(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA *){$INCLUDE "options.inc"}unit uGearsList;interfaceuses uFloat, uTypes;function AddGear(X, Y: LongInt; Kind: TGearType; State: Longword; dX, dY: hwFloat; Timer: LongWord): PGear;procedure DeleteGear(Gear: PGear);procedure InsertGearToList(Gear: PGear);procedure RemoveGearFromList(Gear: PGear);implementationuses uRandom, uUtils, uConsts, uVariables, uAmmos, uTeams, uStats, uTextures, uScript, uRenderUtils, uAI, uCollisions, uGearsRender, uGearsUtils;procedure InsertGearToList(Gear: PGear);var tmp, ptmp: PGear;begin tmp:= GearsList; ptmp:= GearsList; while (tmp <> nil) and (tmp^.Z <= Gear^.Z) do begin ptmp:= tmp; tmp:= tmp^.NextGear end; if ptmp <> tmp then begin Gear^.NextGear:= ptmp^.NextGear; Gear^.PrevGear:= ptmp; if ptmp^.NextGear <> nil then ptmp^.NextGear^.PrevGear:= Gear; ptmp^.NextGear:= Gear end else begin Gear^.NextGear:= GearsList; if Gear^.NextGear <> nil then Gear^.NextGear^.PrevGear:= Gear; GearsList:= Gear; end;end;procedure RemoveGearFromList(Gear: PGear);beginif Gear^.NextGear <> nil then Gear^.NextGear^.PrevGear:= Gear^.PrevGear;if Gear^.PrevGear <> nil then Gear^.PrevGear^.NextGear:= Gear^.NextGearelse GearsList:= Gear^.NextGearend;function AddGear(X, Y: LongInt; Kind: TGearType; State: Longword; dX, dY: hwFloat; Timer: LongWord): PGear;var gear: PGear;begininc(Counter);AddFileLog('AddGear: #' + inttostr(Counter) + ' (' + inttostr(x) + ',' + inttostr(y) + '), d(' + floattostr(dX) + ',' + floattostr(dY) + ') type = ' + EnumToStr(Kind));New(gear);FillChar(gear^, sizeof(TGear), 0);gear^.X:= int2hwFloat(X);gear^.Y:= int2hwFloat(Y);gear^.Target.X:= NoPointX;gear^.Kind := Kind;gear^.State:= State;gear^.Active:= true;gear^.dX:= dX;gear^.dY:= dY;gear^.doStep:= doStepHandlers[Kind];gear^.CollisionIndex:= -1;gear^.Timer:= Timer;gear^.FlightTime:= 0;gear^.uid:= Counter;gear^.SoundChannel:= -1;gear^.ImpactSound:= sndNone;gear^.nImpactSounds:= 0;gear^.Density:= _1;// Define ammo association, if any.gear^.AmmoType:= GearKindAmmoTypeMap[Kind];if Ammoz[Gear^.AmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_NeedTarget <> 0 then gear^.Z:= cHHZ+1else gear^.Z:= cUsualZ;if CurrentHedgehog <> nil then begin gear^.Hedgehog:= CurrentHedgehog; gear^.IntersectGear:= CurrentHedgehog^.Gear end;case Kind of gtGrenade, gtClusterBomb, gtGasBomb: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndGrenadeImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.AdvBounce:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 5; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_8; gear^.Friction:= _0_8; gear^.Density:= _1_5; gear^.RenderTimer:= true; if gear^.Timer = 0 then gear^.Timer:= 3000 end; gtWatermelon: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndMelonImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.AdvBounce:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 6; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_8; gear^.Friction:= _0_995; gear^.Density:= _2; gear^.RenderTimer:= true; if gear^.Timer = 0 then gear^.Timer:= 3000 end; gtMelonPiece: begin gear^.Density:= _2; end; gtHedgehog: begin gear^.AdvBounce:= 1; gear^.Radius:= cHHRadius; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_35; gear^.Friction:= _0_999; gear^.Angle:= cMaxAngle div 2; gear^.Density:= _3; gear^.Z:= cHHZ; if (GameFlags and