Mutant: Don't reduce mutant health in ready phase. Play poison hurt sound as health warning
use proptest::{
test_runner::{TestRunner, Reason},
arbitrary::{any, any_with, Arbitrary, StrategyFor},
strategy::{Strategy, BoxedStrategy, Just, Map}
use crate::server::coretypes::{GameCfg, TeamInfo, HedgehogInfo};
use super::messages::{
HWProtocolMessage, HWProtocolMessage::*
// Due to inability to define From between Options
trait Into2<T>: Sized { fn into2(self) -> T; }
impl <T> Into2<T> for T { fn into2(self) -> T { self } }
impl Into2<Vec<String>> for Vec<Ascii> {
fn into2(self) -> Vec<String> {
self.into_iter().map(|x| x.0).collect()
impl Into2<String> for Ascii { fn into2(self) -> String { self.0 } }
impl Into2<Option<String>> for Option<Ascii>{
fn into2(self) -> Option<String> {|x| {x.0}) }
macro_rules! proto_msg_case {
($val: ident()) =>
($val: ident($arg: ty)) =>
(any::<$arg>().prop_map(|v| {$val(v.into2())}));
($val: ident($arg1: ty, $arg2: ty)) =>
(any::<($arg1, $arg2)>().prop_map(|v| {$val(v.0.into2(), v.1.into2())}));
($val: ident($arg1: ty, $arg2: ty, $arg3: ty)) =>
(any::<($arg1, $arg2, $arg3)>().prop_map(|v| {$val(v.0.into2(), v.1.into2(), v.2.into2())}));
macro_rules! proto_msg_match {
($var: expr, def = $default: expr, $($num: expr => $constr: ident $res: tt),*) => (
match $var {
$($num => (proto_msg_case!($constr $res)).boxed()),*,
_ => Just($default).boxed()
/// Wrapper type for generating non-empty strings
struct Ascii(String);
impl Arbitrary for Ascii {
type Parameters = <String as Arbitrary>::Parameters;
fn arbitrary_with(_args: Self::Parameters) -> Self::Strategy {
type Strategy = BoxedStrategy<Ascii>;
impl Arbitrary for GameCfg {
type Parameters = ();
fn arbitrary_with(_args: <Self as Arbitrary>::Parameters) -> <Self as Arbitrary>::Strategy {
use crate::server::coretypes::GameCfg::*;
(0..10).no_shrink().prop_flat_map(|i| {
proto_msg_match!(i, def = FeatureSize(0),
0 => FeatureSize(u32),
1 => MapType(Ascii),
2 => MapGenerator(u32),
3 => MazeSize(u32),
4 => Seed(Ascii),
5 => Template(u32),
6 => Ammo(Ascii, Option<Ascii>),
7 => Scheme(Ascii, Vec<Ascii>),
8 => Script(Ascii),
9 => Theme(Ascii),
10 => DrawnMap(Ascii))
type Strategy = BoxedStrategy<GameCfg>;
impl Arbitrary for TeamInfo {
type Parameters = ();
fn arbitrary_with(_args: <Self as Arbitrary>::Parameters) -> <Self as Arbitrary>::Strategy {
("[a-z]+", 0u8..127u8, "[a-z]+", "[a-z]+", "[a-z]+", "[a-z]+", 0u8..127u8)
.prop_map(|(name, color, grave, fort, voice_pack, flag, difficulty)| {
fn hog(n: u8) -> HedgehogInfo {
HedgehogInfo { name: format!("hog{}", n), hat: format!("hat{}", n)}
let hedgehogs = [hog(1), hog(2), hog(3), hog(4), hog(5), hog(6), hog(7), hog(8)];
TeamInfo {
name, color, grave, fort,
voice_pack, flag,difficulty,
hedgehogs, hedgehogs_number: 0
type Strategy = BoxedStrategy<TeamInfo>;
pub fn gen_proto_msg() -> BoxedStrategy<HWProtocolMessage> where {
let res = (0..58).no_shrink().prop_flat_map(|i| {
proto_msg_match!(i, def = Malformed,
0 => Ping(),
1 => Pong(),
2 => Quit(Option<Ascii>),
//3 => Cmd
4 => Global(Ascii),
5 => Watch(Ascii),
6 => ToggleServerRegisteredOnly(),
7 => SuperPower(),
8 => Info(Ascii),
9 => Nick(Ascii),
10 => Proto(u16),
11 => Password(Ascii, Ascii),
12 => Checker(u16, Ascii, Ascii),
13 => List(),
14 => Chat(Ascii),
15 => CreateRoom(Ascii, Option<Ascii>),
16 => JoinRoom(Ascii, Option<Ascii>),
17 => Follow(Ascii),
18 => Rnd(Vec<Ascii>),
19 => Kick(Ascii),
20 => Ban(Ascii, Ascii, u32),
21 => BanIP(Ascii, Ascii, u32),
22 => BanNick(Ascii, Ascii, u32),
23 => BanList(),
24 => Unban(Ascii),
//25 => SetServerVar(ServerVar),
26 => GetServerVar(),
27 => RestartServer(),
28 => Stats(),
29 => Part(Option<Ascii>),
30 => Cfg(GameCfg),
31 => AddTeam(Box<TeamInfo>),
32 => RemoveTeam(Ascii),
33 => SetHedgehogsNumber(Ascii, u8),
34 => SetTeamColor(Ascii, u8),
35 => ToggleReady(),
36 => StartGame(),
37 => EngineMessage(Ascii),
38 => RoundFinished(),
39 => ToggleRestrictJoin(),
40 => ToggleRestrictTeams(),
41 => ToggleRegisteredOnly(),
42 => RoomName(Ascii),
43 => Delegate(Ascii),
44 => TeamChat(Ascii),
45 => MaxTeams(u8),
46 => Fix(),
47 => Unfix(),
48 => Greeting(Ascii),
//49 => CallVote(Option<(String, Option<String>)>),
50 => Vote(bool),
51 => ForceVote(bool),
52 => Save(Ascii, Ascii),
53 => Delete(Ascii),
54 => SaveRoom(Ascii),
55 => LoadRoom(Ascii),
56 => Malformed(),
57 => Empty()