Import temp.diff which is a try to fix glitches with textures edges
{$INCLUDE ""}{$IF GLunit = GL}{$DEFINE GLunit:=GL,GLext}{$ENDIF}unit uAtlas;interfaceuses SDLh, uTypes;procedure initModule;function Surface2Tex_(surf: PSDL_Surface; enableClamp: boolean): PTexture;procedure FreeTexture_(sprite: PTexture);procedure DebugAtlas;procedure DumpInfo(tex: PTexture);implementationuses GLunit, uBinPacker, uDebug, png, sysutils, uTextures;const MaxAtlases = 4; // Maximum number of atlases (textures) to allocate MaxTexSize = 1024; // Maximum atlas size in pixels MinTexSize = 128; // Minimum atlas size in pixels CompressionThreshold = 0.4; // Try to compact (half the size of) an atlas, when occupancy is less than thistype AtlasInfo = record PackerInfo: Atlas; // Rectangle packer context TextureInfo: TAtlas; // OpenGL texture information Allocated: boolean; // indicates if this atlas is in use DumpID: Integer; end;var Info: array[0..MaxAtlases-1] of AtlasInfo;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Debug routinesprocedure DumpInfo(tex: PTexture);var frame: Integer; i, atlasID: Integer; aw, ah: Integer;begin if tex = nil then exit; frame:= 0; writeln(stdout, 'Texture: ' + IntToHex(Integer(tex), 8)); while tex <> nil do begin atlasID:= -1; for i:= 0 to Pred(MaxAtlases) do if tex^.atlas = @Info[i].TextureInfo then atlasID:=i; aw:= tex^.atlas^.w; ah:= tex^.atlas^.h; writeln(stdout, 'Frame : ' + IntToStr(frame)); writeln(stdout, 'Size : ' + IntToStr(tex^.w) + 'x' + IntToStr(tex^.h)); writeln(stdout, 'Atlas : ' + IntToStr(atlasID)); writeln(stdout, 'Location: ' + IntToStr(tex^.x) + 'x' + IntToStr(tex^.y)); writeln(stdout, 'TB : ' + '(' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[0].X, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ',' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[0].Y, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ') ' + '(' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[1].X, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ',' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[1].Y, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ') ' + '(' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[2].X, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ',' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[2].Y, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ') ' + '(' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[3].X, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ',' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[3].Y, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ')'); writeln(stdout, 'TB.ABS : ' + '(' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[0].X * aw, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ',' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[0].Y * ah, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ') ' + '(' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[1].X * aw, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ',' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[1].Y * ah, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ') ' + '(' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[2].X * aw, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ',' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[2].Y * ah, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ') ' + '(' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[3].X * aw, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ',' + FloatToStrF(tex^.tb[3].Y * ah, ffFixed, 15, 4) + ')'); inc(frame); tex:= tex^.nextFrame; end; halt(0);end;procedure AssertCount(tex: PTexture; count: Integer);var i, j: Integer; found: Integer;begin found:= 0; for i:= 0 to pred(MaxAtlases) do begin if not Info[i].Allocated then continue; for j:=0 to pred(Info[i].PackerInfo.usedRectangles.count) do begin if Info[i][j].UserData = tex then inc(found); end; end; if found <> count then begin writeln('AssertCount(', IntToHex(Integer(tex), 8), ') failed, found ', found, ' times'); for i:= 0 to pred(MaxAtlases) do begin if not Info[i].Allocated then continue; for j:=0 to pred(Info[i].PackerInfo.usedRectangles.count) do begin if Info[i][j].UserData = tex then writeln(' found in atlas ', i, ' at slot ', j); end; end; halt(-2); end;end;var DumpFile: File of byte;const PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGBA = 6; PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB = 2; PNG_INTERLACE_NONE = 0; PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0; PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0;procedure writefunc(png: png_structp; buffer: png_bytep; size: QWord); cdecl;begin BlockWrite(DumpFile, buffer^, size);end;function IntToStrPad(i: Integer): string;var s: string;begin s:= IntToStr(i); if (i < 10) then s:='0' + s; if (i < 100) then s:='0' + s; if (i < 1000) then s:='0' + s; IntToStrPad:=s;end;// GL1 ATLAS DEBUG ONLY CODE!procedure DebugAtlas;{$IFDEF DEBUG_ATLAS}var vp: array[0..3] of GLint; prog: GLint; i: Integer; x, y: Integer;const SZ = 512;begin x:= 0; y:= 0; for i:= 0 to pred(MaxAtlases) do begin if not Info[i].allocated then continue; glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, @vp);{$IFDEF GL2} glGetIntegerv(GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM, @prog); glUseProgram(0);{$ENDIF} glPushMatrix; glLoadIdentity; glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix; glLoadIdentity; glOrtho(0, vp[2], vp[3], 0, -1, 1); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Info[i]; glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0); glVertex2i(x * SZ, y * SZ); glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0); glVertex2i((x + 1) * SZ, y * SZ); glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0); glVertex2i((x + 1) * SZ, (y + 1) * SZ); glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0); glVertex2i(x * SZ, (y + 1) * SZ); glEnd(); glPopMatrix; glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix; inc(x); if (x = 2) then begin x:=0; inc(y); end;{$IFDEF GL2} glUseProgram(prog);{$ENDIF} end;end;{$ELSE}begin;end;{$ENDIF}procedure DumpAtlas(var dinfo: AtlasInfo);var png: png_structp; png_info: png_infop; w, h, sz: Integer; filename: string; rows: array of png_bytep; size: Integer; i, j: Integer; idx: Integer; mem, p, pp: PByte;begin idx:= -1; for i:= 0 to Pred(MaxAtlases) do if @dinfo = @Info[i] then idx:=i; filename:= '/home/wolfgangst/hedgewars/dump/atlas_' + IntToStr(idx) + '_' + IntToStrPad(dinfo.DumpID) + '.png'; Assign(DumpFile, filename); inc(dinfo.DumpID); Rewrite(DumpFile); w:= dinfo.TextureInfo.w; h:= dinfo.TextureInfo.h; size:= w * h * 4; SetLength(rows, h); GetMem(mem, size); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,; glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, mem); p:= mem; for i:= 0 to pred(h) do begin rows[i]:= p; pp:= p; inc(pp, 3); {for j:= 0 to pred(w) do begin pp^:=255; inc(pp, 4); end;} inc(p, w * 4); end; png := png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, nil, nil, nil); png_info := png_create_info_struct(png); png_set_write_fn(png, nil, @writefunc, nil); png_set_IHDR(png, png_info, w, h, 8, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGBA, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT); png_write_info(png, png_info); png_write_image(png, @rows[0]); png_write_end(png, png_info); png_destroy_write_struct(@png, @png_info); FreeMem(mem); SetLength(rows, 0); Close(DumpFile); //if (DumpID >= 30) then // halt(0);end;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Upload routinesfunction createTexture(width, height: Integer): TAtlas;var nullTex: Pointer;begin createTexture.w:= width; createTexture.h:= height; createTexture.priority:= 0; glGenTextures(1,; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,; glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); //glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, nil); GetMem(NullTex, width * height * 4); FillChar(NullTex^, width * height * 4, 0); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NullTex); FreeMem(NullTex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);end;function Min(x, y: Single): Single;begin if x < y then Min:=x else Min:=y;end;function Max(x, y: Single): Single;begin if x > y then Max:=x else Max:=y;end;procedure HSVToRGB(const H, S, V: Single; out R, G, B: Single); const SectionSize = 60/360; var Section: Single; SectionIndex: Integer; f: single; p, q, t: Single; begin if H < 0 then begin R:= V; G:= R; B:= R; end else begin Section:= H/SectionSize; SectionIndex:= Trunc(Section); f:= Section - SectionIndex; p:= V * ( 1 - S ); q:= V * ( 1 - S * f ); t:= V * ( 1 - S * ( 1 - f ) ); case SectionIndex of 0: begin R:= V; G:= t; B:= p; end; 1: begin R:= q; G:= V; B:= p; end; 2: begin R:= p; G:= V; B:= t; end; 3: begin R:= p; G:= q; B:= V; end; 4: begin R:= t; G:= p; B:= V; end; else R:= V; G:= p; B:= q; end; end; end; procedure DebugColorize(surf: PSDL_Surface);var sz: Integer; p: PByte; i: Integer; r, g, b, a, inva: