LuaDebugInfo, sizeof(LuaDebugInfo), 0); if lua_getstack(luaState, 1, @LuaDebugInfo) = 0 then exit(false); // stack not deep enough // get source name and line count lua_getinfo(luaState, PChar('Sl'), @LuaDebugInfo); exit(true);end;procedure LuaError(s: shortstring);var src: shortstring;const maxsrclen = 20;begin if LuaUpdateDebugInfo() then begin src:= StrPas(LuaDebugInfo.source); s:= 'LUA ERROR [ ... ' + copy(src, Length(src) - maxsrclen, maxsrclen - 3) + ':' + inttostr(LuaDebugInfo.currentLine) + ']: ' + s; end else s:= 'LUA ERROR: ' + s; WriteLnToConsole(s); AddChatString(#5 + s); if cTestLua then halt(HaltTestLuaError);end;procedure LuaCallError(error, call, paramsyntax: shortstring);begin LuaError(call + ': ' + error); LuaError('-- SYNTAX: ' + call + ' ( ' + paramsyntax + ' )');end;procedure LuaParameterCountError(expected, call, paramsyntax: shortstring; wrongcount: LongInt); inline;begin // TODO: i18n? LuaCallError('Wrong number of parameters! (is: ' + inttostr(wrongcount) + ', should be: '+ expected + ')', call, paramsyntax);end;// compare with allowed countfunction CheckLuaParamCount(L : Plua_State; count: LongInt; call, paramsyntax: shortstring): boolean; inline;var c: LongInt;begin c:= lua_gettop(L); if c <> count then begin LuaParameterCountError('exactly ' + inttostr(count), call, paramsyntax, c); exit(false); end; CheckLuaParamCount:= true;end;// check if is either count1 or count2function CheckAndFetchParamCount(L : Plua_State; count1, count2: LongInt; call, paramsyntax: shortstring; out actual: LongInt): boolean; inline;begin actual:= lua_gettop(L); if (actual <> count1) and (actual <> count2) then begin LuaParameterCountError('either ' + inttostr(count1) + ' or ' + inttostr(count2), call, paramsyntax, actual); exit(false); end; CheckAndFetchParamCount:= true;end;// check if is in range of count1 and count2function CheckAndFetchParamCountRange(L : Plua_State; count1, count2: LongInt; call, paramsyntax: shortstring; out actual: LongInt): boolean; inline;begin actual:= lua_gettop(L); if (actual < count1) or (actual > count2) then begin LuaParameterCountError('at least ' + inttostr(count1) + ', but at most ' + inttostr(count2), call, paramsyntax, actual); exit(false); end; CheckAndFetchParamCountRange:= true;end;// check if is same or higher as minCountfunction CheckAndFetchLuaParamMinCount(L : Plua_State; minCount: LongInt; call, paramsyntax: shortstring; out actual: LongInt): boolean; inline;begin actual:= lua_gettop(L); if (actual < minCount) then begin LuaParameterCountError(inttostr(minCount) + ' or more', call, paramsyntax, actual); exit(false); end; CheckAndFetchLuaParamMinCount:= true;end;function LuaToGearTypeOrd(L : Plua_State; i: LongInt; call, paramsyntax: shortstring): LongInt; inline;begin if lua_isnoneornil(L, i) then i:= -1 else i:= lua_tointeger(L, i); if (i < ord(Low(TGearType))) or (i > ord(High(TGearType))) then begin LuaCallError('Invalid gearType!', call, paramsyntax); LuaToGearTypeOrd:= -1; end else LuaToGearTypeOrd:= i;end;function LuaToVisualGearTypeOrd(L : Plua_State; i: LongInt; call, paramsyntax: shortstring): LongInt; inline;begin if lua_isnoneornil(L, i) then i:= -1 else i:= lua_tointeger(L, i); if (i < ord(Low(TVisualGearType))) or (i > ord(High(TVisualGearType))) then begin LuaCallError('Invalid visualGearType!', call, paramsyntax); LuaToVisualGearTypeOrd:= -1; end else LuaToVisualGearTypeOrd:= i;end;function LuaToAmmoTypeOrd(L : Plua_State; i: LongInt; call, paramsyntax: shortstring): LongInt; inline;begin if lua_isnoneornil(L, i) then i:= -1 else i:= lua_tointeger(L, i); if (i < ord(Low(TAmmoType))) or (i > ord(High(TAmmoType))) then begin LuaCallError('Invalid ammoType!', call, paramsyntax); LuaToAmmoTypeOrd:= -1; end else LuaToAmmoTypeOrd:= i;end;function LuaToStatInfoTypeOrd(L : Plua_State; i: LongInt; call, paramsyntax: shortstring): LongInt; inline;begin if lua_isnoneornil(L, i) then i:= -1 else i:= lua_tointeger(L, i); if (i < ord(Low(TStatInfoType))) or (i > ord(High(TStatInfoType))) then begin LuaCallError('Invalid statInfoType!', call, paramsyntax); LuaToStatInfoTypeOrd:= -1; end else LuaToStatInfoTypeOrd:= i;end;function LuaToSoundOrd(L : Plua_State; i: LongInt; call, paramsyntax: shortstring): LongInt; inline;begin if lua_isnoneornil(L, i) then i:= -1 else i:= lua_tointeger(L, i); if (i < ord(Low(TSound))) or (i > ord(High(TSound))) then begin LuaCallError('Invalid soundId!', call, paramsyntax); LuaToSoundOrd:= -1; end else LuaToSoundOrd:= i;end;function LuaToHogEffectOrd(L : Plua_State; i: LongInt; call, paramsyntax: shortstring): LongInt; inline;begin if lua_isnoneornil(L, i) then i:= -1 else i:= lua_tointeger(L, i); if (i < ord(Low(THogEffect))) or (i > ord(High(THogEffect))) then begin LuaCallError('Invalid gear type!', call, paramsyntax); LuaToHogEffectOrd:= -1; end else LuaToHogEffectOrd:= i;end;function LuaToCapGroupOrd(L : Plua_State; i: LongInt; call, paramsyntax: shortstring): LongInt; inline;begin if lua_isnoneornil(L, i) then i:= -1 else i:= lua_tointeger(L, i); if (i < ord(Low(TCapGroup))) or (i > ord(High(TCapGroup))) then begin LuaCallError('Invalid capgroup type!', call, paramsyntax); LuaToCapGroupOrd:= -1; end else LuaToCapGroupOrd:= i;end;function LuaToSpriteOrd(L : Plua_State; i: LongInt; call, paramsyntax: shortstring): LongInt; inline;begin if lua_isnoneornil(L, i) then i:= -1 else i:= lua_tointeger(L, i); if (i < ord(Low(TSprite))) or (i > ord(High(TSprite))) then begin LuaCallError('Invalid sprite id!', call, paramsyntax); LuaToSpriteOrd:= -1; end else LuaToSpriteOrd:= i;end;function LuaToMapGenOrd(L : Plua_State; i: LongInt; call, paramsyntax: shortstring): LongInt; inline;begin if lua_isnoneornil(L, i) then i:= -1 else i:= lua_tointeger(L, i); if (i < ord(Low(TMapGen))) or (i > ord(High(TMapGen))) then begin LuaCallError('Invalid mapgen id!', call, paramsyntax); LuaToMapGenOrd:= -1; end else LuaToMapGenOrd:= i;end;// wrapped calls //// functions called from Lua:// function(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;// where L contains the state, returns the number of return values on the stack// call CheckLuaParamCount or CheckAndFetchParamCount// to validate/get the number of passed arguments (see their call definitions)//// use as return value the number of variables pushed back to the lua scriptfunction lc_band(L: PLua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'band', 'value1, value2') then lua_pushinteger(L, lua_tointeger(L, 2) and lua_tointeger(L, 1)) else lua_pushnil(L); lc_band := 1;end;function lc_bor(L: PLua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'bor', 'value1, value2') then lua_pushinteger(L, lua_tointeger(L, 2) or lua_tointeger(L, 1)) else lua_pushnil(L); lc_bor := 1;end;function lc_bnot(L: PLua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'bnot', 'value') then lua_pushinteger(L, (not lua_tointeger(L, 1))) else lua_pushnil(L); lc_bnot := 1;end;function lc_div(L: PLua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'div', 'dividend, divisor') then lua_pushinteger(L, lua_tointeger(L, 1) div lua_tointeger(L, 2)) else lua_pushnil(L); lc_div := 1;end;function lc_getinputmask(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 0, 'GetInputMask', '') then lua_pushinteger(L, InputMask); lc_getinputmask:= 1end;function lc_setinputmask(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'SetInputMask', 'mask') then InputMask:= lua_tointeger(L, 1); lc_setinputmask:= 0end;function lc_writelntoconsole(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'WriteLnToConsole', 'string') then WriteLnToConsole('Lua: ' + lua_tostring(L ,1)); lc_writelntoconsole:= 0;end;function lc_parsecommand(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var t: PChar; i,c: LongWord; s: shortstring;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'ParseCommand', 'string') then begin t:= lua_tolstring(L, 1, Psize_t(@c)); for i:= 1 to c do s[i]:= t[i-1]; s[0]:= char(c); ParseCommand(s, true, true); end; lc_parsecommand:= 0;end;// sets weapon to the desired ammo typefunction lc_setweapon(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var at: LongInt;const call = 'SetWeapon'; params = 'ammoType';begin // no point to run this without any CurrentHedgehog if (CurrentHedgehog <> nil) and (CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, call, params)) then begin at:= LuaToAmmoTypeOrd(L, 1, call, params); if at >= 0 then ParseCommand('setweap ' + char(at), true, true); end; lc_setweapon:= 0;end;// enable/disable cinematic effectsfunction lc_setcinematicmode(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;const call = 'SetCinematicMode'; params = 'enable';begin if (CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, call, params)) then begin CinematicScript:= lua_toboolean(L, 1); end; lc_setcinematicmode:= 0;end;// no parameter means reset to default (and 0 means unlimited)function lc_setmaxbuilddistance(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var np: LongInt;const call = 'SetMaxBuildDistance'; params = '[ distInPx ]';begin if CheckAndFetchParamCountRange(L, 0, 1, call, params, np) then begin if np = 0 then begin // no args? reset cBuildMaxDist:= cDefaultBuildMaxDist; end else CBuildMaxDist:= lua_tointeger(L, 1); end; lc_setmaxbuilddistance:= 0;end;// sets weapon to whatever weapons is next (wraps around, amSkip is skipped)function lc_setnextweapon(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var at : LongInt; nextAmmo : TAmmo; s, a, cs, fa: LongInt;const call = 'SetNextWeapon'; params = '';begin if (CurrentHedgehog <> nil) and (CheckLuaParamCount(L, 0, call, params)) then begin at:= -1; with CurrentHedgehog^ do begin cs:= 0; // current slot fa:= 0; // first ammo item to check // if something is selected, find it's successor if curAmmoType <> amNothing then begin // get current slot index cs:= Ammoz[CurAmmoType].Slot; // find current ammo index while (fa < cMaxSlotAmmoIndex) and (Ammo^[cs, fa].AmmoType <> CurAmmoType) do inc(fa); // increase once more because we won't successor inc(fa); end; // find first available ammo // revisit current slot too (current item might not be first) for s:= cs to cs + cMaxSlotIndex + 1 do begin for a:= fa to cMaxSlotAmmoIndex do begin // check if we went full circle if (a = fa) and (s = cs + cMaxSlotIndex + 1) then exit(0); // get ammo nextAmmo:= Ammo^[s mod (cMaxSlotIndex + 1), a]; // only switch to ammos the hog actually has if (nextAmmo.AmmoType <> amNothing) and (nextAmmo.AmmoType <> amSkip) and (nextAmmo.Count > 0) then begin at:= ord(nextAmmo.AmmoType); break; end; end; // stop slot loop if something was found if at >= 0 then break; // check following slots starting with first item fa:= 0; end; end; if at >= 0 then ParseCommand('setweap ' + char(at), true, true); end; lc_setnextweapon:= 0;end;function lc_showmission(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 5, 'ShowMission', 'caption, subcaption, text, icon, time') then ShowMission(lua_tostringA(L, 1), lua_tostringA(L, 2), lua_tostringA(L, 3), lua_tointeger(L, 4), lua_tointeger(L, 5)); lc_showmission:= 0;end;function lc_hidemission(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin L:= L; // avoid compiler hint HideMission; lc_hidemission:= 0;end;function lc_enablegameflags(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var i, n : integer;begin // can have 1 or more arguments if CheckAndFetchLuaParamMinCount(L, 1, 'EnableGameFlags', 'gameFlag, ... ', n) then begin for i:= 1 to n do GameFlags := GameFlags or