author nemo
Sat, 27 Apr 2013 16:56:50 -0400
changeset 8939 b26aaf28c920
parent 3697 d5b30d6373fc
permissions -rw-r--r--
So. First pass. Add secondary explosions to RateExplosion and RateShotgun. Not yet added to shoves. This is of limited utility at present since the dX has to be small since we can't bother tracing all hog motion. But, should be more useful once shove is added, and tracking of explosives and mines.

 *  commands.h
 *  Hedgewars
 *  Created by Vittorio on 13/06/10.
 *  Copyright 2010 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.


#include "openalbridge_t.h"
#include "openalbridge.h"

#define openal_fadein(x,y)          openal_fade(x,y,AL_FADE_IN)
#define openal_fadeout(x,y)         openal_fade(x,y,AL_FADE_OUT)
#define openal_playsound_loop(x,y)  openal_playsound(x)  \
                                        if (y != 0)  \
#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS
extern "C" {

    // play, pause, stop a single sound source
    void openal_pausesound        (unsigned int index);
    void openal_stopsound         (unsigned int index);

    // play a sound and set whether it should loop or not (0/1)
    void openal_playsound         (unsigned int index);

    void openal_freesound         (unsigned int index);

    // set or unset the looping property for a sound source
    void openal_toggleloop        (unsigned int index);

    // set position and volume of a sound source
    void openal_setposition       (unsigned int index, float x, float y, float z);
    void openal_setvolume         (unsigned int index, float gain);

    // set volume for all sounds (gain interval is [0-1])
    void openal_setglobalvolume   (float gain);

    // mute or unmute all sounds
    void openal_togglemute        (void);

    // fade effect,
    void openal_fade              (unsigned int index, unsigned short int quantity, al_fade_t direction);

#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS

#endif /*_OALB_COMMANDS_H*/