Integer; randr, randg, randb: Single; randh: Single;begin sz:= surf^.w * surf^.h; p:= surf^.pixels; randh:=Random; HSVToRGB(randh, 1.0, 1.0, randr, randg, randb); for i:=0 to pred(sz) do begin a:= p[3]; inva:= 255 - a; r:=Trunc(inva*randr + p[0]*a/255); g:=Trunc(inva*randg + p[1]*a/255); b:=Trunc(inva*randb + p[2]*a/255); if r > 255 then r:= 255; if g > 255 then g:= 255; if b > 255 then b:= 255; p[0]:=r; p[1]:=g; p[2]:=b; p[3]:=255; inc(p, 4); end;end;procedure DebugChecker(surf: PSDL_Surface);var sz: Integer; p, q: PByte; randr, randg, randb: Single; randrb, randgb, randbb: Byte; randh: Single; x, y: Integer;begin sz:= surf^.w * surf^.h; p:= surf^.pixels; randh:=Random; HSVToRGB(randh, 1.0, 1.0, randr, randg, randb); randrb:= Trunc(255*randr); randgb:= Trunc(255*randg); randbb:= Trunc(255*randb); p:= surf^.pixels; for y:=0 to Pred(surf^.h) do begin q:= p; for x:=0 to Pred(surf^.w) do begin if ((x xor y) and 1) = 1 then begin q[0]:= randrb; q[1]:= randgb; q[2]:= randbb; q[3]:= 255; end else begin q[0]:= 0; q[1]:= 0; q[2]:= 0; q[3]:= 255; end; inc(q, 4); end; inc(p, surf^.pitch); end;end;procedure Upload(var info: AtlasInfo; sprite: Rectangle; surf: PSDL_Surface);var sp: PTexture; i, j, stride: Integer; scanline: PByte; r: TSDL_Rect;begin //writeln('Uploading sprite to ', sprite.x, ',', sprite.y, ',', sprite.width, ',', sprite.height); sp:= PTexture(sprite.UserData); sp^.x:= sprite.x; sp^.y:= sprite.y; sp^.isRotated:= sp^.w <> sprite.width; sp^.atlas:= @info.TextureInfo; if SDL_MustLock(surf) then SDLTry(SDL_LockSurface(surf) >= 0, true); //if GrayScale then // Surface2GrayScale(surf); //DebugColorize(surf); DebugChecker(surf); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,; if (sp^.isRotated) then begin scanline:= surf^.pixels; for i:= 0 to pred(sprite.width) do begin glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, sprite.x + i, sprite.y, 1, sprite.height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, scanline); inc(scanline, sprite.height * 4); end; end else glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, sprite.x, sprite.y, sprite.width, sprite.height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surf^.pixels); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); if SDL_MustLock(surf) then SDL_UnlockSurface(surf); r.x:= 0; r.y:= 0; r.w:= sp^.w; r.h:= sp^.h; ComputeTexcoords(sp, @r, @sp^.tb);end;procedure Repack(var info: AtlasInfo; newAtlas: Atlas);var base: PByte; oldSize: Integer; oldWidth: Integer; offset: Integer; i,j : Integer; r: Rectangle; sp: PTexture; newIsRotated: boolean; newSpriteRect: Rectangle;begin writeln('Repacking atlas (', info.PackerInfo.width, 'x', info.PackerInfo.height, ')', ' -> (', newAtlas.width, 'x', newAtlas.height, ')'); // delete the old atlas glDeleteTextures(1,; // create a new atlas with different size info.TextureInfo:= createTexture(newAtlas.width, newAtlas.height); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,; atlasDelete(info.PackerInfo); info.PackerInfo:= newAtlas; // and process all sprites of the new atlas for i:=0 to pred(newAtlas.usedRectangles.count) do begin r:=[i]; sp:= PTexture(r.UserData); Upload(info, r, sp^.surface); end; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);end;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Utility functionsfunction SizeForSprite(sprite: PTexture): Size;begin SizeForSprite.width:= sprite^.w; SizeForSprite.height:= sprite^.h; SizeForSprite.UserData:= sprite;end;procedure EnlargeSize(var x: Integer; var y: Integer);begin if (y < x) then y:= y + y else x:= x + x;end;procedure CompactSize(var x: Integer; var y: Integer);begin if (x > y) then x:= x div 2 else y:= y div 2;end;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sprite allocation logicfunction TryRepack(var info: AtlasInfo; w, h: Integer; hasNewSprite: boolean; newSprite: Size): boolean;var sizes: SizeList; repackedAtlas: Atlas; sprite: PTexture; i: Integer; rects: RectangleList; // we wont really need this as we do a full repack using the atlas later onbegin TryRepack:= false; // STEP 1: collect sizes of all existing sprites sizeListInit(sizes); for i:= 0 to pred(info.PackerInfo.usedRectangles.count) do begin sprite:= PTexture([i].UserData); sizeListAdd(sizes, SizeForSprite(sprite)); end; // STEP 2: add the new sprite to the list if hasNewSprite then sizeListAdd(sizes, newSprite); // STEP 3: try to create a non adaptive re-packing using the whole list repackedAtlas:= atlasNew(w, h); rectangleListInit(rects); if