show correct default if current team is local team
(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *){$INCLUDE ""}unit uChat;interfaceprocedure initModule;procedure freeModule;procedure ReloadLines;procedure CleanupInput;procedure AddChatString(s: shortstring);procedure DrawChat;procedure KeyPressChat(Key, Sym: Longword; Modifier: Word);procedure SendHogSpeech(s: shortstring);procedure CopyToClipboard(var newContent: shortstring);implementationuses SDLh, uInputHandler, uTypes, uVariables, uCommands, uUtils, uTextures, uRender, uIO, uScript, uRenderUtils;const MaxStrIndex = 27; MaxInputStrLen = 240;type TChatLine = record Tex: PTexture; Time: Longword; Width: LongInt; s: shortstring; Color: TSDL_Color; end; TChatCmd = (ccQuit, ccPause, ccFinish, ccShowHistory, ccFullScreen);type TInputStrL = array[0..260] of byte;var Strs: array[0 .. MaxStrIndex] of TChatLine; MStrs: array[0 .. MaxStrIndex] of shortstring; LocalStrs: array[0 .. MaxStrIndex] of shortstring; LocalStrsL: array[0 .. MaxStrIndex] of TInputStrL; missedCount: LongWord; lastStr: LongWord; localLastStr: LongInt; history: LongInt; visibleCount: LongWord; InputStr: TChatLine; InputStrL: TInputStrL; // for full str + 4-byte utf-8 char ChatReady: boolean; showAll: boolean; liveLua: boolean; ChatHidden: boolean; firstDraw: boolean; InputLinePrefix: TChatLine; // cursor cursorPos, cursorX, selectedPos, selectionDx: LongInt; LastKeyPressTick: LongWord;const InputStrLNoPred: byte = 255; colors: array[#0..#6] of TSDL_Color = ( (r:$FF; g:$FF; b:$FF; a:$FF), // unused, feel free to take it for anything (r:$FF; g:$FF; b:$FF; a:$FF), // chat message [White] (r:$FF; g:$00; b:$FF; a:$FF), // action message [Purple] (r:$90; g:$FF; b:$90; a:$FF), // join/leave message [Lime] (r:$FF; g:$FF; b:$A0; a:$FF), // team message [Light Yellow] (r:$FF; g:$00; b:$00; a:$FF), // error messages [Red] (r:$00; g:$FF; b:$FF; a:$FF) // input line [Light Blue] ); ChatCommandz: array [TChatCmd] of record ChatCmd: string[31]; ProcedureCallChatCmd: string[31]; end = ( (ChatCmd: '/quit'; ProcedureCallChatCmd: 'halt'), (ChatCmd: '/pause'; ProcedureCallChatCmd: 'pause'), (ChatCmd: '/finish'; ProcedureCallChatCmd: 'finish'), (ChatCmd: '/history'; ProcedureCallChatCmd: 'history'), (ChatCmd: '/fullscreen'; ProcedureCallChatCmd: 'fullscr') );const Padding = 2; ClHeight = 2 * Padding + 16; // font heightfunction charIsForHogSpeech(c: char): boolean;beginexit((c = '"') or (c = '''') or (c = '-'));end;procedure ResetSelection();begin selectedPos:= -1;end;procedure UpdateCursorCoords();var font: THWFont; str : shortstring; coff, soff: LongInt;begin if cursorPos = selectedPos then ResetSelection(); // calculate cursor offset str:= InputStr.s; font:= CheckCJKFont(ansistring(str), fnt16); // get only substring before cursor to determine length // SetLength(str, cursorPos); // makes pas2c unhappy str[0]:= char(cursorPos); // get render size of text TTF_SizeUTF8(Fontz[font].Handle, Str2PChar(str), @coff, nil); cursorX:= 2 + coff; // calculate selection width on screen if selectedPos >= 0 then begin if selectedPos > cursorPos then str:= InputStr.s; // SetLength(str, selectedPos); // makes pas2c unhappy str[0]:= char(selectedPos); TTF_SizeUTF8(Fontz[font].Handle, Str2PChar(str), @soff, nil); selectionDx:= soff - coff; end else selectionDx:= 0;end;procedure