So. First pass. Add secondary explosions to RateExplosion and RateShotgun. Not yet added to shoves. This is of limited utility at present since the dX has to be small since we can't bother tracing all hog motion. But, should be more useful once shove is added, and tracking of explosives and mines.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module HWProtoCore where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.List as L
import CoreTypes
import Actions
import HWProtoNEState
import HWProtoLobbyState
import HWProtoInRoomState
import HWProtoChecker
import HandlerUtils
import RoomsAndClients
import Utils
handleCmd, handleCmd_loggedin :: CmdHandler
handleCmd ["PING"] = answerClient ["PONG"]
handleCmd ("QUIT" : xs) = return [ByeClient msg]
msg = if not $ null xs then head xs else loc "bye"
handleCmd ["PONG"] = do
cl <- thisClient
if pingsQueue cl == 0 then
return [ProtocolError "Protocol violation"]
return [ModifyClient (\c -> c{pingsQueue = pingsQueue c - 1})]
handleCmd ("CMD" : parameters) =
let c = concatMap B.words parameters in
if not $ null c then
h $ (upperCase . head $ c) : tail c
return []
h ["DELEGATE", n] = handleCmd ["DELEGATE", n]
h ["STATS"] = handleCmd ["STATS"]
h ["PART", msg] = handleCmd ["PART", msg]
h ["QUIT", msg] = handleCmd ["QUIT", msg]
h ["GLOBAL", msg] = do
rnc <- liftM snd ask
let chans = map (sendChan . client rnc) $ allClients rnc
return [AnswerClients chans ["CHAT", "[global notice]", msg]]
h c = return [Warning . B.concat . L.intersperse " " $ "Unknown cmd" : c]
handleCmd cmd = do
(ci, irnc) <- ask
let cl = irnc `client` ci
if logonPassed cl then
if isChecker cl then
handleCmd_checker cmd
handleCmd_loggedin cmd
handleCmd_NotEntered cmd
handleCmd_loggedin ["INFO", asknick] = do
(_, rnc) <- ask
maybeClientId <- clientByNick asknick
isAdminAsking <- liftM isAdministrator thisClient
let noSuchClient = isNothing maybeClientId
let clientId = fromJust maybeClientId
let cl = rnc `client` fromJust maybeClientId
let roomId = clientRoom rnc clientId
let clRoom = room rnc roomId
let roomMasterSign = if isMaster cl then "@" else ""
let adminSign = if isAdministrator cl then "@" else ""
let rInfo = if roomId /= lobbyId then B.concat [roomMasterSign, "room ", name clRoom] else adminSign `B.append` "lobby"
let roomStatus = if isJust $ gameInfo clRoom then
if teamsInGame cl > 0 then "(playing)" else "(spectating)"
let hostStr = if isAdminAsking then host cl else cutHost $ host cl
if noSuchClient then
return []
answerClient [
nick cl,
B.concat ["[", hostStr, "]"],
protoNumber2ver $ clientProto cl,
B.concat ["[", rInfo, "]", roomStatus]
handleCmd_loggedin cmd = do
(ci, rnc) <- ask
if clientRoom rnc ci == lobbyId then
handleCmd_lobby cmd
handleCmd_inRoom cmd