Make all hogs say Yessir taunt on their turn start (replaces revenge taunts)
Rationale: The taunts Illgetyou, JustYouWait were fairly odd and almost always inapproriate to the situation as most voicepacks clearly assume these to be used for revenge only (e.g. “You'll gonna pay for that.” was played at turn start because of this.).
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := physfs
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := physfs.c \
physfs_byteorder.c \
physfs_unicode.c \
platform_posix.c \
platform_unix.c \
platform_macosx.c \
platform_windows.c \
archiver_dir.c \
archiver_grp.c \
archiver_hog.c \
archiver_lzma.c \
archiver_mvl.c \
archiver_qpak.c \
archiver_wad.c \
archiver_zip.c \