ResetCursor();begin ResetSelection(); cursorPos:= 0; UpdateCursorCoords();end;procedure RenderChatLineTex(var cl: TChatLine; var str: shortstring);var strSurface, resSurface: PSDL_Surface; dstrect : TSDL_Rect; // destination rectangle for blitting font : THWFont;const shadowint = $80 shl AShift;beginfont:= CheckCJKFont(ansistring(str), fnt16);// get render size of textTTF_SizeUTF8(Fontz[font].Handle, Str2PChar(str), @cl.Width, nil);// calculate and save sizecl.Width := cl.Width + 2 * Padding;// create surface to draw onresSurface:= SDL_CreateRGBSurface( 0, toPowerOf2(cl.Width), toPowerOf2(ClHeight), 32, RMask, GMask, BMask, AMask);// define area we want to draw indstrect.x:= 0;dstrect.y:= 0;dstrect.w:= cl.Width;dstrect.h:= ClHeight;// draw backgroundSDL_FillRect(resSurface, @dstrect, shadowint);// create and blit textstrSurface:= TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(Fontz[font].Handle, Str2PChar(str), cl.color);//SDL_UpperBlit(strSurface, nil, resSurface, @dstrect);if strSurface <> nil then copyTOXY(strSurface, resSurface, Padding, Padding);SDL_FreeSurface(strSurface);cl.Tex:= Surface2Tex(resSurface, false);SDL_FreeSurface(resSurface)end;const ClDisplayDuration = 12500;procedure SetLine(var cl: TChatLine; str: shortstring; isInput: boolean);var color : TSDL_Color;beginif cl.Tex <> nil then FreeAndNilTexture(cl.Tex);if isInput then begin cl.s:= str; color:= colors[#6]; str:= str + ' '; endelse begin if str[1] <= High(colors) then begin color:= colors[str[1]]; delete(str, 1, 1); end // fallback if invalid color else color:= colors[Low(colors)]; cl.s:= str; end;cl.color:= color;// set texture, note: variables cl.s and str will be different here if isInputRenderChatLineTex(cl, str);cl.Time:= RealTicks + ClDisplayDuration;end;// For uStore texture recreationprocedure ReloadLines;var i, t: LongWord;begin if InputStr.s <> '' then SetLine(InputStr, InputStr.s, true); for i:= 0 to MaxStrIndex do if Strs[i].s <> '' then begin t:= Strs[i].Time; SetLine(Strs[i], Strs[i].s, false); Strs[i].Time:= t end;end;procedure AddChatString(s: shortstring);beginif not ChatReady then begin if MissedCount < MaxStrIndex - 1 then MStrs[MissedCount]:= s else if MissedCount < MaxStrIndex then MStrs[MissedCount]:= #5 + '[...]'; inc(MissedCount); exit end;lastStr:= (lastStr + 1) mod (MaxStrIndex + 1);SetLine(Strs[lastStr], s, false);inc(visibleCount)end;procedure CheckPasteBuffer(); forward;procedure UpdateInputLinePrefix();beginif liveLua then begin InputLinePrefix.color:= colors[#1]; InputLinePrefix.s:= '[Lua] >'; endelse begin InputLinePrefix.color:= colors[#6]; InputLinePrefix.s:= UserNick + '>'; end;FreeAndNilTexture(InputLinePrefix.Tex);end;procedure DrawChat;var i, t, left, top, cnt: LongInt; selRect: TSDL_Rect; c: char;beginChatReady:= true; // maybe move to somewhere else?if ChatHidden and (not showAll) then visibleCount:= 0;// draw chat lines with some distance from screen borderleft:= 4 - cScreenWidth div 2;top := 10 + visibleCount * ClHeight; // we start with input line (if any)// draw chat input line first and under all other linesif (GameState = gsChat) and (InputStr.Tex <> nil) then begin CheckPasteBuffer(); if InputLinePrefix.Tex = nil then RenderChatLineTex(InputLinePrefix, InputLinePrefix.s); DrawTexture(left, top, InputLinePrefix.Tex); inc(left, InputLinePrefix.Width); DrawTexture(left, top, InputStr.Tex); if