Modified frontend so that updating campaogn progress no longer changes current index of the mission combo box
Updated Animate.lua (forgot to copy it last time)
Mission 1: Fixed a bug where events would cause animations to stutter
Moved a crate
Made the princess and the elder pay attention to Leaks A Lot
Changed the name of the chief to Righteous Beard
Mission 2: -
Mission 3: Removed leftover debug lines
Solved a bug where Dense Cloud could not select weapons during final scene
Made the hogs fave each other during the final animation
Mission 4: Solved a bug where Dense Cloud would appear even if he's dead
message(STATUS "Performing standalone bundle creation...")
execute_process(COMMAND ls ${frameworks_dir} RESULT_VARIABLE doBundle OUTPUT_QUIET ERROR_QUIET)
execute_process(COMMAND mkdir -p ${frameworks_dir})
execute_process(COMMAND ${macdeployqt_executable} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${bundle_name} OUTPUT_QUIET ERROR_QUIET)
if(doBundle EQUAL 1)
execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${sdl_dir} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${frameworks_dir}/SDL.framework)
execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${SDLIMAGE_LIBRARY} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${frameworks_dir}/SDL_image.framework)
execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${SDLNET_LIBRARY} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${frameworks_dir}/SDL_net.framework)
execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${SDLTTF_LIBRARY} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${frameworks_dir}/SDL_ttf.framework)
execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${SDLMIXER_LIBRARY} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${frameworks_dir}/SDL_mixer.framework)
execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${OGG_LIBRARY} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${frameworks_dir}/Ogg.framework)
execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${VORBIS_LIBRARY} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${frameworks_dir}/Vorbis.framework)
execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${SPARKLE_LIBRARY} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${frameworks_dir}/Sparkle.framework)
message(STATUS "Bundle frameworks added")
message(STATUS "Bundle frameworks already present; skipping...")