LongWord(lua_tointeger(L, i)); ScriptSetInteger('GameFlags', GameFlags); end; lc_enablegameflags:= 0;end;function lc_disablegameflags(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var i , n: integer;begin // can have 1 or more arguments if CheckAndFetchLuaParamMinCount(L, 1, 'DisableGameFlags', 'gameFlag, ... ', n) then begin for i:= 1 to n do GameFlags := GameFlags and (not LongWord(lua_tointeger(L, i))); ScriptSetInteger('GameFlags', GameFlags); end; lc_disablegameflags:= 0;end;function lc_cleargameflags(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 0, 'ClearGameFlags', '') then begin GameFlags:= 0; ScriptSetInteger('GameFlags', GameFlags); end; lc_cleargameflags:= 0;end;function lc_getgameflag(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetGameFlag', 'gameflag') then lua_pushboolean(L, (GameFlags and LongWord(lua_tointeger(L, 1)) <> 0)) else lua_pushnil(L); lc_getgameflag:= 1;end;function lc_addcaption(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var cg: LongInt;const call = 'AddCaption'; params = 'text [, color, captiongroup]';begin if CheckAndFetchParamCount(L, 1, 3, call, params, cg) then begin if cg = 1 then AddCaption(lua_tostringA(L, 1), cWhiteColor, capgrpMessage) else begin cg:= LuaToCapGroupOrd(L, 3, call, params); if cg >= 0 then AddCaption(lua_tostringA(L, 1), lua_tointeger(L, 2) shr 8, TCapGroup(cg)); end end; lc_addcaption:= 0;end;function lc_campaignlock(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'CampaignLock', 'TODO') then begin // TODO end; lc_campaignlock:= 0;end;function lc_campaignunlock(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'CampaignUnlock', 'TODO') then begin // TODO end; lc_campaignunlock:= 0;end;function lc_spawnfakehealthcrate(L: Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 4,'SpawnFakeHealthCrate', 'x, y, explode, poison') then begin gear := SpawnFakeCrateAt(lua_tointeger(L, 1), lua_tointeger(L, 2), HealthCrate, lua_toboolean(L, 3), lua_toboolean(L, 4)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.uid) else lua_pushnil(L) end else lua_pushnil(L); lc_spawnfakehealthcrate := 1;end;function lc_spawnfakeammocrate(L: PLua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 4,'SpawnFakeAmmoCrate', 'x, y, explode, poison') then begin gear := SpawnFakeCrateAt(lua_tointeger(L, 1), lua_tointeger(L, 2), AmmoCrate, lua_toboolean(L, 3), lua_toboolean(L, 4)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.uid) else lua_pushnil(L) end else lua_pushnil(L); lc_spawnfakeammocrate := 1;end;function lc_spawnfakeutilitycrate(L: PLua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 4,'SpawnFakeUtilityCrate', 'x, y, explode, poison') then begin gear := SpawnFakeCrateAt(lua_tointeger(L, 1), lua_tointeger(L, 2), UtilityCrate, lua_toboolean(L, 3), lua_toboolean(L, 4)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.uid) else lua_pushnil(L) end else lua_pushnil(L); lc_spawnfakeutilitycrate := 1;end;function lc_spawnhealthcrate(L: Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear;var health, n: LongInt;begin if CheckAndFetchParamCount(L, 2, 3, 'SpawnHealthCrate', 'x, y [, health]', n) then begin if n = 3 then health:= lua_tointeger(L, 3) else health:= cHealthCaseAmount; gear := SpawnCustomCrateAt(lua_tointeger(L, 1), lua_tointeger(L, 2), HealthCrate, health, 0); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.uid) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); lc_spawnhealthcrate := 1;end;function lc_spawnammocrate(L: PLua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear; n : LongInt;begin if CheckAndFetchParamCount(L, 3, 4, 'SpawnAmmoCrate', 'x, y, content [, amount]', n) then begin if n = 3 then gear := SpawnCustomCrateAt(lua_tointeger(L, 1), lua_tointeger(L, 2), AmmoCrate, lua_tointeger(L, 3), 0) else gear := SpawnCustomCrateAt(lua_tointeger(L, 1), lua_tointeger(L, 2), AmmoCrate, lua_tointeger(L, 3), lua_tointeger(L, 4)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.uid) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); lc_spawnammocrate := 1;end;function lc_spawnutilitycrate(L: PLua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear; n : LongInt;begin if CheckAndFetchParamCount(L, 3, 4, 'SpawnUtilityCrate', 'x, y, content [, amount]', n) then begin if n = 3 then gear := SpawnCustomCrateAt(lua_tointeger(L, 1), lua_tointeger(L, 2), UtilityCrate, lua_tointeger(L, 3), 0) else gear := SpawnCustomCrateAt(lua_tointeger(L, 1), lua_tointeger(L, 2), UtilityCrate, lua_tointeger(L, 3), lua_tointeger(L, 4)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.uid) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); lc_spawnutilitycrate := 1;end;function lc_addgear(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear; x, y, s, t: LongInt; dx, dy: hwFloat; gt: TGearType;const call = 'AddGear'; params = 'x, y, gearType, state, dx, dy, timer';begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 7, call, params) then begin t:= LuaToGearTypeOrd(L, 3, call, params); if t >= 0 then begin gt:= TGearType(t); x:= lua_tointeger(L, 1); y:= lua_tointeger(L, 2); s:= lua_tointeger(L, 4); dx:= int2hwFloat(lua_tointeger(L, 5)) / 1000000; dy:= int2hwFloat(lua_tointeger(L, 6)) / 1000000; t:= lua_tointeger(L, 7); gear:= AddGear(x, y, gt, s, dx, dy, t); lastGearByUID:= gear; lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.uid) end else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); lc_addgear:= 1; // 1 return valueend;function lc_deletegear(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'DeleteGear', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then gear^.Message:= gear^.Message or gmDelete; end; lc_deletegear:= 0end;function lc_addvisualgear(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var vg : PVisualGear; x, y, s, n, layer: LongInt; c: Boolean; vgt: TVisualGearType; uid: Longword;const call = 'AddVisualGear'; params = 'x, y, visualGearType, state, critical [, layer]';begin uid:= 0; if CheckAndFetchParamCount(L, 5, 6, call, params, n) then begin s:= LuaToVisualGearTypeOrd(L, 3, call, params); if s >= 0 then begin vgt:= TVisualGearType(s); x:= lua_tointeger(L, 1); y:= lua_tointeger(L, 2); s:= lua_tointeger(L, 4); c:= lua_toboolean(L, 5); if n = 6 then begin layer:= lua_tointeger(L, 6); vg:= AddVisualGear(x, y, vgt, s, c, layer); end else vg:= AddVisualGear(x, y, vgt, s, c); if vg <> nil then begin lastVisualGearByUID:= vg; uid:= vg^.uid; lua_pushinteger(L, uid); end; end else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_addvisualgear:= 1; // 1 return valueend;function lc_deletevisualgear(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var vg : PVisualGear;begin vg:= nil; if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'DeleteVisualGear', 'vgUid') then begin vg:= VisualGearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if vg <> nil then DeleteVisualGear(vg); end; // allow caller to know whether there was something to delete lua_pushboolean(L, vg <> nil); lc_deletevisualgear:= 1end;function lc_getvisualgearvalues(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var vg: PVisualGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetVisualGearValues', 'vgUid') then begin vg:= VisualGearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if vg <> nil then begin lua_pushinteger(L, round(vg^.X)); lua_pushinteger(L, round(vg^.Y)); lua_pushnumber(L, vg^.dX); lua_pushnumber(L, vg^.dY); lua_pushnumber(L, vg^.Angle); lua_pushinteger(L, vg^.Frame); lua_pushinteger(L, vg^.FrameTicks); lua_pushinteger(L, vg^.State); lua_pushinteger(L, vg^.Timer); lua_pushinteger(L, vg^.Tint); end else begin lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); end end else begin lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); end; lc_getvisualgearvalues:= 10end;function lc_setvisualgearvalues(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var vg : PVisualGear;begin// Param count can be 1-11 at present// if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 11, 'SetVisualGearValues', 'vgUid, X, Y, dX, dY, Angle, Frame, FrameTicks, State, Timer, Tint') then// begin vg:= VisualGearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if vg <> nil then begin if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 2) then vg^.X:= lua_tointeger(L, 2); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 3) then vg^.Y:= lua_tointeger(L, 3); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 4) then vg^.dX:= lua_tonumber(L, 4); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 5) then vg^.dY:= lua_tonumber(L, 5); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 6) then vg^.Angle:= lua_tonumber(L, 6); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 7) then vg^.Frame:= lua_tointeger(L, 7); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 8) then vg^.FrameTicks:= lua_tointeger(L, 8); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 9) then vg^.State:= lua_tointeger(L, 9); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 10) then vg^.Timer:= lua_tointeger(L, 10); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 11) then vg^.Tint:= lua_tointeger(L, 11) end;// end// else// lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_setvisualgearvalues:= 0end;// so. going to use this to get/set some of the more obscure gear values which weren't already exposed elsewhere// can keep adding things in the future. isnoneornil makes it safefunction lc_getgearvalues(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetGearValues', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then begin lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Angle); lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Power); lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.WDTimer); lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Radius); lua_pushinteger(L, hwRound(gear^.Density * _10000)); lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Karma); lua_pushnumber(L, gear^.DirAngle); lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.AdvBounce); lua_pushinteger(L, Integer(gear^.ImpactSound)); lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.nImpactSounds); lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Tint); lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Damage); lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Boom) end else begin lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L) end end else begin lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L) end; lc_getgearvalues:= 13end;function lc_setgearvalues(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin// Currently allows 1-14 params// if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 14, 'SetGearValues', 'gearUid, Angle, Power, WDTimer, Radius, Density, Karma, DirAngle, AdvBounce, ImpactSound, # ImpactSounds, Tint, Damage, Boom') then// begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then begin if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 2) then gear^.Angle := lua_tointeger(L, 2); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 3) then gear^.Power := lua_tointeger(L, 3); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 4) then gear^.WDTimer := lua_tointeger(L, 4); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 5) then gear^.Radius := lua_tointeger(L, 5); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 6) then gear^.Density:= int2hwFloat(lua_tointeger(L, 6)) / 10000; if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 7) then gear^.Karma := lua_tointeger(L, 7); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 8) then gear^.DirAngle:= lua_tonumber(L, 8); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 9) then gear^.AdvBounce := lua_tointeger(L, 9); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 10) then gear^.ImpactSound := TSound(lua_tointeger(L, 10)); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 11) then gear^.nImpactSounds := lua_tointeger(L, 11); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 12) then gear^.Tint := lua_tointeger(L, 12); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 13) then gear^.Damage := lua_tointeger(L, 13); if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 14) then gear^.Boom := lua_tointeger(L, 14); end;// end// else// lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_setgearvalues:= 0end;function lc_getfollowgear(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 0, 'GetFollowGear', '') then begin if FollowGear = nil then lua_pushnil(L) else lua_pushinteger(L, FollowGear^.uid); end else lua_pushnil(L); lc_getfollowgear:= 1; // 1 return valueend;function lc_getgeartype(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetGearType', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, ord(gear^.Kind)) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_getgeartype:= 1end;function lc_getgearmessage(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetGearMessage', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.message) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_getgearmessage:= 1end;function lc_getgearelasticity(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetGearElasticity', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, hwRound(gear^.elasticity * _10000)) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_getgearelasticity:= 1end;function lc_setgearelasticity(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetGearElasticity', 'gearUid, Elasticity') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then gear^.Elasticity:= int2hwFloat(lua_tointeger(L, 2)) / 10000 end; lc_setgearelasticity:= 0end;function lc_getgearfriction(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetGearFriction', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, hwRound(gear^.friction * _10000)) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_getgearfriction:= 1end;function lc_setgearfriction(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetGearFriction', 'gearUid, Friction') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then gear^.Friction:= int2hwFloat(lua_tointeger(L, 2)) / 10000 end; lc_setgearfriction:= 0end;function lc_setgearmessage(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetGearMessage', 'gearUid, message') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then gear^.message:= lua_tointeger(L, 2); end; lc_setgearmessage:= 0end;function lc_getgearpos(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetGearPos', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Pos) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_getgearpos:= 1end;function lc_setgearpos(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetGearPos', 'gearUid, value') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then gear^.Pos:= lua_tointeger(L, 2); end; lc_setgearpos:= 0end;function lc_getgearcollisionmask(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetGearCollisionMask', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.CollisionMask) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_getgearcollisionmask:= 1end;function lc_setgearcollisionmask(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetGearCollisionMask', 'gearUid, mask') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then gear^.CollisionMask:= lua_tointeger(L, 2); end; lc_setgearcollisionmask:= 0end;function lc_gethoglevel(L : Plua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetHogLevel', 'gearUid') then begin gear := GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and ((gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) or (gear^.Kind = gtGrave)) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Hedgehog^.BotLevel) else lua_pushnil(L); end; lc_gethoglevel := 1;end;function lc_sethoglevel(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetHogLevel', 'gearUid, level') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and (gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then gear^.Hedgehog^.BotLevel:= lua_tointeger(L, 2); end; lc_sethoglevel:= 0end;function lc_gethogclan(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetHogClan', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and ((gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) or (gear^.Kind = gtGrave)) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then begin lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Clan^.ClanIndex) end else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_gethogclan:= 1end;function lc_getclancolor(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetClanColor', 'clan') then lua_pushinteger(L, ClansArray[lua_tointeger(L, 1)]^.Color shl 8 or $FF) else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_getclancolor:= 1end;function lc_setclancolor(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var clan : PClan; team : PTeam; hh : THedgehog; i, j : LongInt;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetClanColor', 'clan, color') then begin i:= lua_tointeger(L,1); if i >= ClansCount then exit(0); clan := ClansArray[i]; clan^.Color:= lua_tointeger(L, 2) shr 8; for i:= 0 to Pred(clan^.TeamsNumber) do begin team:= clan^.Teams[i]; for j:= 0 to 7 do begin hh:= team^.Hedgehogs[j]; if (hh.Gear <> nil) or (hh.GearHidden <> nil) then begin FreeAndNilTexture(hh.NameTagTex); hh.NameTagTex:= RenderStringTex(ansistring(hh.Name), clan^.Color, fnt16); RenderHealth(hh); end; end; FreeAndNilTexture(team^.NameTagTex); team^.NameTagTex:= RenderStringTex(ansistring(clan^.Teams[i]^.TeamName), clan^.Color, fnt16); end; FreeAndNilTexture(clan^.HealthTex); clan^.HealthTex:= makeHealthBarTexture(cTeamHealthWidth + 5, clan^.Teams[0]^.NameTagTex^.h, clan^.Color); end; lc_setclancolor:= 0end;function lc_gethogvoicepack(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetHogVoicepack', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and (gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then lua_pushstring(L, str2pchar(gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Voicepack^.name)) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_gethogvoicepack:= 1end;function lc_gethoggrave(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetHogGrave', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and ((gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) or (gear^.Kind = gtGrave)) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then lua_pushstring(L, str2pchar(gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.GraveName)) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_gethoggrave:= 1end;function lc_gethogflag(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetHogFlag', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and (gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then lua_pushstring(L, str2pchar(gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Flag)) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_gethogflag:= 1end;function lc_gethogteamname(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetHogTeamName', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and ((gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) or (gear^.Kind = gtGrave)) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then lua_pushstring(L, str2pchar(gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.TeamName)) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_gethogteamname:= 1end;function lc_sethogteamname(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetHogTeamName', 'gearUid, name') then begin gear := GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and ((gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) or (gear^.Kind = gtGrave)) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then begin gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.TeamName := lua_tostring(L, 2); FreeAndNilTexture(gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.NameTagTex); gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.NameTagTex:= RenderStringTex(ansistring(gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.TeamName), gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Clan^.Color, fnt16); end else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_sethogteamname:= 1end;function lc_gethogname(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetHogName', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and ((gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) or (gear^.Kind = gtGrave)) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then begin lua_pushstring(L, str2pchar(gear^.Hedgehog^.Name)) end else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_gethogname:= 1end;function lc_sethogname(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetHogName', 'gearUid, name') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and (gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then begin gear^.Hedgehog^.Name:= lua_tostring(L, 2); FreeAndNilTexture(gear^.Hedgehog^.NameTagTex); gear^.Hedgehog^.NameTagTex:= RenderStringTex(ansistring(gear^.Hedgehog^.Name), gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Clan^.Color, fnt16) end end; lc_sethogname:= 0;end;function lc_gettimer(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetTimer', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Timer) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_gettimer:= 1end;function lc_getflighttime(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetFlightTime', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.FlightTime) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_getflighttime:= 1end;function lc_gethealth(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetHealth', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Health) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_gethealth:= 1end;function lc_getx(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetX', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, hwRound(gear^.X)) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_getx:= 1end;function lc_gety(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetY', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, hwRound(gear^.Y)) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_gety:= 1end;function lc_copypv(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gears, geard : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'CopyPV', 'fromGearUid, toGearUid') then begin gears:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); geard:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 2)); if (gears <> nil) and (geard <> nil) then begin geard^.X:= gears^.X; geard^.Y:= gears^.Y; geard^.dX:= gears^.dX; geard^.dY:= gears^.dY; end end; lc_copypv:= 0end;function lc_followgear(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'FollowGear', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then FollowGear:= gear end; lc_followgear:= 0end;function lc_hogsay(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear; vgear : PVisualGear; s : LongWord; n : LongInt;begin