gfAISurvival) <> 0 then if gear^.Hedgehog^.BotLevel > 0 then gear^.Hedgehog^.Effects[heResurrectable] := true; end; gtShell: begin gear^.Radius:= 4; gear^.Density:= _1; end; gtSnowball: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndMudballImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 4; gear^.Elasticity:= _1; gear^.Friction:= _1; gear^.Density:= _0_5; end; gtFlake: begin with Gear^ do begin Pos:= 0; Radius:= 1; DirAngle:= random * 360; if State and gstTmpFlag = 0 then begin dx.isNegative:= GetRandom(2) = 0; dx.QWordValue:= GetRandom(100000000); dy.isNegative:= false; dy.QWordValue:= GetRandom(70000000); if GetRandom(2) = 0 then dx := -dx end; State:= State or gstInvisible; Health:= random(vobFrameTicks); Timer:= random(vobFramesCount); Angle:= (random(2) * 2 - 1) * (1 + random(10000)) * vobVelocity end end; gtGrave: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndGraveImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 10; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_6; end; gtBee: begin gear^.Radius:= 5; gear^.Timer:= 500; gear^.RenderTimer:= true; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_9; gear^.Tag:= 0; end; gtSeduction: begin gear^.Radius:= 250; end; gtShotgunShot: begin gear^.Timer:= 900; gear^.Radius:= 2 end; gtPickHammer: begin gear^.Radius:= 10; gear^.Timer:= 4000 end; gtHammerHit: begin gear^.Radius:= 8; gear^.Timer:= 125 end; gtRope: begin gear^.Radius:= 3; gear^.Friction:= _450 * _0_01 * cRopePercent; RopePoints.Count:= 0; end; gtMine: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndMineImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.Health:= 10; gear^.State:= gear^.State or gstMoving; gear^.Radius:= 2; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_55; gear^.Friction:= _0_995; gear^.Density:= _0_9; if cMinesTime < 0 then gear^.Timer:= getrandom(51)*100 else gear^.Timer:= cMinesTime; end; gtSMine: begin gear^.Health:= 10; gear^.State:= gear^.State or gstMoving; gear^.Radius:= 2; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_55; gear^.Friction:= _0_995; gear^.Density:= _0_9; gear^.Timer:= 500; end; gtCase: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndGraveImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 16; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_3 end; gtExplosives: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndGrenadeImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 16; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_4; gear^.Friction:= _0_995; gear^.Density:= _6; gear^.Health:= cBarrelHealth; gear^.Z:= cHHZ-1 end; gtDEagleShot: begin gear^.Radius:= 1; gear^.Health:= 50 end; gtSniperRifleShot: begin gear^.Radius:= 1; gear^.Health:= 50 end; gtDynamite: begin gear^.Radius:= 3; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_55; gear^.Friction:= _0_03; gear^.Density:= _2; gear^.Timer:= 5000; end; gtCluster: begin gear^.Radius:= 2; gear^.Density:= _1_5; gear^.RenderTimer:= true end; gtShover: gear^.Radius:= 20; gtFlame: begin gear^.Tag:= GetRandom(32); gear^.Radius:= 1; gear^.Health:= 5; gear^.Density:= _1; if (gear^.dY.QWordValue = 0) and (gear^.dX.QWordValue = 0) then begin gear^.dY:= (getrandomf - _0_8) * _0_03; gear^.dX:= (getrandomf - _0_5) * _0_4 end end; gtFirePunch: begin gear^.Radius:= 15; gear^.Tag:= Y end; gtAirBomb: begin gear^.Radius:= 