ClimbHome: Change misleading Seed assignment to nil value
This was "Seed = ClimbHome", but ClimbHome was a nil value.
This code still worked as the engine interpreted the nil value as empty string.
But it can be very misleading.
This changeset makes the Seed assignment more explicit by assigning the empty string directly.
The compability has been tested.
** $Id: lundump.h,v 2007/12/27 13:02:25 roberto Exp $
** load precompiled Lua chunks
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
#ifndef lundump_h
#define lundump_h
#include "lobject.h"
#include "lzio.h"
/* load one chunk; from lundump.c */
LUAI_FUNC Proto* luaU_undump (lua_State* L, ZIO* Z, Mbuffer* buff, const char* name);
/* make header; from lundump.c */
LUAI_FUNC void luaU_header (char* h);
/* dump one chunk; from ldump.c */
LUAI_FUNC int luaU_dump (lua_State* L, const Proto* f, lua_Writer w, void* data, int strip);
#ifdef luac_c
/* print one chunk; from print.c */
LUAI_FUNC void luaU_print (const Proto* f, int full);
/* for header of binary files -- this is Lua 5.1 */
#define LUAC_VERSION 0x51
/* for header of binary files -- this is the official format */
#define LUAC_FORMAT 0
/* size of header of binary files */