if CheckAndFetchParamCount(L, 3, 4, 'HogSay', 'gearUid, text, manner [, vgState]', n) then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then begin // state defaults to 0 if state param is given if n = 4 then s:= lua_tointeger(L, 4) else s:= 0; vgear:= AddVisualGear(0, 0, vgtSpeechBubble, s, true); if vgear <> nil then begin vgear^.Text:= lua_tostring(L, 2); if Gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog then begin AddChatString(#9+'[' + gear^.Hedgehog^.Name + '] '+vgear^.text); vgear^.Hedgehog:= gear^.Hedgehog end else vgear^.Frame:= gear^.uid; vgear^.FrameTicks:= lua_tointeger(L, 3); if (vgear^.FrameTicks < 1) or (vgear^.FrameTicks > 3) then vgear^.FrameTicks:= 1; lua_pushinteger(L, vgear^.Uid); end end else lua_pushnil(L) end else lua_pushnil(L); lc_hogsay:= 1end;function lc_switchhog(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear, prevgear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'SwitchHog', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1));// should we allow this when there is no current hedgehog? might do some odd(er) things to turn sequence. if (gear <> nil) and (gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) and (CurrentHedgehog <> nil) then begin prevgear := CurrentHedgehog^.Gear; if prevgear <> nil then begin prevgear^.Active := false; prevgear^.State:= prevgear^.State and (not gstHHDriven); prevgear^.Z := cHHZ; prevgear^.Message:= prevgear^.Message or gmRemoveFromList or gmAddToList; end; SwitchCurrentHedgehog(gear^.Hedgehog); CurrentTeam:= CurrentHedgehog^.Team; gear^.State:= gear^.State or gstHHDriven; gear^.Active := true; gear^.Z := cCurrHHZ; gear^.Message:= gear^.Message or gmRemoveFromList or gmAddToList; end end; lc_switchhog:= 0end;function lc_addammo(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear; at, n: LongInt;const call = 'AddAmmo'; params = 'gearUid, ammoType [, ammoCount]';begin if CheckAndFetchParamCount(L, 2, 3, call, params, n) then begin at:= LuaToAmmoTypeOrd(L, 2, call, params); if at >= 0 then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then if n = 2 then AddAmmo(gear^.Hedgehog^, TAmmoType(at)) else SetAmmo(gear^.Hedgehog^, TAmmoType(at), lua_tointeger(L, 3)) end; end; lc_addammo:= 0end;function lc_getammocount(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear; ammo : PAmmo; at : LongInt;const call = 'GetAmmoCount'; params = 'gearUid, ammoType';begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, call, params) then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then begin at:= LuaToAmmoTypeOrd(L, 2, call, params); if at >= 0 then begin ammo:= GetAmmoEntry(gear^.Hedgehog^, TAmmoType(at)); if ammo^.AmmoType = amNothing then lua_pushinteger(L, 0) else lua_pushinteger(L, ammo^.Count); end; end else lua_pushinteger(L, 0); end else lua_pushnil(L); lc_getammocount:= 1end;function lc_sethealth(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetHealth', 'gearUid, health') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then begin gear^.Health:= lua_tointeger(L, 2); if (gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then begin RenderHealth(gear^.Hedgehog^); RecountTeamHealth(gear^.Hedgehog^.Team) end; // Why did this do a "setalltoactive" ? //SetAllToActive; Gear^.Active:= true; AllInactive:= false end end; lc_sethealth:= 0end;function lc_settimer(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetTimer', 'gearUid, timer') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then gear^.Timer:= lua_tointeger(L, 2) end; lc_settimer:= 0end;function lc_setflighttime(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetFlightTime', 'gearUid, flighttime') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then gear^.FlightTime:= lua_tointeger(L, 2) end; lc_setflighttime:= 0end;function lc_seteffect(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear; t : LongInt;const call = 'SetEffect'; params = 'gearUid, effect, effectState';begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 3, call, params) then begin t:= LuaToHogEffectOrd(L, 2, call, params); if t >= 0 then begin gear := GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then gear^.Hedgehog^.Effects[THogEffect(t)]:= lua_tointeger(L, 3); end; end; lc_seteffect := 0;end;function lc_geteffect(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear; t : LongInt;const call = 'GetEffect'; params = 'gearUid, effect';begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, call, params) then begin t:= LuaToHogEffectOrd(L, 2, call, params); if t >= 0 then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Hedgehog^.Effects[THogEffect(t)]) else lua_pushinteger(L, 0) end; end else lua_pushinteger(L, 0); lc_geteffect:= 1end;function lc_setstate(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetState', 'gearUid, state') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then begin gear^.State:= lua_tointeger(L, 2); SetAllToActive; end end; lc_setstate:= 0end;function lc_getstate(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetState', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.State) else lua_pushnil(L) end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_getstate:= 1end;function lc_gettag(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetTag', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Tag) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_gettag:= 1end;function lc_settag(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetTag', 'gearUid, tag') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then begin gear^.Tag:= lua_tointeger(L, 2); SetAllToActive; end end; lc_settag:= 0end;function lc_endgame(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin L:= L; // avoid compiler hint AddGear(0, 0, gtATFinishGame, 0, _0, _0, 3000); lc_endgame:= 0end;function lc_sendstat(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var statInfo : TStatInfoType; i, n : LongInt; color, tn: shortstring; needsTn : boolean;const call = 'SendStat'; params = 'statInfoType, color [, teamname]';begin if CheckAndFetchParamCount(L, 2, 3, call, params, n) then begin i:= LuaToStatInfoTypeOrd(L, 1, call, params); if i >= 0 then begin statInfo:= TStatInfoType(i); needsTn:= ((statInfo = siPlayerKills) or (statInfo = siClanHealth)); // check if param count is correct for the used statInfo if (n = 3) <> needsTn then begin if n = 3 then LuaCallError(EnumToStr(statInfo) + ' does not support the teamname parameter', call, params) else LuaCallError(EnumToStr(statInfo) + ' requires the teamname parameter', call, params); end else // count is correct! begin if needsTn then begin // 3: team name for i:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do begin color:= _S'0'; tn:= lua_tostring(L, 3); with TeamsArray[i]^ do begin if TeamName = tn then begin color := uUtils.IntToStr(Clan^.Color); Break; end end end; if (statInfo = siPlayerKills) then begin SendStat(siPlayerKills, color + ' ' + lua_tostring(L, 2) + ' ' + tn); end else if (statInfo = siClanHealth) then begin SendStat(siClanHealth, color + ' ' + lua_tostring(L, 2)); end end else begin SendStat(statInfo,lua_tostring(L, 2)); end; end; end; end; lc_sendstat:= 0end;function lc_sendhealthstatsoff(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin L:= L; // avoid compiler hint uStats.SendHealthStatsOn := false; lc_sendhealthstatsoff:= 0end;function lc_findplace(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear; fall: boolean; tryhard: boolean; left, right, n: LongInt;begin if CheckAndFetchParamCount(L, 4, 5, 'FindPlace', 'gearUid, fall, left, right [, tryHarder]', n) then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); fall:= lua_toboolean(L, 2); left:= lua_tointeger(L, 3); right:= lua_tointeger(L, 4); if n = 5 then tryhard:= lua_toboolean(L, 5) else tryhard:= false; if gear <> nil then FindPlace(gear, fall, left, right, tryhard); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.uid) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_findplace:= 1end;function lc_playsound(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear; n, s: LongInt;const call = 'PlaySound'; params = 'soundId [, hhGearUid]';begin if CheckAndFetchParamCount(L, 1, 2, call, params, n) then begin s:= LuaToSoundOrd(L, 1, call, params); if s >= 0 then begin // no gear specified if n = 1 then PlaySound(TSound(s)) else begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 2)); if (gear <> nil) and (gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then AddVoice(TSound(s),gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Voicepack) end; end; end; lc_playsound:= 0;end;function lc_addteam(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var np: LongInt;begin if CheckAndFetchParamCount(L, 5, 6, 'AddTeam', 'teamname, color, grave, fort, voicepack [, flag]', np) then begin ParseCommand('addteam x ' + lua_tostring(L, 2) + ' ' + lua_tostring(L, 1), true, true); ParseCommand('grave ' + lua_tostring(L, 3), true, true); ParseCommand('fort ' + lua_tostring(L, 4), true, true); ParseCommand('voicepack ' + lua_tostring(L, 5), true, true); if (np = 6) then ParseCommand('flag ' + lua_tostring(L, 6), true, true); CurrentTeam^.Binds:= DefaultBinds // fails on x64 //lua_pushinteger(L, LongInt(CurrentTeam)); end; //else //lua_pushnil(L) lc_addteam:= 0;//1;end;function lc_dismissteam(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var HHGear: PGear; i, h : LongInt; hidden: boolean;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'DismissTeam', 'teamname') then begin if TeamsCount > 0 then for i:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do begin // skip teams that don't have matching name if TeamsArray[i]^.TeamName <> lua_tostring(L, 1) then continue; // destroy all hogs of matching team, including the hidden ones for h:= 0 to cMaxHHIndex do begin hidden:= (TeamsArray[i]^.Hedgehogs[h].GearHidden <> nil); if hidden then RestoreHog(@TeamsArray[i]^.Hedgehogs[h]); // destroy hedgehog gear, if any HHGear:= TeamsArray[i]^.Hedgehogs[h].Gear; if HHGear <> nil then begin // smoke effect if (not hidden) then begin AddVisualGear(hwRound(HHGear^.X), hwRound(HHGear^.Y), vgtSmokeWhite); AddVisualGear(hwRound(HHGear^.X) - 16 + Random(32), hwRound(HHGear^.Y) - 16 + Random(32), vgtSmokeWhite); AddVisualGear(hwRound(HHGear^.X) - 16 + Random(32), hwRound(HHGear^.Y) - 16 + Random(32), vgtSmokeWhite); AddVisualGear(hwRound(HHGear^.X) - 16 + Random(32), hwRound(HHGear^.Y) - 16 + Random(32), vgtSmokeWhite); AddVisualGear(hwRound(HHGear^.X) - 16 + Random(32), hwRound(HHGear^.Y) - 16 + Random(32), vgtSmokeWhite); end; HHGear^.Message:= HHGear^.Message or gmDestroy; end; end; // can't dismiss more than one team break; end; end; lc_dismissteam:= 0;end;function lc_addhog(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var temp: ShortString;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 4, 'AddHog', 'hogname, botlevel, health, hat') then begin temp:= lua_tostring(L, 4); ParseCommand('addhh ' + lua_tostring(L, 2) + ' ' + lua_tostring(L, 3) + ' ' + lua_tostring(L, 1), true, true); ParseCommand('hat ' + temp, true, true); lua_pushinteger(L, CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.uid); end else lua_pushnil(L); lc_addhog:= 1;end;function lc_hogturnleft(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'HogTurnLeft', 'gearUid, boolean') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then gear^.dX.isNegative:= lua_toboolean(L, 2); end; lc_hogturnleft:= 0;end;function