author unc0rr
Sat, 27 Dec 2014 22:09:31 +0300
changeset 10721 9b789de8e5df
parent 10660 79fa79c77c38
child 12103 22bd1099d51f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Workaround bug (each time losing room master status, even when joining mutliple rooms, new instance of NetAmmoSchemeModel created, receiving schemeConfig and modifying its 43rd member, thus the last model which accepts this signal has the string cut down several times, workaround creates copy of qstringlist to avoid modifying shared message instance. Proper fix would delete unneeded instances of NetAmmoSchemeModel, but who cares)

#pragma once

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <math.h>

#define MAX_PARAMS 64

typedef union string255_
        struct {
            unsigned char s[256];
        struct {
            unsigned char len;
            unsigned char str[255];
    } string255;

typedef union astring_
        struct {
            uint16_t len;
        struct {
            unsigned char _dummy2;
            unsigned char s[MAX_ANSISTRING_LENGTH + 1];
        struct {
            unsigned char _dummy1;
            string255 str255;
    } astring;

typedef string255 shortstring;

typedef uint8_t Byte;
typedef int8_t ShortInt;
typedef uint16_t Word;
typedef int16_t SmallInt;
typedef uint32_t LongWord;
typedef int32_t LongInt;
typedef uint64_t QWord;
typedef int64_t Int64;
typedef LongWord Cardinal;

typedef LongInt Integer;
typedef float extended;
typedef float real;
typedef float single;

typedef bool boolean;
typedef int LongBool;

typedef void * pointer;
typedef Byte * PByte;
typedef char * PChar;
typedef LongInt * PLongInt;
typedef LongWord * PLongWord;
typedef Integer * PInteger;
typedef ptrdiff_t PtrInt;
typedef wchar_t widechar;
typedef wchar_t* PWideChar;
typedef char Char;
typedef LongInt SizeInt;
typedef char ** PPChar;
typedef Word* PWord;

string255 _strconcat(string255 a, string255 b);
string255 _strappend(string255 s, unsigned char c);
string255 _strprepend(unsigned char c, string255 s);
string255 _chrconcat(unsigned char a, unsigned char b);
bool _strcompare(string255 a, string255 b);
bool _strcomparec(string255 a, unsigned char b);
bool _strncompare(string255 a, string255 b);
bool _strncompareA(astring a, astring b);

#define STRINIT(a) {.len = sizeof(a) - 1, .str = a}
#define UNUSED(x) (void)(x)