firstDraw then begin UpdateCursorCoords(); firstDraw:= false; end; if selectedPos < 0 then begin // draw cursor if ((RealTicks - LastKeyPressTick) and 512) < 256 then DrawLineOnScreen(left + cursorX, top + 2, left + cursorX, top + ClHeight - 2, 2.0, $00, $FF, $FF, $FF); end else // draw selection begin selRect.y:= top + 2; selRect.h:= clHeight - 4; if selectionDx < 0 then begin selRect.x:= left + cursorX + selectionDx; selRect.w:= -selectionDx; end else begin selRect.x:= left + cursorX; selRect.w:= selectionDx; end; DrawRect(selRect, $FF, $FF, $FF, $40, true); end; dec(left, InputLinePrefix.Width); if (Length(InputStr.s) > 0) and ((CursorPos = 1) or (CursorPos = 2)) then begin c:= InputStr.s[1]; if charIsForHogSpeech(c) then begin SpeechHogNumber:= 0; if Length(InputStr.s) > 1 then begin c:= InputStr.s[2]; if (c > '0') and (c < '9') then SpeechHogNumber:= byte(c) - 48; end; // default to current hedgehog (if own) or first hedgehog if SpeechHogNumber = 0 then begin if not CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven then SpeechHogNumber:= CurrentTeam^.CurrHedgehog + 1 else SpeechHogNumber:= 1; end; end; end else SpeechHogNumber:= -1; endelse SpeechHogNumber:= -1;// draw chat linesif ((not ChatHidden) or showAll) and (UIDisplay <> uiNone) then begin if MissedCount <> 0 then // there are chat strings we missed, so print them now begin for i:= 0 to MissedCount - 1 do AddChatString(MStrs[i]); MissedCount:= 0; end; i:= lastStr; cnt:= 0; // count of lines displayed t := 1; // # of current line processed // draw lines in reverse order while (((t < 7) and (Strs[i].Time > RealTicks)) or ((t <= MaxStrIndex + 1) and showAll)) and (Strs[i].Tex <> nil) do begin top:= top - ClHeight; // draw chatline only if not offscreen if top > 0 then DrawTexture(left, top, Strs[i].Tex); if i = 0 then i:= MaxStrIndex else dec(i); inc(cnt); inc(t) end; visibleCount:= cnt; end;end;procedure SendHogSpeech(s: shortstring);beginSendIPC('h' + s);ParseCommand('/hogsay '+s, true)end;procedure SendConsoleCommand(s: shortstring);begin Delete(s, 1, 1); SendIPC('~' + s)end;procedure AcceptChatString(s: shortstring);var i: TWave; j: TChatCmd; c, t: LongInt; x: byte;beginif s <> LocalStrs[localLastStr] then begin // put in input history localLastStr:= (localLastStr + 1) mod MaxStrIndex; LocalStrs[localLastStr]:= s; LocalStrsL[localLastStr]:= InputStrL; end;t:= LocalTeam;x:= 0;if (s[1] = '"') and (s[Length(s)] = '"') then x:= 1else if (s[1] = '''') and (s[Length(s)] = '''') then x:= 2else if (s[1] = '-') and (s[Length(s)] = '-') then x:= 3;if (not CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven) and (x <> 0) then for c:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do if (TeamsArray[c] = CurrentTeam) then t:= c;if x <> 0 then begin if t = -1 then ParseCommand('/say ' + copy(s, 2, Length(s)-2), true) else SendHogSpeech(char(x) + char(t) + copy(s, 2, Length(s)-2)); exit end;if (s[1] = '/') then begin // These 3 are same as above, only are to make the hedgehog say it on next attack if (copy(s, 2, 4) = 'hsa ') then begin if CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven then ParseCommand('/say ' + copy(s, 6, Length(s)-5), true) else SendHogSpeech(#4 + copy(s, 6, Length(s)-5)); exit end; if (copy(s, 2, 4) = 'hta ') then begin if CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven then ParseCommand('/say ' + copy(s, 6, Length(s)-5), true) else SendHogSpeech(#5 + copy(s, 6, Length(s)-5)); exit end; if (copy(s, 2, 4) = 'hya ') then begin if CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven then ParseCommand('/say ' + copy(s, 6, Length(s)-5), true) else SendHogSpeech(#6 + copy(s, 6, Length(s)-5)); exit end; if (copy(s, 2, 5) = 'team ') and (length(s) > 6) then begin ParseCommand(s, true); exit end; if (copy(s, 2, 3) = 'me ') then begin ParseCommand('/say ' + s, true); exit end; if (copy(s, 2, 10) = 'togglechat') then begin ChatHidden:= (not ChatHidden); if ChatHidden then showAll:= false; exit end; // debugging commands if (copy(s, 2, 7) = 'debugvl') then begin cViewLimitsDebug:= (not cViewLimitsDebug); UpdateViewLimits(); exit end; if (copy(s, 2, 3) = 'lua') then begin AddFileLog('/lua issued'); if gameType <> gmtNet then begin liveLua:= (not liveLua); if liveLua then begin AddFileLog('[Lua] chat input string parsing enabled'); AddChatString(#3 + 'Lua parsing: ON'); end else begin AddFileLog('[Lua] chat input string parsing disabled'); AddChatString(#3 + 'Lua parsing: OFF'); end; UpdateInputLinePrefix(); end; exit end; // hedghog animations/taunts and engine commands if (not CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven) and (CurrentTeam^.Hedgehogs[0].BotLevel = 0) then begin for i:= Low(TWave) to High(TWave) do if (s = Wavez[i].cmd) then begin ParseCommand('/taunt ' + char(i), true); exit end; end; for j:= Low(TChatCmd) to High(TChatCmd) do if (s = ChatCommandz[j].ChatCmd) then begin ParseCommand(ChatCommandz[j].ProcedureCallChatCmd, true); exit end; if (gameType = gmtNet) then SendConsoleCommand(s) endelse begin if liveLua then LuaParseString(s) else ParseCommand('/say ' + s, true); end;end;procedure CleanupInput;begin FreezeEnterKey; history:= 0;{$IFNDEF SDL2} SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(0,0);{$ENDIF} GameState:= gsGame; ResetKbd;end;procedure DelBytesFromInputStrBack(endIdx: integer; count: byte);var i, startIdx: integer;begin // nothing to do if count is 0 if count = 0 then exit; // first byte to delete startIdx:= endIdx - (count - 1); // delete bytes from string Delete(InputStr.s, startIdx, count); // wipe utf8 info for deleted char InputStrL[endIdx]:= InputStrLNoPred; // shift utf8 char info to reflect new string for i:= endIdx + 1 to Length(InputStr.s) + count do begin if InputStrL[i] <> InputStrLNoPred then begin InputStrL[i-count]:= InputStrL[i] - count; InputStrL[i]:= InputStrLNoPred; end; end; SetLine(InputStr, InputStr.s, true);end;// returns count of removed bytesfunction DelCharFromInputStr(idx: integer): integer;var btw: byte;begin // note: idx is always at last byte of utf8 chars. cuz relevant for InputStrL if (Length(InputStr.s) < 1) or (idx < 1) or (idx > Length(InputStr.s)) then exit(0); btw:= byte(idx) - InputStrL[idx]; DelCharFromInputStr:= btw; DelBytesFromInputStrBack(idx, btw);end;// uncheckedprocedure DoCursorStepForward();begin // go to end of next utf8-char repeat inc(cursorPos); until InputStrL[cursorPos] <> InputStrLNoPred;end;procedure DeleteSelected();begin if (selectedPos >= 0) and (cursorPos <> selectedPos) then begin DelBytesFromInputStrBack(max(cursorPos, selectedPos), abs(selectedPos-cursorPos)); cursorPos:= min(cursorPos, selectedPos); ResetSelection(); end; UpdateCursorCoords();end;procedure