5; gear^.Density:= _2; end; gtBlowTorch: begin gear^.Radius:= cHHRadius + cBlowTorchC; gear^.Timer:= 7500 end; gtSwitcher: begin gear^.Z:= cCurrHHZ end; gtTarget: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndGrenadeImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 10; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_3; gear^.Timer:= 0 end; gtTardis: begin gear^.Timer:= 0; gear^.Pos:= 1; gear^.Z:= cCurrHHZ+1; end; gtMortar: begin gear^.Radius:= 4; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_2; gear^.Friction:= _0_08; gear^.Density:= _1; end; gtWhip: gear^.Radius:= 20; gtHammer: gear^.Radius:= 20; gtKamikaze: begin gear^.Health:= 2048; gear^.Radius:= 20 end; gtCake: begin gear^.Health:= 2048; gear^.Radius:= 7; gear^.Z:= cOnHHZ; gear^.RenderTimer:= true; gear^.DirAngle:= -90 * hwSign(Gear^.dX); if not dX.isNegative then gear^.Angle:= 1 else gear^.Angle:= 3 end; gtHellishBomb: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndHellishImpact1; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 4; gear^.AdvBounce:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 4; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_5; gear^.Friction:= _0_96; gear^.Density:= _1_5; gear^.RenderTimer:= true; gear^.Timer:= 5000 end; gtDrill: begin if gear^.Timer = 0 then gear^.Timer:= 5000; // Tag for drill strike. if 1 then first impact occured already gear^.Tag := 0; gear^.Radius:= 4; gear^.Density:= _1; end; gtBall: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndGrenadeImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.AdvBounce:= 1; gear^.Radius:= 5; gear^.Tag:= random(8); gear^.Timer:= 5000; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_7; gear^.Friction:= _0_995; gear^.Density:= _1_5; end; gtBallgun: begin gear^.Timer:= 5001; end; gtRCPlane: begin gear^.Timer:= 15000; gear^.Health:= 3; gear^.Radius:= 8 end; gtJetpack: begin gear^.Health:= 2000; gear^.Damage:= 100 end; gtMolotov: begin gear^.Radius:= 6; gear^.Density:= _2; end; gtBirdy: begin gear^.Radius:= 16; // todo: check gear^.Timer:= 0; gear^.Health := 2000; gear^.FlightTime := 2; end; gtEgg: begin gear^.Radius:= 4; gear^.Elasticity:= _0_6; gear^.Friction:= _0_96; gear^.Density:= _1; if gear^.Timer = 0 then gear^.Timer:= 3000 end; gtPortal: begin gear^.ImpactSound:= sndMelonImpact; gear^.nImpactSounds:= 1; gear^.AdvBounce:= 0; gear^.Radius:= 17; // set color gear^.Tag:= 2 * gear^.Timer; gear^.Timer:= 15000; gear^.RenderTimer:= false; gear^.Health:= 100; end; gtPiano: begin gear^.Radius:= 32; gear^.Density:= _50; end; gtSineGunShot: begin gear^.Radius:= 5; gear^.Health:= 6000; end;gtFlamethrower: begin gear^.Tag:= 10; gear^.Timer:= 10; gear^.Health:= 500; gear^.Damage:= 100; end; gtLandGun: begin gear^.Tag:= 10; gear^.Timer:= 10; gear^.Health:= 1000; gear^.Damage:= 100; end; gtPoisonCloud: begin gear^.Timer:= 5000; gear^.dY:= int2hwfloat(-4 + longint(getRandom(8))) / 1000; end; gtResurrector: begin gear^.Radius := 100; gear^.Tag := 0 end; gtWaterUp: begin gear^.Tag := 47; end; gtNapalmBomb: begin gear^.Timer:= 1000; gear^.Radius:= 5; gear^.Density:= _1_5; end; gtStructure: begin gear^.Elasticity:= _0_55; gear^.Friction:= _0_995; gear^.Density:= _0_9; gear^.Radius:= 13; gear^.Health:= 200; gear^.Timer:= 0; gear^.Tag:= TotalRounds + 3; gear^.Pos:= 