atlasInsertSet(repackedAtlas, sizes, rects) then begin TryRepack:= true; Repack(info, repackedAtlas); // repack assigns repackedAtlas to the current info and deletes the old one // thus we wont do atlasDelete(repackedAtlas); here rectangleListClear(rects); sizeListClear(sizes); //DumpAtlas(info); exit; end; rectangleListClear(rects); sizeListClear(sizes); atlasDelete(repackedAtlas);end;function TryInsert(var info: AtlasInfo; newSprite: Size; surf: PSDL_Surface): boolean;var rect: Rectangle; sprite: PTexture;begin TryInsert:= false; if atlasInsertAdaptive(info.PackerInfo, newSprite, rect) then begin // we succeeded adaptivley allocating the sprite to the i'th atlas. Upload(info, rect, surf); //DumpAtlas(info); TryInsert:= true; end;end;function Surface2Tex_(surf: PSDL_Surface; enableClamp: boolean): PTexture;var sz: Size; sprite: PTexture; currentWidth, currentHeight: Integer; i: Integer;begin if (surf^.w > MaxTexSize) or (surf^.h > MaxTexSize) then begin // we could at best downscale the sprite, abort for now writeln('Sprite size larger than maximum texture size'); halt(-1); end; // allocate the sprite new(sprite); Surface2Tex_:= sprite; sprite^.w:= surf^.w; sprite^.h:= surf^.h; sprite^.x:= 0; sprite^.y:= 0; sprite^.isRotated:= false; sprite^.surface:= surf; sprite^.shared:= true; sprite^.nextFrame:= nil; sz:= SizeForSprite(sprite); // STEP 1 // try to allocate the new sprite in one of the existing atlases for i:= 0 to pred(MaxAtlases) do begin if not Info[i].Allocated then continue; if TryInsert(Info[i], sz, surf) then exit; end; // STEP 2 // none of the atlases has space left for the allocation, try a garbage collection for i:= 0 to pred(MaxAtlases) do begin if not Info[i].Allocated then continue; if TryRepack(Info[i], Info[i].PackerInfo.width, Info[i].PackerInfo.height, true, sz) then exit; end; // STEP 3 // none of the atlases could be repacked in a way to fit the new sprite, try enlarging for i:= 0 to pred(MaxAtlases) do begin if not Info[i].Allocated then continue; currentWidth:= Info[i].PackerInfo.width; currentHeight:= Info[i].PackerInfo.height; EnlargeSize(currentWidth, currentHeight); while (currentWidth <= MaxTexSize) and (currentHeight <= MaxTexSize) do begin if TryRepack(Info[i], currentWidth, currentHeight, true, sz) then exit; EnlargeSize(currentWidth, currentHeight); end; end; // STEP 4 // none of the existing atlases could be resized, try to allocate a new atlas for i:= 0 to pred(MaxAtlases) do begin if Info[i].Allocated then continue; currentWidth:= MinTexSize; currentHeight:= MinTexSize; while (sz.width > currentWidth) do currentWidth:= currentWidth + currentWidth; while (sz.height > currentHeight) do currentHeight:= currentHeight + currentHeight; with Info[i] do begin PackerInfo:= atlasNew(currentWidth, currentHeight); TextureInfo:= createTexture(currentWidth, currentHeight); Allocated:= true; end; if TryInsert(Info[i], sz, surf) then exit; // this shouldnt have happened, the rectpacker should be able to fit the sprite // into an unused rectangle that is the same size or larger than the requested sprite. writeln('Internal error: atlas allocation failed'); halt(-1); end; // we reached the upperbound of resources we are willing to allocate writeln('Exhausted maximum sprite allocation size'); halt(-1);end;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sprite deallocation logicprocedure FreeTexture_(sprite: PTexture);var i, j, deleteAt: Integer; usedArea: Integer; totalArea: Integer; r: Rectangle; atlasW, atlasH: Integer; unused: Size;begin if sprite = nil then exit; deleteAt:= -1; for i:= 0 to pred(MaxAtlases) do begin if sprite^.atlas <> @Info[i].TextureInfo then continue; usedArea:= 0; for j:=0 to pred(Info[i].PackerInfo.usedRectangles.count) do begin r:= Info[i][j]; if r.UserData = sprite then deleteAt:= j else inc(usedArea, r.width * r.height); end; rectangleListRemoveAt(Info[i].PackerInfo.usedRectangles, deleteAt); dispose(sprite); while true do begin atlasW:= Info[i].PackerInfo.width; atlasH:= Info[i].PackerInfo.height; totalArea:= atlasW * atlasH; if usedArea >= totalArea * CompressionThreshold then exit; if (atlasW = MinTexSize) and (atlasH = MinTexSize) then exit; // we could try to move everything from this to another atlas here CompactSize(atlasW, atlasH); unused:= unused; TryRepack(Info[i], atlasW, atlasH, false, unused); end; exit; end;end;procedure initModule;var i: Integer;begin for i:= 0 to pred(MaxAtlases) do begin Info[i].Allocated:= false; Info[i].DumpID:=0; end;end;end.