HandleSelection(enabled: boolean);beginif enabled then begin if selectedPos < 0 then selectedPos:= cursorPos; endelse ResetSelection();end;type TCharSkip = ( none, wspace, numalpha, special );function GetInputCharSkipClass(index: LongInt): TCharSkip;var c: char;begin // multi-byte chars counts as letter if (index > 1) and (InputStrL[index] <> index - 1) then exit(numalpha); c:= InputStr.s[index]; // non-ascii counts as letter if c > #127 then exit(numalpha); // low-ascii whitespaces and DEL if (c < #33) or (c = #127) then exit(wspace); // low-ascii special chars if c < #48 then exit(special); // digits if c < #58 then exit(numalpha); // make c upper-case if c > #96 then c:= char(byte(c) - 32); // letters if (c > #64) and (c < #90) then exit(numalpha); // remaining ascii are special chars exit(special);end;// skip from word to word, similar to Qtprocedure SkipInputChars(skip: TCharSkip; backwards: boolean);beginif backwards then begin // skip trailing whitespace, similar to Qt while (skip = wspace) and (cursorPos > 0) do begin skip:= GetInputCharSkipClass(cursorPos); if skip = wspace then cursorPos:= InputStrL[cursorPos]; end; // skip same-type chars while (cursorPos > 0) and (GetInputCharSkipClass(cursorPos) = skip) do cursorPos:= InputStrL[cursorPos]; endelse begin // skip same-type chars while cursorPos < Length(InputStr.s) do begin DoCursorStepForward(); if (GetInputCharSkipClass(cursorPos) <> skip) then begin // go back 1 char cursorPos:= InputStrL[cursorPos]; break; end; end; // skip trailing whitespace, similar to Qt while cursorPos < Length(InputStr.s) do begin DoCursorStepForward(); if (GetInputCharSkipClass(cursorPos) <> wspace) then begin // go back 1 char cursorPos:= InputStrL[cursorPos]; break; end; end; end;end;procedure CopyToClipboard(var newContent: shortstring);begin SendIPC(_S'y' + copy(newContent, 1, 253) + #0);end;procedure CopySelectionToClipboard();var selection: shortstring;begin if selectedPos >= 0 then begin selection:= copy(InputStr.s, min(CursorPos, selectedPos) + 1, abs(CursorPos - selectedPos)); CopyToClipboard(selection); end;end;// TODO: honor utf8, don't break utf8 chars when shifting chars beyond limitprocedure InsertIntoInputStr(s: shortstring);var i, l, il, lastc: integer;begin // safe length for string l:= min(MaxInputStrLen-cursorPos, Length(s)); s:= copy(s,1,l); // if we insert rather than append, shift info in InputStrL accordingly if cursorPos < Length(InputStr.s) then begin for i:= Length(InputStr.s) downto cursorPos + 1 do begin if InputStrL[i] <> InputStrLNoPred then begin il:= i + l; // only shift if not overflowing if il <= MaxInputStrLen then InputStrL[il]:= InputStrL[i] + l; InputStrL[i]:= InputStrLNoPred; end; end; end; InputStrL[cursorPos + l]:= cursorPos; // insert string truncated to safe length Insert(s, InputStr.s, cursorPos + 1); if Length(InputStr.s) > MaxInputStrLen then InputStr.s[0]:= char(MaxInputStrLen); SetLine(InputStr, InputStr.s, true); // move cursor to end of inserted string lastc:= MaxInputStrLen; cursorPos:= min(lastc, cursorPos + l); UpdateCursorCoords();end;procedure PasteFromClipboard();begin SendIPC(_S'Y');end;procedure CheckPasteBuffer();begin if Length(ChatPasteBuffer) > 0 then begin InsertIntoInputStr(ChatPasteBuffer); ChatPasteBuffer:= ''; end;end;procedure