1; end; end;InsertGearToList(gear);AddGear:= gear;ScriptCall('onGearAdd', gear^.uid);end;procedure DeleteGear(Gear: PGear);var team: PTeam; t,i: Longword; k: boolean;beginScriptCall('onGearDelete', gear^.uid);DeleteCI(Gear);FreeTexture(Gear^.Tex);Gear^.Tex:= nil;// make sure that portals have their link removed before deletionif (Gear^.Kind = gtPortal) then begin if (Gear^.IntersectGear <> nil) then if (Gear^.IntersectGear^.IntersectGear = Gear) then Gear^.IntersectGear^.IntersectGear:= nil; endelse if Gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog then (* This behaviour dates back to revision 4, and I accidentally encountered it with TARDIS. I don't think it must apply to any modern weapon, since if it was actually hit, the best the gear could do would be to destroy itself immediately, and you'd still end up with two graves. I believe it should be removed if (CurAmmoGear <> nil) and (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear = Gear) then begin AttackBar:= 0; Gear^.Message:= gmDestroy; CurAmmoGear^.Message:= gmDestroy; exit end else*) begin if (Gear <> CurrentHedgehog^.Gear) or (CurAmmoGear = nil) or (CurAmmoGear^.Kind <> gtKamikaze) then Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Clan^.Flawless:= false; if (hwRound(Gear^.Y) >= cWaterLine) then begin t:= max(Gear^.Damage, Gear^.Health); Gear^.Damage:= t; if ((not SuddenDeathDmg and (WaterOpacity < $FF)) or (SuddenDeathDmg and (WaterOpacity < $FF))) and (hwRound(Gear^.Y) < cWaterLine + 256) then spawnHealthTagForHH(Gear, t); end; team:= Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team; if CurrentHedgehog^.Gear = Gear then begin AttackBar:= 0; FreeActionsList; // to avoid ThinkThread on drawned gear if ((Ammoz[CurrentHedgehog^.CurAmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_NoRoundEnd) <> 0) and (CurrentHedgehog^.MultiShootAttacks > 0) then OnUsedAmmo(CurrentHedgehog^); end; Gear^.Hedgehog^.Gear:= nil; if Gear^.Hedgehog^.King then begin // are there any other kings left? Just doing nil check. Presumably a mortally wounded king will get reaped soon enough k:= false; for i:= 0 to Pred(team^.Clan^.TeamsNumber) do if (team^.Clan^.Teams[i]^.Hedgehogs[0].Gear <> nil) then k:= true; if not k then for i:= 0 to Pred(team^.Clan^.TeamsNumber) do begin team^.Clan^.Teams[i]^.hasGone:= true; TeamGoneEffect(team^.Clan^.Teams[i]^) end end; // should be not CurrentHedgehog, but hedgehog of the last gear which caused damage to this hog // same stand for CheckHHDamage if (Gear^.LastDamage <> nil) then uStats.HedgehogDamaged(Gear, Gear^.LastDamage, 0, true) else uStats.HedgehogDamaged(Gear, CurrentHedgehog, 0, true); inc(KilledHHs); RecountTeamHealth(team); if (CurrentHedgehog <> nil) and CurrentHedgehog^.Effects[heResurrectable] and (not Gear^.Hedgehog^.Effects[heResurrectable]) then with CurrentHedgehog^ do begin inc(Team^.stats.AIKills); FreeTexture(Team^.AIKillsTex); Team^.AIKillsTex := RenderStringTex(inttostr(Team^.stats.AIKills), Team^.Clan^.Color, fnt16); end end;with Gear^ do AddFileLog('Delete: #' + inttostr(uid) + ' (' + inttostr(hwRound(x)) + ',' + inttostr(hwRound(y)) + '), d(' + floattostr(dX) + ',' + floattostr(dY) + ') type = ' + EnumToStr(Kind));if CurAmmoGear = Gear then CurAmmoGear:= nil;if FollowGear = Gear then FollowGear:= nil;if lastGearByUID = Gear then lastGearByUID := nil;RemoveGearFromList(Gear);Dispose(Gear)end;end.