some saucer thing for firing weps underwater and aiming and such. bit drunk and sleepy so testing I guess
-- Library for miscellaneous utilitiy functions
-- Check if a gear is inside a box
function gearIsInBox(gear, x, y, w, h)
gx, gy = GetGearPosition(gear)
if gx >= x and gy >= y and gx <= x + w and gy <= y + h then
return true
return false
-- Check if a gear is inside a circle
function gearIsInCircle(gear, x, y, r, useRadius)
gx, gy = GetGearPosition(gear)
if useRadius then
r = r + GetGearRadius(gear)
if r ^ 2 >= (x - gx) ^ 2 + (y - gy) ^ 2 then
return true
return false