The Specialits: Use gfSwitchHog for hog switching and delete the terrible Lua hacks
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.TConfig
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Database.MySQL.Simple
import Database.MySQL.Simple.QueryResults
import Database.MySQL.Simple.Result
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import System.IO
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Time.Clock
import OfficialServer.Glicko2
queryEpochDates = "SELECT epoch, todatetime, todatetime + INTERVAL 1 week FROM rating_epochs WHERE epoch = (SELECT MAX(epoch) FROM rating_epochs)"
queryPreviousRatings = "SELECT v.userid, v.rating, v.rd, v.volatility FROM rating_values as v WHERE (v.epoch = (SELECT MAX(epoch) FROM rating_epochs))"
queryGameResults =
\ p.userid \
\ , \
\ , COALESCE(vp.rating, 1500) \
\ , COALESCE(vp.rd, 350) \
\ , COALESCE(vp.volatility, 0.06) \
\ , COALESCE(vo.rating, 1500) \
\ , COALESCE(vo.rd, 350) \
\ , COALESCE(vo.volatility, 0.06) \
\ FROM \
\ (SELECT epoch, todatetime FROM rating_epochs WHERE epoch = (SELECT MAX(epoch) FROM rating_epochs)) as e \
\ JOIN rating_games as g ON (g.time BETWEEN e.todatetime AND e.todatetime + INTERVAL 1 WEEK - INTERVAL 1 SECOND) \
\ JOIN rating_players as p ON (p.gameid = \
\ JOIN rating_players as o ON (p.gameid = o.gameid AND p.userid <> o.userid AND ( = 0 OR ( <> \
\ LEFT OUTER JOIN rating_values as vp ON (vp.epoch = e.epoch AND vp.userid = p.userid) \
\ LEFT OUTER JOIN rating_values as vo ON (vo.epoch = e.epoch AND vo.userid = o.userid) \
\ GROUP BY p.userid, p.gameid, \
\ ORDER BY p.userid"
insertNewRatings = "INSERT INTO rating_values (userid, epoch, rating, rd, volatility, games) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
insertNewEpoch = "INSERT INTO rating_epochs (epoch, todatetime) VALUES (?, ?)"
mergeRatingData :: Map.Map Int (RatingData, [GameData]) -> [(Int, (RatingData, [GameData]))] -> Map.Map Int (RatingData, [GameData])
mergeRatingData m s = foldr (uncurry (Map.insertWith mf)) m s
mf (rd, gds) (_, gds2) = (rd, gds ++ gds2)
calculateRatings dbConn = do
[(epochNum :: Int, fromDate :: UTCTime, toDate :: UTCTime)] <- query_ dbConn queryEpochDates
initRatingData <- (Map.fromList . map fromDBrating) `fmap` query_ dbConn queryPreviousRatings
gameData <- map fromGameResult `fmap` query_ dbConn queryGameResults
let mData = map getNewRating . Map.toList $ mergeRatingData initRatingData gameData
executeMany dbConn insertNewRatings $ map (toInsert epochNum) mData
execute dbConn insertNewEpoch (epochNum + 1, toDate)
return ()
toInsert e (i, (g, RatingData r rd v)) = (i, e + 1, r, rd, v, g)
getNewRating (a, d) = (a, uncurry calcNewRating d)
convPlace :: Int -> Double
convPlace 0 = 0.5
convPlace 1 = 1.0
convPlace 2 = 0.0
convPlace _ = error "Incorrect place value"
fromDBrating (a, b, c, d) = (a, (RatingData b c d, []))
fromGameResult (pid, place, prating, pRD, pvol, orating, oRD, ovol) =
(RatingData prating pRD pvol
, [GameData (RatingData orating oRD ovol) $ convPlace place]))
data DBConnectInfo = DBConnectInfo {
, dbName
, dbLogin
, dbPassword :: B.ByteString
cfgFileName :: String
cfgFileName = "hedgewars-server.ini"
readServerConfig :: ConnectInfo -> IO ConnectInfo
readServerConfig ci = do
cfg <- readConfig cfgFileName
return $ ci{
connectHost = value "dbHost" cfg
, connectDatabase = value "dbName" cfg
, connectUser = value "dbLogin" cfg
, connectPassword = value "dbPassword" cfg
value n c = fromJust2 n $ getValue n c
fromJust2 n Nothing = error $ "Missing config entry " ++ n
fromJust2 _ (Just a) = a
dbConnectionLoop mySQLConnectionInfo =
Control.Exception.handle (\(e :: SomeException) -> hPutStrLn stderr $ show e) $
(connect mySQLConnectionInfo)
main = readServerConfig defaultConnectInfo >>= dbConnectionLoop