author koda
Tue, 22 Sep 2009 18:58:02 +0000
changeset 2390 57fb33ab04a4
parent 2381 959da8402cac
child 2403 6c5d504af2ba
permissions -rw-r--r--
converts some gl calls to gles

module Utils where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Char
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.ByteString.Internal (w2c)
import Numeric
import Network.Socket
import System.IO
import qualified Data.List as List
import Control.Monad
import Maybe
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base64 as Base64
import qualified Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8
import CoreTypes

sockAddr2String :: SockAddr -> IO String
sockAddr2String (SockAddrInet _ hostAddr) = inet_ntoa hostAddr
sockAddr2String (SockAddrInet6 _ _ (a, b, c, d) _) =
	return $ (foldr1 (.)
		$ List.intersperse (\a -> ':':a)
		$ concatMap (\n -> (\(a, b) -> [showHex a, showHex b]) $ divMod n 65536) [a, b, c, d]) []

toEngineMsg :: String -> String
toEngineMsg msg = Base64.encode (fromIntegral (length msg) : (UTF8.encode msg))

fromEngineMsg :: String -> Maybe String
fromEngineMsg msg = liftM (map w2c) (Base64.decode msg >>= removeLength)
		removeLength (x:xs) = if length xs == fromIntegral x then Just xs else Nothing
		removeLength _ = Nothing

checkNetCmd :: String -> (Bool, Bool)
checkNetCmd msg = check decoded
		decoded = fromEngineMsg msg
		check Nothing = (False, False)
		check (Just (m:ms)) = (m `Set.member` legalMessages, m == '+')
		check _ = (False, False)
		legalMessages = Set.fromList $ "M#+LlRrUuDdZzAaSjJ,sFNpPwtghb12345" ++ slotMessages
		slotMessages = "\128\129\130\131\132\133\134\135\136\137\138"

maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
maybeRead s = case reads s of
	[(x, rest)] | all isSpace rest -> Just x
	_         -> Nothing

teamToNet team = [
		teamname team,
		teamgrave team,
		teamfort team,
		teamvoicepack team,
		teamowner team,
		show $ difficulty team
		++ hhsInfo
		hhsInfo = concatMap (\(HedgehogInfo name hat) -> [name, hat]) $ hedgehogs team

modifyTeam :: TeamInfo -> RoomInfo -> RoomInfo
modifyTeam team room = room{teams = replaceTeam team $ teams room}
	replaceTeam _ [] = error "modifyTeam: no such team"
	replaceTeam team (t:teams) =
		if teamname team == teamname t then
			team : teams
			t : replaceTeam team teams

illegalName :: String -> Bool
illegalName = all isSpace

protoNumber2ver :: Word16 -> String
protoNumber2ver 17 = "0.9.7-dev"
protoNumber2ver 19 = "0.9.7"
protoNumber2ver 20 = "0.9.8-dev"
protoNumber2ver 21 = "0.9.8"
protoNumber2ver 22 = "0.9.9-dev"
protoNumber2ver 23 = "0.9.9"
protoNumber2ver 24 = "0.9.10-dev"
protoNumber2ver 25 = "0.9.10"
protoNumber2ver 26 = "0.9.11-dev"
protoNumber2ver 27 = "0.9.11"
protoNumber2ver 28 = "0.9.12-dev"
protoNumber2ver _ = "Unknown"

askFromConsole :: String -> IO String
askFromConsole msg = do
	putStr msg
	hFlush stdout