(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA *){$INCLUDE "options.inc"}unit uCommands;interfacevar isDeveloperMode: boolean;type TVariableType = (vtCommand, vtLongInt, vthwFloat, vtBoolean); TCommandHandler = procedure (var params: shortstring);procedure initModule;procedure freeModule;procedure RegisterVariable(Name: shortstring; VType: TVariableType; p: pointer; Trusted: boolean);procedure ParseCommand(CmdStr: shortstring; TrustedSource: boolean);procedure StopMessages(Message: Longword);implementationuses Types, uConsts, uVariables, uConsole, uUtils, uDebug, uScript;type PVariable = ^TVariable; TVariable = record Next: PVariable; Name: string[15]; VType: TVariableType; Handler: pointer; Trusted: boolean; end;var Variables: PVariable;procedure RegisterVariable(Name: shortstring; VType: TVariableType; p: pointer; Trusted: boolean);var value: PVariable;beginNew(value);TryDo(value <> nil, 'RegisterVariable: value = nil', true);FillChar(value^, sizeof(TVariable), 0);value^.Name:= Name;value^.VType:= VType;value^.Handler:= p;value^.Trusted:= Trusted;if Variables = nil then Variables:= value else begin value^.Next:= Variables; Variables:= value end;end;procedure ParseCommand(CmdStr: shortstring; TrustedSource: boolean);var ii: LongInt; s, i, o: shortstring; t: PVariable; c: char;begin//WriteLnToConsole(CmdStr);if CmdStr[0]=#0 then exit;c:= CmdStr[1];if c in ['/', '$'] then Delete(CmdStr, 1, 1) else c:= '/';s:= '';SplitBySpace(CmdStr, s);AddFileLog('[Cmd] ' + c + CmdStr + ' (' + inttostr(length(s)) + ')');t:= Variables;while t <> nil do begin if t^.Name = CmdStr then begin if TrustedSource or t^.Trusted then begin if (c <> '$') or (s[0] <> #0) then s:= ParseCommandOverride(CmdStr, s); case t^.VType of vtCommand: if c='/' then begin TCommandHandler(t^.Handler)(s); end; vtLongInt: if c='$' then if s[0]=#0 then begin str(PLongInt(t^.Handler)^, s); i:= inttostr(PLongInt(t^.Handler)^); o:= ParseCommandOverride(CmdStr, i); if i <> o then val(o, PLongInt(t^.Handler)^) else WriteLnToConsole('$' + CmdStr + ' is "' + s + '"'); end else val(s, PLongInt(t^.Handler)^); vthwFloat: if c='$' then if s[0]=#0 then begin //str(PhwFloat(t^.Handler)^:4:6, s); WriteLnToConsole('$' + CmdStr + ' is "' + s + '"'); end else; //val(s, PhwFloat(t^.Handler)^, i); vtBoolean: if c='$' then if s[0]=#0 then begin str(ord(boolean(t^.Handler^)), s); if boolean(t^.Handler^) then i:= '1' else i:= '0'; o:= ParseCommandOverride(CmdStr, i); if i <> o then begin val(o, ii); boolean(t^.Handler^):= not (ii = 0) end else WriteLnToConsole('$' + CmdStr + ' is "' + s + '"'); end else begin val(s, ii); boolean(t^.Handler^):= not (ii = 0) end; end; end; exit end else t:= t^.Next end;case c of '$': WriteLnToConsole(errmsgUnknownVariable + ': "$' + CmdStr + '"') else WriteLnToConsole(errmsgUnknownCommand + ': "/' + CmdStr + '"') endend;procedure StopMessages(Message: Longword);beginif (Message and gmLeft) <> 0 then ParseCommand('/-left', true) elseif (Message and gmRight) <> 0 then ParseCommand('/-right', true) elseif (Message and gmUp) <> 0 then ParseCommand('/-up', true) elseif (Message and gmDown) <> 0 then ParseCommand('/-down', true) elseif (Message and gmAttack) <> 0 then ParseCommand('/-attack', true)end;procedure initModule;begin Variables:= nil; isDeveloperMode:= true;end;procedure freeModule;var t, tt: PVariable;begin tt:= Variables; Variables:= nil; while tt <> nil do begin t:= tt; tt:= tt^.Next; Dispose(t) end;end;end.