KeyPressChat(Key, Sym: Longword; Modifier: Word);const firstByteMark: array[0..3] of byte = (0, $C0, $E0, $F0);var i, btw, index: integer; utf8: shortstring; action, selMode, ctrl: boolean; skip: TCharSkip;begin LastKeyPressTick:= RealTicks; action:= true; CheckPasteBuffer(); selMode:= (modifier and (KMOD_LSHIFT or KMOD_RSHIFT)) <> 0; ctrl:= (modifier and (KMOD_LCTRL or KMOD_RCTRL)) <> 0; skip:= none; case Sym of SDLK_BACKSPACE: begin if selectedPos < 0 then begin if ctrl then skip:= GetInputCharSkipClass(cursorPos); // remove char before cursor dec(cursorPos, DelCharFromInputStr(cursorPos)); // delete more if ctrl is held if ctrl and (selectedPos < 0) then begin HandleSelection(true); SkipInputChars(skip, true); DeleteSelected(); end else UpdateCursorCoords(); end else DeleteSelected(); end; SDLK_DELETE: begin if selectedPos < 0 then begin // remove char after cursor if cursorPos < Length(InputStr.s) then begin DoCursorStepForward(); if ctrl then skip:= GetInputCharSkipClass(cursorPos); // delete char dec(cursorPos, DelCharFromInputStr(cursorPos)); // delete more if ctrl is held if ctrl and (cursorPos < Length(InputStr.s)) then begin HandleSelection(true); SkipInputChars(skip, false); DeleteSelected(); end; end else UpdateCursorCoords(); end else DeleteSelected(); end; SDLK_ESCAPE: begin if Length(InputStr.s) > 0 then begin SetLine(InputStr, '', true); FillChar(InputStrL, sizeof(InputStrL), InputStrLNoPred); ResetCursor(); end else CleanupInput end; SDLK_RETURN, SDLK_KP_ENTER: begin if Length(InputStr.s) > 0 then begin AcceptChatString(InputStr.s); SetLine(InputStr, '', false); FillChar(InputStrL, sizeof(InputStrL), InputStrLNoPred); ResetCursor(); end; CleanupInput end; SDLK_UP, SDLK_DOWN: begin if (Sym = SDLK_UP) and (history < localLastStr) then inc(history); if (Sym = SDLK_DOWN) and (history > 0) then dec(history); index:= localLastStr - history + 1; if (index > localLastStr) then begin SetLine(InputStr, '', true); FillChar(InputStrL, sizeof(InputStrL), InputStrLNoPred); end else begin SetLine(InputStr, LocalStrs[index], true); InputStrL:= LocalStrsL[index]; end; cursorPos:= Length(InputStr.s); ResetSelection(); UpdateCursorCoords(); end; SDLK_HOME: begin if cursorPos > 0 then begin HandleSelection(selMode); cursorPos:= 0; end else if (not selMode) then ResetSelection(); UpdateCursorCoords(); end; SDLK_END: begin i:= Length(InputStr.s); if cursorPos < i then begin HandleSelection(selMode); cursorPos:= i; end else if (not selMode) then ResetSelection(); UpdateCursorCoords(); end; SDLK_LEFT: begin if cursorPos > 0 then begin if ctrl then skip:= GetInputCharSkipClass(cursorPos); if selMode or (selectedPos < 0) then begin HandleSelection(selMode); // go to end of previous utf8-char cursorPos:= InputStrL[cursorPos]; end else // if we're leaving selection mode, jump to its left end begin cursorPos:= min(cursorPos, selectedPos); ResetSelection(); end; if ctrl then SkipInputChars(skip, true); end else if (not selMode) then ResetSelection(); UpdateCursorCoords(); end; SDLK_RIGHT: begin if cursorPos < Length(InputStr.s) then begin if selMode or (selectedPos < 0) then begin HandleSelection(selMode); DoCursorStepForward(); end else // if we're leaving selection mode, jump to its right end begin cursorPos:= max(cursorPos, selectedPos); ResetSelection(); end; if ctrl