author nemo
Sat, 27 Apr 2013 16:56:50 -0400
changeset 8939 b26aaf28c920
parent 2812 0a24853de796
child 10017 de822cd3df3a
permissions -rw-r--r--
So. First pass. Add secondary explosions to RateExplosion and RateShotgun. Not yet added to shoves. This is of limited utility at present since the dX has to be small since we can't bother tracing all hog motion. But, should be more useful once shove is added, and tracking of explosives and mines.

** $Id: lmem.h,v 2007/12/27 13:02:25 roberto Exp $
** Interface to Memory Manager
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h

#ifndef lmem_h
#define lmem_h

#include <stddef.h>

#include "llimits.h"
#include "lua.h"

#define MEMERRMSG	"not enough memory"

#define luaM_reallocv(L,b,on,n,e) \
	((cast(size_t, (n)+1) <= MAX_SIZET/(e)) ?  /* +1 to avoid warnings */ \
		luaM_realloc_(L, (b), (on)*(e), (n)*(e)) : \

#define luaM_freemem(L, b, s)	luaM_realloc_(L, (b), (s), 0)
#define luaM_free(L, b)		luaM_realloc_(L, (b), sizeof(*(b)), 0)
#define luaM_freearray(L, b, n, t)   luaM_reallocv(L, (b), n, 0, sizeof(t))

#define luaM_malloc(L,t)	luaM_realloc_(L, NULL, 0, (t))
#define luaM_new(L,t)		cast(t *, luaM_malloc(L, sizeof(t)))
#define luaM_newvector(L,n,t) \
		cast(t *, luaM_reallocv(L, NULL, 0, n, sizeof(t)))

#define luaM_growvector(L,v,nelems,size,t,limit,e) \
          if ((nelems)+1 > (size)) \
            ((v)=cast(t *, luaM_growaux_(L,v,&(size),sizeof(t),limit,e)))

#define luaM_reallocvector(L, v,oldn,n,t) \
   ((v)=cast(t *, luaM_reallocv(L, v, oldn, n, sizeof(t))))

LUAI_FUNC void *luaM_realloc_ (lua_State *L, void *block, size_t oldsize,
                                                          size_t size);
LUAI_FUNC void *luaM_toobig (lua_State *L);
LUAI_FUNC void *luaM_growaux_ (lua_State *L, void *block, int *size,
                               size_t size_elem, int limit,
                               const char *errormsg);