lc_getgearposition(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetGearPosition', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then begin lua_pushinteger(L, hwRound(gear^.X)); lua_pushinteger(L, hwRound(gear^.Y)) end else begin lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L) end; end else begin lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L) end; lc_getgearposition:= 2;end;function lc_setgearposition(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear; col: boolean; x, y: LongInt;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 3, 'SetGearPosition', 'gearUid, x, y') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then begin col:= gear^.CollisionIndex >= 0; x:= lua_tointeger(L, 2); y:= lua_tointeger(L, 3); if col then DeleteCI(gear); gear^.X:= int2hwfloat(x); gear^.Y:= int2hwfloat(y); if col then AddCI(gear); SetAllToActive end end; lc_setgearposition:= 0end;function lc_getgeartarget(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetGearTarget', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then begin lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Target.X); lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Target.Y) end else begin lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L) end end else begin lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L) end; lc_getgeartarget:= 2;end;function lc_setgeartarget(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 3, 'SetGearTarget', 'gearUid, x, y') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then begin gear^.Target.X:= lua_tointeger(L, 2); gear^.Target.Y:= lua_tointeger(L, 3) end end; lc_setgeartarget:= 0end;function lc_getgearvelocity(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear;var t: LongInt;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetGearVelocity', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then begin t:= hwRound(gear^.dX * 1000000); // gear dX determines hog orientation if (gear^.dX.isNegative) and (t = 0) then t:= -1; lua_pushinteger(L, t); lua_pushinteger(L, hwRound(gear^.dY * 1000000)) end end else begin lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L); end; lc_getgearvelocity:= 2;end;function lc_setgearvelocity(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 3, 'SetGearVelocity', 'gearUid, dx, dy') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then begin gear^.dX:= int2hwFloat(lua_tointeger(L, 2)) / 1000000; gear^.dY:= int2hwFloat(lua_tointeger(L, 3)) / 1000000; SetAllToActive; end end; lc_setgearvelocity:= 0end;function lc_setzoom(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'SetZoom', 'zoomLevel') then begin ZoomValue:= lua_tonumber(L, 1); if ZoomValue < cMaxZoomLevel then ZoomValue:= cMaxZoomLevel; if ZoomValue > cMinZoomLevel then ZoomValue:= cMinZoomLevel; end; lc_setzoom:= 0end;function lc_getzoom(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 0, 'GetZoom', '') then lua_pushnumber(L, ZoomValue) else lua_pushnil(L); lc_getzoom:= 1end;function lc_setammo(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var np, at: LongInt;const call = 'SetAmmo'; params = 'ammoType, count, probability, delay [, numberInCrate]';begin if CheckAndFetchParamCount(L, 4, 5, call, params, np) then begin at:= LuaToAmmoTypeOrd(L, 1, call, params); if at >= 0 then begin if np = 4 then ScriptSetAmmo(TAmmoType(at), lua_tointeger(L, 2), lua_tointeger(L, 3), lua_tointeger(L, 4), 1) else ScriptSetAmmo(TAmmoType(at), lua_tointeger(L, 2), lua_tointeger(L, 3), lua_tointeger(L, 4), lua_tointeger(L, 5)); end; end; lc_setammo:= 0end;function lc_setammodelay(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var at: LongInt;const call = 'SetAmmoDelay'; params = 'ammoType, delay';begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, call, params) then begin at:= LuaToAmmoTypeOrd(L, 1, call, params); if at >= 0 then ScriptSetAmmoDelay(TAmmoType(at), lua_tointeger(L, 2)); end; lc_setammodelay:= 0end;function lc_setammostore(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 4, 'SetAmmoStore', 'loadouts, probabilities, delays, reinforments') then begin ScriptAmmoLoadout:= lua_tostring(L, 1); ScriptAmmoProbability:= lua_tostring(L, 2); ScriptAmmoDelay:= lua_tostring(L, 3); ScriptAmmoReinforcement:= lua_tostring(L, 4); end; lc_setammostore:= 0end;function lc_getrandom(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var m : LongInt;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetRandom', 'number') then begin m:= lua_tointeger(L, 1); if (m > 0) then lua_pushinteger(L, GetRandom(m)) else begin LuaError('Lua: Tried to pass 0 to GetRandom!'); lua_pushnil(L); end end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_getrandom:= 1end;function lc_setwind(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'SetWind', 'windSpeed') then begin cWindSpeed:= int2hwfloat(lua_tointeger(L, 1)) / 100 * cMaxWindSpeed; cWindSpeedf:= SignAs(cWindSpeed,cWindSpeed).QWordValue / SignAs(_1,_1).QWordValue; if cWindSpeed.isNegative then CWindSpeedf := -cWindSpeedf; AddVisualGear(0, 0, vgtSmoothWindBar); end; lc_setwind:= 0end;function lc_getdatapath(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 0, 'GetDataPath', '') then lua_pushstring(L, str2pchar(cPathz[ptData])) else lua_pushnil(L); lc_getdatapath:= 1end;function lc_getuserdatapath(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 0, 'GetUserDataPath', '') then lua_pushstring(L, str2pchar(cPathz[ptData])) else lua_pushnil(L); lc_getuserdatapath:= 1end;function lc_maphasborder(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 0, 'MapHasBorder', '') then lua_pushboolean(L, hasBorder) else lua_pushnil(L); lc_maphasborder:= 1end;function lc_getgearradius(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetGearRadius', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.Radius) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_getgearradius:= 1end;function lc_gethoghat(L : Plua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetHogHat', 'gearUid') then begin gear := GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and ((gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) or (gear^.Kind = gtGrave)) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then lua_pushstring(L, str2pchar(gear^.Hedgehog^.Hat)) else lua_pushnil(L); end else lua_pushnil(L); lc_gethoghat := 1;end;function lc_sethoghat(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear : PGear; hat: ShortString;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetHogHat', 'gearUid, hat') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if (gear <> nil) and (gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and (gear^.Hedgehog <> nil) then begin hat:= lua_tostring(L, 2); gear^.Hedgehog^.Hat:= hat; AddFileLog('Changed hat to: '+hat); if (Length(hat) > 39) and (Copy(hat,1,8) = 'Reserved') and (Copy(hat,9,32) = gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.PlayerHash) then LoadHedgehogHat(gear^.Hedgehog^, 'Reserved/' + Copy(hat,9,Length(hat)-8)) else LoadHedgehogHat(gear^.Hedgehog^, hat) end end; lc_sethoghat:= 0;end;function lc_placesprite(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var spr : TSprite; lf : Word; tint : LongWord; i, n : LongInt; placed, behind, flipHoriz, flipVert : boolean;const call = 'PlaceSprite'; params = 'x, y, sprite, frameIdx, tint, behind, flipHoriz, flipVert, [, landFlag, ... ]';begin placed:= false; if CheckAndFetchLuaParamMinCount(L, 4, call, params, n) then begin if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 5) then tint := lua_tointeger(L, 5) else tint := $FFFFFFFF; if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 6) then behind := lua_toboolean(L, 6) else behind := false; if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 7) then flipHoriz := lua_toboolean(L, 7) else flipHoriz := false; if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 8) then flipVert := lua_toboolean(L, 8) else flipVert := false; lf:= 0; // accept any amount of landflags, loop is never executed if n<9 for i:= 9 to n do lf:= lf or lua_tointeger(L, i); n:= LuaToSpriteOrd(L, 3, call, params); if n >= 0 then begin spr:= TSprite(n); if SpritesData[spr].Surface = nil then LuaError(call + ': ' + EnumToStr(spr) + ' cannot be placed! (required information not loaded)' ) else placed:= ForcePlaceOnLand( lua_tointeger(L, 1) - SpritesData[spr].Width div 2, lua_tointeger(L, 2) - SpritesData[spr].Height div 2, spr, lua_tointeger(L, 4), lf, tint, behind, flipHoriz, flipVert); end; end; lua_pushboolean(L, placed); lc_placesprite:= 1end;function lc_erasesprite(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var spr : TSprite; lf : Word; i, n : LongInt; eraseOnLFMatch, onlyEraseLF, flipHoriz, flipVert : boolean;const call = 'EraseSprite'; params = 'x, y, sprite, frameIdx, eraseOnLFMatch, onlyEraseLF, flipHoriz, flipVert, [, landFlag, ... ]';begin if CheckAndFetchLuaParamMinCount(L, 4, call, params, n) then begin if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 5) then eraseOnLFMatch := lua_toboolean(L, 5) else eraseOnLFMatch := false; if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 6) then onlyEraseLF := lua_toboolean(L, 6) else onlyEraseLF := false; if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 7) then flipHoriz := lua_toboolean(L, 7) else flipHoriz := false; if not lua_isnoneornil(L, 8) then flipVert := lua_toboolean(L, 8) else flipVert := false; lf:= 0; // accept any amount of landflags, loop is never executed if n<9 for i:= 9 to n do lf:= lf or lua_tointeger(L, i); n:= LuaToSpriteOrd(L, 3, call, params); if n >= 0 then begin spr:= TSprite(n); if SpritesData[spr].Surface = nil then LuaError(call + ': ' + EnumToStr(spr) + ' cannot be placed! (required information not loaded)' ) else EraseLand( lua_tointeger(L, 1) - SpritesData[spr].Width div 2, lua_tointeger(L, 2) - SpritesData[spr].Height div 2, spr, lua_tointeger(L, 4), lf, eraseOnLFMatch, onlyEraseLF, flipHoriz, flipVert); end; end; lc_erasesprite:= 0end;function lc_placegirder(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var placed: boolean;begin placed:= false; if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 3, 'PlaceGirder', 'x, y, frameIdx') then placed:= TryPlaceOnLandSimple( lua_tointeger(L, 1) - SpritesData[sprAmGirder].Width div 2, lua_tointeger(L, 2) - SpritesData[sprAmGirder].Height div 2, sprAmGirder, lua_tointeger(L, 3), true, false); lua_pushboolean(L, placed); lc_placegirder:= 1end;function lc_getcurammotype(L : Plua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;begin if (CurrentHedgehog <> nil) and (CheckLuaParamCount(L, 0, 'GetCurAmmoType', '')) then lua_pushinteger(L, ord(CurrentHedgehog^.CurAmmoType)) else lua_pushinteger(L, ord(amNothing)); lc_getcurammotype := 1;end;function lc_savecampaignvar(L : Plua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SaveCampaignVar', 'varname, value') then SendIPC('V!' + lua_tostring(L, 1) + ' ' + lua_tostring(L, 2) + #0); lc_savecampaignvar := 0;end;function lc_getcampaignvar(L : Plua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'GetCampaignVar', 'varname') then SendIPCAndWaitReply('V?' + lua_tostring(L, 1) + #0); lua_pushstring(L, str2pchar(CampaignVariable)); lc_getcampaignvar := 1;end;function lc_hidehog(L: Plua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'HideHog', 'gearUid') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); HideHog(gear^.hedgehog) end; lc_hidehog := 0;end;function lc_restorehog(L: Plua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;var i, h: LongInt; uid: LongWord;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'RestoreHog', 'gearUid') then begin uid:= LongWord(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if TeamsCount > 0 then for i:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do for h:= 0 to cMaxHHIndex do if (TeamsArray[i]^.Hedgehogs[h].GearHidden <> nil) and (TeamsArray[i]^.Hedgehogs[h].GearHidden^.uid = uid) then begin RestoreHog(@TeamsArray[i]^.Hedgehogs[h]); exit(0) end end; lc_restorehog := 0;end;// boolean TestRectForObstacle(x1, y1, x2, y2, landOnly)function lc_testrectforobstacle(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var rtn: Boolean;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 5, 'TestRectForObstacle', 'x1, y1, x2, y2, landOnly') then begin rtn:= TestRectangleForObstacle( lua_tointeger(L, 1), lua_tointeger(L, 2), lua_tointeger(L, 3), lua_tointeger(L, 4), lua_toboolean(L, 5) ); lua_pushboolean(L, rtn); end else lua_pushnil(L); // return value on stack (nil) lc_testrectforobstacle:= 1end;function lc_getgravity(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 0, 'GetGravity', '') then lua_pushinteger(L, hwRound(SignAs(_0_5, cGravity) + (cGravity * 50 / cMaxWindSpeed))); lc_getgravity:= 1end;function lc_setgravity(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'SetGravity', 'percent') then begin cGravity:= _0_02 * lua_tointeger(L, 1) * cMaxWindSpeed; cGravityf:= 0.00025 * lua_tointeger(L, 1) * 0.02 end; lc_setgravity:= 0end;function lc_setwaterline(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var iterator: PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'SetWaterLine', 'waterline') then begin cWaterLine:= lua_tointeger(L,1); AllInactive:= false; iterator:= GearsList; while iterator <> nil do begin if not (iterator^.Kind in [gtPortal, gtAirAttack]) and (iterator^.Message and (gmAllStoppable or gmLJump or gmHJump) = 0) then begin iterator^.Active:= true; if iterator^.dY.QWordValue = 0 then iterator^.dY.isNegative:= false; iterator^.State:= iterator^.State or gstMoving; DeleteCI(iterator) end; iterator:= iterator^.NextGear end end; lc_setwaterline:= 0end;function lc_setgearaihints(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var gear: PGear;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 2, 'SetAIHintOnGear', 'gearUid, aiHints') then begin gear:= GearByUID(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); if gear <> nil then gear^.aihints:= lua_tointeger(L, 2); end; lc_setgearaihints:= 0end;function lc_hedgewarsscriptload(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, 'HedgewarsScriptLoad', 'scriptPath') then ScriptLoad(lua_tostring(L, 1)) else lua_pushnil(L); lc_hedgewarsscriptload:= 0;end;function lc_declareachievement(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 4, 'DeclareAchievement', 'achievementId, teamname, location, value') then declareAchievement(lua_tostring(L, 1), lua_tostring(L, 2), lua_tostring(L, 3), lua_tointeger(L, 4)); lc_declareachievement:= 0end;procedure ScriptFlushPoints();begin ParseCommand('draw ' + PointsBuffer, true, true); PointsBuffer:= '';end;function lc_addPoint(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var np, param: LongInt;begin if CheckAndFetchParamCountRange(L, 2, 4, 'AddPoint', 'x, y [, width [, erase] ]', np) then begin // x param:= LongInt(lua_tointeger(L,1)); PointsBuffer:= PointsBuffer + char((param shr 8) and $FF); PointsBuffer:= PointsBuffer + char((param and $FF)); // y param:= LongInt(lua_tointeger(L,2)); PointsBuffer:= PointsBuffer + char((param shr 8) and $FF); PointsBuffer:= PointsBuffer + char((param and $FF)); // width if np > 2 then begin param:= lua_tointeger(L,3); param:= (param or $80); // erase if (np > 3) and lua_toboolean(L, 4) then param:= (param or $40); PointsBuffer:= PointsBuffer + char(param); end // no width defined else PointsBuffer:= PointsBuffer + char(0); // flush before shortstring limit length is reached if length(PointsBuffer) > 245 then ScriptFlushPoints(); end; lc_addPoint:= 0end;function lc_flushPoints(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 0, 'FlushPoints', '') then if length(PointsBuffer) > 0 then ScriptFlushPoints(); lc_flushPoints:= 0end;// stuff for lua testsfunction lc_endluatest(L : Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;var rstring: shortstring;const call = 'EndLuaTest'; params = 'TEST_SUCCESSFUL or TEST_FAILED';begin if CheckLuaParamCount(L, 1, call, params) then begin case lua_tointeger(L, 1) of HaltTestSuccess : rstring:= 'Success'; HaltTestLuaError: rstring:= 'FAILED'; else begin LuaCallError('Parameter must be either ' + params, call, params); exit(0); end; end; if cTestLua then begin WriteLnToConsole('Lua test finished, result: ' + rstring); halt(lua_tointeger(L, 1)); end else LuaError('Not in lua test mode, engine will keep running. Reported test result: ' + rstring); end; lc_endluatest:= 0;end;///////////////////procedure ScriptPrintStack;var n, i : LongInt;begin n:= lua_gettop(luaState); WriteLnToConsole('Lua: Stack (' + inttostr(n) + ' elements):'); for i:= 1 to n do if not lua_isboolean(luaState, i) then WriteLnToConsole('Lua: ' + inttostr(i) + ': ' + lua_tostring(luaState, i)) else if lua_toboolean(luaState, i) then WriteLnToConsole('Lua: ' + inttostr(i) + ': true') else WriteLnToConsole('Lua: ' + inttostr(i) + ': false');end;procedure ScriptClearStack;begin lua_settop(luaState, 0)end;procedure ScriptSetNil(name : shortstring);begin lua_pushnil(luaState); lua_setglobal(luaState, Str2PChar(name));end;procedure ScriptSetInteger(name : shortstring; value : LongInt);begin lua_pushinteger(luaState, value); lua_setglobal(luaState, Str2PChar(name));end;procedure ScriptSetString(name : shortstring; value : shortstring);begin lua_pushstring(luaState, Str2PChar(value)); lua_setglobal(luaState, Str2PChar(name));end;function ScriptGetInteger(name : shortstring) : LongInt;begin lua_getglobal(luaState, Str2PChar(name)); ScriptGetInteger:= lua_tointeger(luaState, -1); lua_pop(luaState, 1);end;function ScriptGetString(name : shortstring) : shortstring;begin lua_getglobal(luaState, Str2PChar(name)); ScriptGetString:= lua_tostring(luaState, -1); lua_pop(luaState, 1);end;procedure ScriptOnPreviewInit;begin// not required if there is no script to runif not ScriptLoaded then exit;ScriptSetString('Seed', cSeed);ScriptSetInteger('TemplateFilter', cTemplateFilter);ScriptSetInteger('TemplateNumber', LuaTemplateNumber);ScriptSetInteger('MapGen', ord(cMapGen));ScriptSetInteger('MapFeatureSize', cFeatureSize);ScriptCall('onPreviewInit');// pop game variablesParseCommand('seed ' + ScriptGetString('Seed'), true, true);cTemplateFilter := ScriptGetInteger('TemplateFilter');LuaTemplateNumber:= ScriptGetInteger('TemplateNumber');cMapGen := TMapGen(ScriptGetInteger('MapGen'));cFeatureSize := ScriptGetInteger('MapFeatureSize');end;procedure ScriptOnGameInit;var i, j, k: LongInt;begin// not required if there is no script to runif not ScriptLoaded then exit;// push game variables so they may be modified by the scriptScriptSetInteger('CursorX', CursorPoint.X);ScriptSetInteger('CursorY', CursorPoint.Y);ScriptSetInteger('BorderColor', ExplosionBorderColor);ScriptSetInteger('GameFlags', GameFlags);ScriptSetString('Seed', cSeed);ScriptSetInteger('TemplateFilter', cTemplateFilter);ScriptSetInteger('TemplateNumber', LuaTemplateNumber);ScriptSetInteger('MapGen', ord(cMapGen));ScriptSetInteger('MapFeatureSize', cFeatureSize);ScriptSetInteger('ScreenHeight', cScreenHeight);ScriptSetInteger('ScreenWidth', cScreenWidth);ScriptSetInteger('TurnTime', cHedgehogTurnTime);ScriptSetInteger('CaseFreq', cCaseFactor);ScriptSetInteger('HealthCaseProb', cHealthCaseProb);ScriptSetInteger('HealthCaseAmount', cHealthCaseAmount);ScriptSetInteger('DamagePercent', cDamagePercent);ScriptSetInteger('RopePercent', cRopePercent);ScriptSetInteger('MinesNum', cLandMines);ScriptSetInteger('MinesTime', cMinesTime);ScriptSetInteger('MineDudPercent', cMineDudPercent);ScriptSetInteger('Explosives', cExplosives);ScriptSetInteger('Delay', cInactDelay);ScriptSetInteger('Ready', cReadyDelay);ScriptSetInteger('SuddenDeathTurns', cSuddenDTurns);ScriptSetInteger('WaterRise', cWaterRise);ScriptSetInteger('HealthDecrease', cHealthDecrease);ScriptSetInteger('GetAwayTime', cGetAwayTime);ScriptSetString('Map', cMapName);ScriptSetString('Theme', '');ScriptSetString('Goals', '');ScriptCall('onGameInit');// pop game variablesParseCommand('seed ' + ScriptGetString('Seed'), true, true);cTemplateFilter := ScriptGetInteger('TemplateFilter');LuaTemplateNumber:= ScriptGetInteger('TemplateNumber');cMapGen := TMapGen(ScriptGetInteger('MapGen'));cFeatureSize := ScriptGetInteger('MapFeatureSize');GameFlags := ScriptGetInteger('GameFlags');cHedgehogTurnTime:= ScriptGetInteger('TurnTime');cCaseFactor := ScriptGetInteger('CaseFreq');cHealthCaseProb := ScriptGetInteger('HealthCaseProb');cHealthCaseAmount:= ScriptGetInteger('HealthCaseAmount');cDamagePercent := ScriptGetInteger('DamagePercent');cRopePercent := ScriptGetInteger('RopePercent');cLandMines := ScriptGetInteger('MinesNum');cMinesTime := ScriptGetInteger('MinesTime');cMineDudPercent := ScriptGetInteger('MineDudPercent');cExplosives := ScriptGetInteger('Explosives');cInactDelay := ScriptGetInteger('Delay');cReadyDelay := ScriptGetInteger('Ready');cSuddenDTurns := ScriptGetInteger('SuddenDeathTurns');cWaterRise := ScriptGetInteger('WaterRise');cHealthDecrease := ScriptGetInteger('HealthDecrease');cGetAwayTime := ScriptGetInteger('GetAwayTime');if cMapName <> ScriptGetString('Map') then ParseCommand('map ' + ScriptGetString('Map'), true, true);if ScriptGetString('Theme') <> '' then ParseCommand('theme ' + ScriptGetString('Theme'), true, true);LuaGoals:= ScriptGetString('Goals');// Support lua changing the ammo layout - assume all hogs have same ammo, note this might leave a few ammo stores lying around.k:= 0;if (GameFlags and gfSharedAmmo) <> 0 then for i:= 0 to Pred(ClansCount) do for j:= 0 to Pred(ClansArray[i]^.TeamsNumber) do for k:= 0 to Pred(ClansArray[i]^.Teams[j]^.HedgehogsNumber) do ClansArray[i]^.Teams[j]^.Hedgehogs[k].AmmoStore:= ielse if (GameFlags and gfPerHogAmmo) <> 0 then for i:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do for j:= 0 to Pred(TeamsArray[i]^.HedgehogsNumber) do begin TeamsArray[i]^.Hedgehogs[j].AmmoStore:= k; if StoreCnt-1 < k then AddAmmoStore; inc(k) endelse for i:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do begin for j:= 0 to Pred(TeamsArray[i]^.HedgehogsNumber) do TeamsArray[i]^.Hedgehogs[j].AmmoStore:= k; if StoreCnt-1 < k then AddAmmoStore; inc(k) end;if ScriptExists('onAmmoStoreInit') or ScriptExists('onNewAmmoStore') then begin // reset ammostore (quite unclean, but works?) uAmmos.freeModule; uAmmos.initModule; if ScriptExists('onAmmoStoreInit') then begin ScriptPrepareAmmoStore; ScriptCall('onAmmoStoreInit'); SetAmmoLoadout(ScriptAmmoLoadout); SetAmmoProbability(ScriptAmmoProbability); SetAmmoDelay(ScriptAmmoDelay); SetAmmoReinforcement(ScriptAmmoReinforcement) end; ScriptApplyAmmoStore end;ScriptSetInteger('ClansCount', ClansCount);ScriptSetInteger('TeamsCount', TeamsCount);mapDims:= falseend;// Update values of screen dimensions and allow script to react to resolution changeprocedure ScriptOnScreenResize();beginScriptSetInteger('ScreenHeight', cScreenHeight);ScriptSetInteger('ScreenWidth', cScreenWidth);ScriptCall('onScreenResize');end;// custom script loader via physfs, passed to lua_loadconst BUFSIZE = 1024;procedure ScriptLoad(name : shortstring);var ret : LongInt; s : shortstring; f : PFSFile; buf : array[0..Pred(BUFSIZE)] of byte;begins:= cPathz[ptData] + name;if not pfsExists(s) then begin AddFileLog('[LUA] Script not found: ' + name); exit; end;f:= pfsOpenRead(s);if f = nil then exit;physfsReaderSetBuffer(@buf);ret:= lua_load(luaState, @physfsReader, f, Str2PChar(s));pfsClose(f);if ret <> 0 then begin LuaError('Failed to load ' + name + '(error ' + IntToStr(ret) + ')'); LuaError(lua_tostring(luaState, -1)); endelse begin WriteLnToConsole('Lua: ' + name + ' loaded'); // call the script file lua_pcall(luaState, 0, 0, 0); ScriptLoaded:= true end;hedgewarsMountPackage(Str2PChar(copy(s, 1, length(s)-4)+'.hwp'));end;procedure SetGlobals;beginScriptSetInteger('TurnTimeLeft', TurnTimeLeft);ScriptSetInteger('GameTime', GameTicks);ScriptSetInteger('TotalRounds', TotalRounds);ScriptSetInteger('WaterLine', cWaterLine);if isCursorVisible and (not bShowAmmoMenu) then begin if (prevCursorPoint.X <> CursorPoint.X) or (prevCursorPoint.Y <> CursorPoint.Y) then begin ScriptSetInteger('CursorX', CursorPoint.X - WorldDx); ScriptSetInteger('CursorY', cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y- WorldDy); prevCursorPoint.X:= CursorPoint.X; prevCursorPoint.Y:= CursorPoint.Y; end endelse begin ScriptSetInteger('CursorX', NoPointX); ScriptSetInteger('CursorY', NoPointX); prevCursorPoint.X:= NoPointX; prevCursorPoint.Y:= NoPointX end;if not mapDims then begin mapDims:= true; ScriptSetInteger('LAND_WIDTH', LAND_WIDTH); ScriptSetInteger('LAND_HEIGHT', LAND_HEIGHT); ScriptSetInteger('LeftX', leftX); ScriptSetInteger('RightX', rightX); ScriptSetInteger('TopY', topY) end;if (CurrentHedgehog <> nil) and (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear <> nil) then ScriptSetInteger('CurrentHedgehog', CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.UID)else ScriptSetNil('CurrentHedgehog');end;procedure GetGlobals;begin// TODO// Use setters instead, because globals should be read-only!// Otherwise globals might be changed by Lua, but then unexpectatly overwritten by engine when a ScriptCall is triggered by whatever Lua is doing!// Sure, one could work around that in engine (e.g. by setting writable globals in SetGlobals only when their engine-side value has actually changed since SetGlobals was called the last time...), but things just get messier and messier then.// It is inconsistent anyway to have some globals be read-only and others not with no indication whatsoever.// -- sheepluvaTurnTimeLeft:= ScriptGetInteger('TurnTimeLeft');end;procedure ScriptCall(fname : shortstring);beginif (not ScriptLoaded) or (not ScriptExists(fname)) then exit;SetGlobals;lua_getglobal(luaState, Str2PChar(fname));if lua_pcall(luaState, 0, 0, 0) <> 0 then begin LuaError('Error while calling ' + fname + ': ' + lua_tostring(luaState, -1)); lua_pop(luaState, 1) end;GetGlobals;end;(*function ParseCommandOverride(key, value : shortstring) : shortstring;beginParseCommandOverride:= value;if not ScriptExists('ParseCommandOverride') then exit;lua_getglobal(luaState, Str2PChar('ParseCommandOverride'));lua_pushstring(luaState, Str2PChar(key));lua_pushstring(luaState, Str2PChar(value));if lua_pcall(luaState, 2, 1, 0) <> 0 then begin LuaError('Lua: Error while calling ParseCommandOverride: ' + lua_tostring(luaState, -1)); lua_pop(luaState, 1) endelse begin ParseCommandOverride:= lua_tostring(luaState, -1); lua_pop(luaState, 1) end;end;*)function ScriptCall(fname : shortstring; par1: LongInt) : LongInt;beginScriptCall:= ScriptCall(fname, par1, 0, 0, 0)end;function ScriptCall(fname : shortstring; par1, par2: LongInt) : LongInt;beginScriptCall:= ScriptCall(fname, par1, par2, 0, 0)end;function ScriptCall(fname : shortstring; par1, par2, par3: LongInt) : LongInt;beginScriptCall:= ScriptCall(fname, par1, par2, par3, 0)end;function ScriptCall(fname : shortstring; par1, par2, par3, par4 : LongInt) : LongInt;beginif (not ScriptLoaded) or (not ScriptExists(fname)) then exit(0);SetGlobals;lua_getglobal(luaState, Str2PChar(fname));lua_pushinteger(luaState, par1);lua_pushinteger(luaState, par2);lua_pushinteger(luaState, par3);lua_pushinteger(luaState, par4);ScriptCall:= 0;if lua_pcall(luaState, 4, 1, 0) <> 0 then begin LuaError('Error while calling ' + fname + ': ' + lua_tostring(luaState, -1)); lua_pop(luaState, 1) endelse begin ScriptCall:= lua_tointeger(luaState, -1); lua_pop(luaState, 1) end;GetGlobals;end;function ScriptExists(fname : shortstring) : boolean;beginif not ScriptLoaded then begin ScriptExists:= false; exit end;lua_getglobal(luaState, Str2PChar(fname));ScriptExists:= not lua_isnoneornil(luaState, -1);lua_pop(luaState, -1)end;procedure ScriptPrepareAmmoStore;var i: ShortInt;beginScriptAmmoLoadout:= '';ScriptAmmoDelay:= '';ScriptAmmoProbability:= '';ScriptAmmoReinforcement:= '';for i:=1 to ord(High(TAmmoType)) do begin ScriptAmmoLoadout:= ScriptAmmoLoadout + '0'; ScriptAmmoProbability:= ScriptAmmoProbability + '0'; ScriptAmmoDelay:= ScriptAmmoDelay + '0'; ScriptAmmoReinforcement:= ScriptAmmoReinforcement + '0'; end;end;procedure ScriptSetAmmo(ammo : TAmmoType; count, probability, delay, reinforcement: Byte);begin//if (ord(ammo) < 1) or (count > 9) or (count < 0) or (probability < 0) or (probability > 8) or (delay < 0) or (delay > 9) or (reinforcement < 0) or (reinforcement > 8) thenif (ord(ammo) < 1) or (count > 9) or (probability > 8) or (delay > 9) or (reinforcement > 8) then exit;ScriptAmmoLoadout[ord(ammo)]:= inttostr(count)[1];ScriptAmmoProbability[ord(ammo)]:= inttostr(probability)[1];ScriptSetAmmoDelay(ammo, delay);ScriptAmmoReinforcement[ord(ammo)]:= inttostr(reinforcement)[1];end;procedure ScriptSetAmmoDelay(ammo : TAmmoType; delay: Byte);begin// change loadout string if ammo store hasn't been initialized yetif (StoreCnt = 0) thenbegin if (delay <= 9) then ScriptAmmoDelay[ord(ammo)]:= inttostr(delay)[1];end// change "live" delay valueselse if (CurrentTeam <> nil) then ammoz[ammo].SkipTurns:= CurrentTeam^.Clan^.TurnNumber + delay;end;procedure ScriptApplyAmmoStore;var i, j, k : LongInt;beginif (GameFlags and gfSharedAmmo) <> 0 then for i:= 0 to Pred(ClansCount) do begin if ScriptExists('onNewAmmoStore') then begin ScriptPrepareAmmoStore; ScriptCall('onNewAmmoStore',i,-1); SetAmmoLoadout(ScriptAmmoLoadout); SetAmmoProbability(ScriptAmmoProbability); SetAmmoDelay(ScriptAmmoDelay); SetAmmoReinforcement(ScriptAmmoReinforcement) end; AddAmmoStore; for j:= 0 to Pred(ClansArray[i]^.TeamsNumber) do for k:= 0 to Pred(ClansArray[i]^.Teams[j]^.HedgehogsNumber) do ClansArray[i]^.Teams[j]^.Hedgehogs[k].AmmoStore:= StoreCnt - 1 endelse if (GameFlags and gfPerHogAmmo) <> 0 then for i:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do for j:= 0 to Pred(TeamsArray[i]^.HedgehogsNumber) do begin if ScriptExists('onNewAmmoStore') then begin ScriptPrepareAmmoStore; ScriptCall('onNewAmmoStore',i,j); SetAmmoLoadout(ScriptAmmoLoadout); SetAmmoProbability(ScriptAmmoProbability); SetAmmoDelay(ScriptAmmoDelay); SetAmmoReinforcement(ScriptAmmoReinforcement) end; AddAmmoStore; TeamsArray[i]^.Hedgehogs[j].AmmoStore:= StoreCnt - 1 endelse for i:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do begin if ScriptExists('onNewAmmoStore') then begin ScriptPrepareAmmoStore; ScriptCall('onNewAmmoStore',i,-1); SetAmmoLoadout(ScriptAmmoLoadout); SetAmmoProbability(ScriptAmmoProbability); SetAmmoDelay(ScriptAmmoDelay); SetAmmoReinforcement(ScriptAmmoReinforcement) end; AddAmmoStore; for j:= 0 to Pred(TeamsArray[i]^.HedgehogsNumber) do TeamsArray[i]^.Hedgehogs[j].AmmoStore:= StoreCnt - 1 endend;procedure initModule;var at : TGearType; vgt: TVisualGearType; am : TAmmoType; si : TStatInfoType; st : TSound; he : THogEffect; cg : TCapGroup; spr: TSprite; mg : TMapGen;begin// initialize lualuaState:= lua_open;if checkFails(luaState <> nil, 'lua_open failed', true) then exit;// open internal librariesluaopen_base(luaState);luaopen_string(luaState);luaopen_math(luaState);luaopen_table(luaState);// import some variablesScriptSetString(_S'L', cLocale);// import game flagsScriptSetInteger('gfForts', gfForts);ScriptSetInteger('gfMultiWeapon', gfMultiWeapon);ScriptSetInteger('gfSolidLand', gfSolidLand);ScriptSetInteger('gfBorder', gfBorder);ScriptSetInteger('gfBottomBorder', gfBottomBorder);ScriptSetInteger('gfDivideTeams', gfDivideTeams);ScriptSetInteger('gfLowGravity', gfLowGravity);ScriptSetInteger('gfLaserSight', gfLaserSight);ScriptSetInteger('gfInvulnerable', gfInvulnerable);ScriptSetInteger('gfResetHealth', gfResetHealth);ScriptSetInteger('gfVampiric', gfVampiric);ScriptSetInteger('gfKarma', gfKarma);ScriptSetInteger('gfArtillery', gfArtillery);ScriptSetInteger('gfOneClanMode', gfOneClanMode);ScriptSetInteger('gfRandomOrder', gfRandomOrder);ScriptSetInteger('gfKing', gfKing);ScriptSetInteger('gfPlaceHog', gfPlaceHog);ScriptSetInteger('gfSharedAmmo', gfSharedAmmo);ScriptSetInteger('gfDisableGirders', gfDisableGirders);ScriptSetInteger('gfDisableLandObjects', gfDisableLandObjects);ScriptSetInteger('gfAISurvival', gfAISurvival);ScriptSetInteger('gfInfAttack', gfInfAttack);ScriptSetInteger('gfResetWeps', gfResetWeps);ScriptSetInteger('gfPerHogAmmo', gfPerHogAmmo);ScriptSetInteger('gfDisableWind', gfDisableWind);ScriptSetInteger('gfMoreWind', gfMoreWind);ScriptSetInteger('gfTagTeam', gfTagTeam);ScriptSetInteger('gfShoppaBorder', gfShoppaBorder);ScriptSetInteger('gmLeft', gmLeft);ScriptSetInteger('gmRight', gmRight);ScriptSetInteger('gmUp', gmUp);ScriptSetInteger('gmDown', gmDown);ScriptSetInteger('gmSwitch', gmSwitch);ScriptSetInteger('gmAttack', gmAttack);ScriptSetInteger('gmLJump', gmLJump);ScriptSetInteger('gmHJump', gmHJump);ScriptSetInteger('gmDestroy', gmDestroy);ScriptSetInteger('gmSlot', gmSlot);ScriptSetInteger('gmWeapon', gmWeapon);ScriptSetInteger('gmTimer', gmTimer);ScriptSetInteger('gmAnimate', gmAnimate);ScriptSetInteger('gmPrecise', gmPrecise);ScriptSetInteger('gmAllStoppable', gmAllStoppable);// speech bubblesScriptSetInteger('SAY_SAY', 1);ScriptSetInteger('SAY_THINK', 2);ScriptSetInteger('SAY_SHOUT', 3);// register gear typesfor at:= Low(TGearType) to High(TGearType) do ScriptSetInteger(EnumToStr(at), ord(at));for vgt:= Low(TVisualGearType) to High(TVisualGearType) do ScriptSetInteger(EnumToStr(vgt), ord(vgt));// register soundsfor st:= Low(TSound) to High(TSound) do ScriptSetInteger(EnumToStr(st), ord(st));// register ammo typesfor am:= Low(TAmmoType) to High(TAmmoType) do ScriptSetInteger(EnumToStr(am), ord(am));for si:= Low(TStatInfoType) to High(TStatInfoType) do ScriptSetInteger(EnumToStr(si), ord(si));for he:= Low(THogEffect) to High(THogEffect) do ScriptSetInteger(EnumToStr(he), ord(he));for cg:= Low(TCapGroup) to High(TCapGroup) do ScriptSetInteger(EnumToStr(cg), ord(cg));for spr:= Low(TSprite) to High(TSprite) do ScriptSetInteger(EnumToStr(spr), ord(spr));for mg:= Low(TMapGen) to High(TMapGen) do ScriptSetInteger(EnumToStr(mg), ord(mg));ScriptSetInteger('gstDrowning' , gstDrowning);ScriptSetInteger('gstHHDriven' , gstHHDriven);ScriptSetInteger('gstMoving' , gstMoving);ScriptSetInteger('gstAttacked' , gstAttacked);ScriptSetInteger('gstAttacking' , gstAttacking);ScriptSetInteger('gstCollision' , gstCollision);ScriptSetInteger('gstChooseTarget' , gstChooseTarget);ScriptSetInteger('gstHHJumping' , gstHHJumping);ScriptSetInteger('gsttmpFlag' , gsttmpFlag);ScriptSetInteger('gstHHThinking' , gstHHThinking);ScriptSetInteger('gstNoDamage' , gstNoDamage);ScriptSetInteger('gstHHHJump' , gstHHHJump);ScriptSetInteger('gstAnimation' , gstAnimation);ScriptSetInteger('gstHHDeath' , gstHHDeath);ScriptSetInteger('gstWinner' , gstWinner);ScriptSetInteger('gstWait' , gstWait);ScriptSetInteger('gstNotKickable' , gstNotKickable);ScriptSetInteger('gstLoser' , gstLoser);ScriptSetInteger('gstHHGone' , gstHHGone);ScriptSetInteger('gstInvisible' , gstInvisible);ScriptSetInteger('gstSubmersible' , gstSubmersible);ScriptSetInteger('gstFrozen' , gstFrozen);ScriptSetInteger('gstNoGravity' , gstNoGravity);// ai