issue #871 in hedgewars: "Hedgehog dropping into water while still attached to a rope makes engine crash"
Due to doStepRopeWork's being completely skipped 75% of the ticks - including drowning/detachment-condition checks
local params = {
ammoType = amShotgun,
gearType = gtShotgunShot,
missionTitle = "Target Practice: Shotgun",
solidLand = false,
map = "SB_Haunty",
theme = "Halloween",
hog_x = 320,
hog_y = 324,
hogHat = "NoHat",
hogGrave = "Bones",
targets = {
{ x = 495, y = 501 },
{ x = 227, y = 530 },
{ x = 835, y = 934 },
{ x = 1075, y = 889 },
{ x = 887, y = 915 },
{ x = 1148, y = 750 },
{ x = 916, y = 915 },
{ x = 1211, y = 700 },
{ x = 443, y = 505 },
{ x = 822, y = 964 },
{ x = 1092, y = 819 },
{ x = 1301, y = 683 },
{ x = 1480, y = 661 },
{ x = 1492, y = 786 },
{ x = 1605, y = 562 },
{ x = 1545, y = 466 },
{ x = 1654, y = 392 },
{ x = 1580, y = 334 },
{ x = 1730, y = 222 },
time = 90000,