then SkipInputChars(GetInputCharSkipClass(cursorPos), false); end else if (not selMode) then ResetSelection(); UpdateCursorCoords(); end; SDLK_PAGEUP, SDLK_PAGEDOWN: begin // ignore me!!! end; SDLK_a: begin // select all if ctrl then begin ResetSelection(); cursorPos:= 0; HandleSelection(true); cursorPos:= Length(InputStr.s); UpdateCursorCoords(); end else action:= false; end; SDLK_c: begin // copy if ctrl then CopySelectionToClipboard() else action:= false; end; SDLK_v: begin // paste if ctrl then PasteFromClipboard() else action:= false; end; SDLK_x: begin // cut if ctrl then begin CopySelectionToClipboard(); DeleteSelected(); end else action:= false; end; else action:= false; end; if not action and (Key <> 0) then begin DeleteSelected(); if (Key < $80) then btw:= 1 else if (Key < $800) then btw:= 2 else if (Key < $10000) then btw:= 3 else btw:= 4; utf8:= ''; for i:= btw downto 2 do begin utf8:= char((Key or $80) and $BF) + utf8; Key:= Key shr 6 end; utf8:= char(Key or firstByteMark[Pred(btw)]) + utf8; if Length(InputStr.s) + btw > MaxInputStrLen then exit; if (Length(InputStr.s) = 0) and (Length(utf8) = 1) and (charIsForHogSpeech(utf8[1])) then begin InsertIntoInputStr(utf8); InsertIntoInputStr(utf8); cursorPos:= 1; UpdateCursorCoords(); end else InsertIntoInputStr(utf8); endend;procedure chChatMessage(var s: shortstring);begin AddChatString(s)end;procedure chSay(var s: shortstring);begin SendIPC('s' + s); if copy(s, 1, 4) = '/me ' then s:= #2 + '* ' + UserNick + ' ' + copy(s, 5, Length(s) - 4) else s:= #1 + UserNick + ': ' + s; AddChatString(s)end;procedure chTeamSay(var s: shortstring);begin SendIPC('b' + s); s:= #4 + '[Team] ' + UserNick + ': ' + s; AddChatString(s)end;procedure chHistory(var s: shortstring);var i: LongInt;begin s:= s; // avoid compiler hint showAll:= not showAll; // immediatly recount visibleCount:= 0; if showAll or (not ChatHidden) then for i:= 0 to MaxStrIndex do begin if (Strs[i].Tex <> nil) and (showAll or (Strs[i].Time > RealTicks)) then inc(visibleCount); end;end;procedure chChat(var s: shortstring);begin s:= s; // avoid compiler hint GameState:= gsChat;{$IFNDEF SDL2} SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(200,45);{$ENDIF} if length(s) = 0 then SetLine(InputStr, '', true) else begin SetLine(InputStr, '/team ', true); // update InputStrL and cursor accordingly // this allows cursor-jumping over '/team ' as if it was a single char InputStrL[6]:= 0; cursorPos:= 6; UpdateCursorCoords(); end;end;procedure initModule;var i: ShortInt;begin RegisterVariable('chatmsg', @chChatMessage, true); RegisterVariable('say', @chSay, true); RegisterVariable('team', @chTeamSay, true); RegisterVariable('history', @chHistory, true ); RegisterVariable('chat', @chChat, true ); lastStr:= 0; localLastStr:= 0; history:= 0; visibleCount:= 0; showAll:= false; ChatReady:= false; missedCount:= 0; liveLua:= false; ChatHidden:= false; firstDraw:= true; InputLinePrefix.Tex:= nil; UpdateInputLinePrefix(); inputStr.s:= ''; inputStr.Tex := nil; for i:= 0 to MaxStrIndex do Strs[i].Tex := nil; FillChar(InputStrL, sizeof(InputStrL), InputStrLNoPred); LastKeyPressTick:= 0; ResetCursor();end;procedure freeModule;var i: ShortInt;begin FreeAndNilTexture(InputLinePrefix.Tex); FreeAndNilTexture(InputStr.Tex); for i:= 0 to MaxStrIndex do FreeAndNilTexture(Strs[i].Tex);end;end.