hintsScriptSetInteger('aihUsualProcessing', aihUsualProcessing);ScriptSetInteger('aihDoesntMatter' , aihDoesntMatter);// land flagsScriptSetInteger('lfIndestructible', lfIndestructible);ScriptSetInteger('lfIce' , lfIce);ScriptSetInteger('lfBouncy' , lfBouncy);// register functionslua_register(luaState, _P'HideHog', @lc_hidehog);lua_register(luaState, _P'RestoreHog', @lc_restorehog);lua_register(luaState, _P'SaveCampaignVar', @lc_savecampaignvar);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetCampaignVar', @lc_getcampaignvar);lua_register(luaState, _P'band', @lc_band);lua_register(luaState, _P'bor', @lc_bor);lua_register(luaState, _P'bnot', @lc_bnot);lua_register(luaState, _P'div', @lc_div);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetInputMask', @lc_getinputmask);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetInputMask', @lc_setinputmask);lua_register(luaState, _P'AddGear', @lc_addgear);lua_register(luaState, _P'DismissTeam', @lc_dismissteam);lua_register(luaState, _P'EnableGameFlags', @lc_enablegameflags);lua_register(luaState, _P'DisableGameFlags', @lc_disablegameflags);lua_register(luaState, _P'ClearGameFlags', @lc_cleargameflags);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetGameFlag', @lc_getgameflag);lua_register(luaState, _P'DeleteGear', @lc_deletegear);lua_register(luaState, _P'AddVisualGear', @lc_addvisualgear);lua_register(luaState, _P'DeleteVisualGear', @lc_deletevisualgear);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetVisualGearValues', @lc_getvisualgearvalues);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetVisualGearValues', @lc_setvisualgearvalues);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetGearValues', @lc_getgearvalues);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetGearValues', @lc_setgearvalues);lua_register(luaState, _P'SpawnHealthCrate', @lc_spawnhealthcrate);lua_register(luaState, _P'SpawnAmmoCrate', @lc_spawnammocrate);lua_register(luaState, _P'SpawnUtilityCrate', @lc_spawnutilitycrate);lua_register(luaState, _P'SpawnFakeHealthCrate', @lc_spawnfakehealthcrate);lua_register(luaState, _P'SpawnFakeAmmoCrate', @lc_spawnfakeammocrate);lua_register(luaState, _P'SpawnFakeUtilityCrate', @lc_spawnfakeutilitycrate);lua_register(luaState, _P'WriteLnToConsole', @lc_writelntoconsole);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetGearType', @lc_getgeartype);lua_register(luaState, _P'EndGame', @lc_endgame);lua_register(luaState, _P'SendStat', @lc_sendstat);lua_register(luaState, _P'SendHealthStatsOff', @lc_sendhealthstatsoff);lua_register(luaState, _P'FindPlace', @lc_findplace);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetGearPosition', @lc_setgearposition);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetGearPosition', @lc_getgearposition);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetGearTarget', @lc_setgeartarget);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetGearTarget', @lc_getgeartarget);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetGearVelocity', @lc_setgearvelocity);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetGearVelocity', @lc_getgearvelocity);lua_register(luaState, _P'ParseCommand', @lc_parsecommand);lua_register(luaState, _P'ShowMission', @lc_showmission);lua_register(luaState, _P'HideMission', @lc_hidemission);lua_register(luaState, _P'AddCaption', @lc_addcaption);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetAmmo', @lc_setammo);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetAmmoDelay', @lc_setammodelay);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetAmmoStore', @lc_setammostore);lua_register(luaState, _P'PlaySound', @lc_playsound);lua_register(luaState, _P'AddTeam', @lc_addteam);lua_register(luaState, _P'AddHog', @lc_addhog);lua_register(luaState, _P'AddAmmo', @lc_addammo);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetAmmoCount', @lc_getammocount);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetHealth', @lc_sethealth);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetHealth', @lc_gethealth);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetEffect', @lc_seteffect);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetEffect', @lc_geteffect);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetHogClan', @lc_gethogclan);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetClanColor', @lc_getclancolor);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetClanColor', @lc_setclancolor);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetHogVoicepack', @lc_gethogvoicepack);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetHogFlag', @lc_gethogflag);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetHogGrave', @lc_gethoggrave);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetHogTeamName', @lc_gethogteamname);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetHogTeamName', @lc_sethogteamname);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetHogName', @lc_gethogname);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetHogName', @lc_sethogname);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetHogLevel', @lc_gethoglevel);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetHogLevel', @lc_sethoglevel);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetX', @lc_getx);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetY', @lc_gety);lua_register(luaState, _P'CopyPV', @lc_copypv);lua_register(luaState, _P'FollowGear', @lc_followgear);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetFollowGear', @lc_getfollowgear);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetState', @lc_setstate);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetState', @lc_getstate);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetTag', @lc_gettag);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetTag', @lc_settag);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetTimer', @lc_settimer);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetTimer', @lc_gettimer);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetFlightTime', @lc_setflighttime);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetFlightTime', @lc_getflighttime);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetZoom', @lc_setzoom);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetZoom', @lc_getzoom);lua_register(luaState, _P'HogSay', @lc_hogsay);lua_register(luaState, _P'SwitchHog', @lc_switchhog);lua_register(luaState, _P'HogTurnLeft', @lc_hogturnleft);lua_register(luaState, _P'CampaignLock', @lc_campaignlock);lua_register(luaState, _P'CampaignUnlock', @lc_campaignunlock);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetGearElasticity', @lc_getgearelasticity);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetGearElasticity', @lc_setgearelasticity);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetGearFriction', @lc_getgearfriction);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetGearFriction', @lc_setgearfriction);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetGearRadius', @lc_getgearradius);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetGearMessage', @lc_getgearmessage);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetGearMessage', @lc_setgearmessage);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetGearPos', @lc_getgearpos);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetGearPos', @lc_setgearpos);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetGearCollisionMask', @lc_getgearcollisionmask);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetGearCollisionMask', @lc_setgearcollisionmask);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetRandom', @lc_getrandom);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetWind', @lc_setwind);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetDataPath', @lc_getdatapath);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetUserDataPath', @lc_getuserdatapath);lua_register(luaState, _P'MapHasBorder', @lc_maphasborder);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetHogHat', @lc_gethoghat);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetHogHat', @lc_sethoghat);lua_register(luaState, _P'EraseSprite', @lc_erasesprite);lua_register(luaState, _P'PlaceSprite', @lc_placesprite);lua_register(luaState, _P'PlaceGirder', @lc_placegirder);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetCurAmmoType', @lc_getcurammotype);lua_register(luaState, _P'TestRectForObstacle', @lc_testrectforobstacle);lua_register(luaState, _P'GetGravity', @lc_getgravity);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetGravity', @lc_setgravity);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetWaterLine', @lc_setwaterline);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetNextWeapon', @lc_setnextweapon);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetWeapon', @lc_setweapon);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetCinematicMode', @lc_setcinematicmode);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetMaxBuildDistance', @lc_setmaxbuilddistance);// drawn map functionslua_register(luaState, _P'AddPoint', @lc_addPoint);lua_register(luaState, _P'FlushPoints', @lc_flushPoints);lua_register(luaState, _P'SetGearAIHints', @lc_setgearaihints);lua_register(luaState, _P'HedgewarsScriptLoad', @lc_hedgewarsscriptload);lua_register(luaState, _P'DeclareAchievement', @lc_declareachievement);ScriptSetInteger('TEST_SUCCESSFUL' , HaltTestSuccess);ScriptSetInteger('TEST_FAILED' , HaltTestFailed);lua_register(luaState, _P'EndLuaTest', @lc_endluatest);ScriptClearStack; // just to be sure stack is emptyScriptLoaded:= false;end;procedure freeModule;beginlua_close(luaState);end;{$ELSE}procedure ScriptPrintStack;beginend;procedure ScriptClearStack;beginend;procedure ScriptLoad(name : shortstring);begin name:= name; // avoid hintend;procedure ScriptOnGameInit;beginend;procedure ScriptCall(fname : shortstring);begin fname:= fname; // avoid hintend;function ScriptCall(fname : shortstring; par1, par2, par3, par4 : LongInt) : LongInt;begin // avoid hints fname:= fname; par1:= par1; par2:= par2; par3:= par3; par4:= par4; ScriptCall:= 0end;function ScriptCall(fname : shortstring; par1: LongInt) : LongInt;begin // avoid hints fname:= fname; par1:= par1; ScriptCall:= 0end;function ScriptCall(fname : shortstring; par1, par2: LongInt) : LongInt;begin // avoid hints fname:= fname; par1:= par1; par2:= par2; ScriptCall:= 0end;function ScriptCall(fname : shortstring; par1, par2, par3: LongInt) : LongInt;begin // avoid hints fname:= fname; par1:= par1; par2:= par2; par3:= par3; ScriptCall:= 0end;function ScriptExists(fname : shortstring) : boolean;begin fname:= fname; // avoid hint ScriptExists:= falseend;(*function ParseCommandOverride(key, value : shortstring) : shortstring;begin // avoid hints key:= key; value:= value; ParseCommandOverride:= ''end;*)procedure ScriptOnScreenResize;beginend;procedure initModule;beginmapDims:= false;PointsBuffer:= '';prevCursorPoint.X:= NoPointX;prevCursorPoint.Y:= 0;end;procedure freeModule;beginend;{$ENDIF}end.