Clean up Sudden Death messages and animations in Battalion
- Remove SD warning (redundant with engine)
- Play poison moan sounds
- Hide damage tag if no damage
use sdl2::{
PixelFormatEnum, Color
use integral_geometry::{Point, Size, Rect, Line};
use rand::{
thread_rng, RngCore, Rng,
use landgen::{
use land2d::Land2D;
use lfprng::LaggedFibonacciPRNG;
struct LandSource<T> {
rnd: LaggedFibonacciPRNG,
generator: T
impl <T: LandGenerator> LandSource<T> {
fn new(generator: T) -> Self {
let mut init = [0u8; 64];
thread_rng().fill_bytes(&mut init);
LandSource {
rnd: LaggedFibonacciPRNG::new(&init),
fn next(&mut self, parameters: LandGenerationParameters<u32>) -> Land2D<u32> {
self.generator.generate_land(¶meters, &mut self.rnd)
fn fill_pixels(pixels: &mut [u8], land: &Land2D<u32>) {
for (surf_row, land_row) in pixels.chunks_mut(land.width() * 4).zip(land.rows()) {
for (surf_pixel, land_pixel) in surf_row.chunks_mut(4).zip(land_row) {
if let [b, g, r, a] = surf_pixel {
*a = 255; *r = *land_pixel as u8;
fn fill_texture(surface: &mut Surface, land: &Land2D<u32>) {
if surface.must_lock() {
surface.with_lock_mut(|data| fill_pixels(data, land));
} else {
surface.without_lock_mut().map(|data| fill_pixels(data, land));
fn rnd<T: Default + SampleUniform + Ord>(max: T) -> T {
thread_rng().gen_range(T::default(), max)
const WINDOW_WIDTH: u32 = 800;
const WINDOW_HEIGHT: u32 = 600;
const WINDOW_SIZE: Size = Size {width: WINDOW_WIDTH as usize, height: WINDOW_HEIGHT as usize};
const PLAY_WIDTH: u32 = 3072;
const PLAY_HEIGHT: u32 = 1424;
const PLAY_SIZE: Size = Size {width: PLAY_WIDTH as usize, height: PLAY_HEIGHT as usize};
const LAND_WIDTH: u32 = 4096;
const LAND_HEIGHT: u32 = 2048;
const LAND_SIZE: Size = Size {width: LAND_WIDTH as usize, height: LAND_HEIGHT as usize};
fn point() -> Point {
Point::new(rnd(LAND_WIDTH as i32), rnd(LAND_HEIGHT as i32))
fn rect() -> Rect {
Rect::new(rnd(LAND_WIDTH as i32), rnd(LAND_HEIGHT as i32), rnd(120) + 8, rnd(120) + 8)
fn land_rect() -> Rect {
fn basic_template() -> OutlineTemplate {
macro_rules! pseudo_yaml {
[$({x: $x: tt, y: $y: tt, w: $w: tt, h: $h: tt}),*] => {
[$(Rect::new($x, $y, $w, $h)),*]
fn test_template() -> OutlineTemplate {
let island = pseudo_yaml![
{x: 810, y: 1424, w: 1, h: 1},
{x: 560, y: 1160, w: 130, h: 170},
{x: 742, y: 1106, w: 316, h: 150},
{x: 638, y: 786, w: 270, h: 180},
{x: 646, y: 576, w: 242, h: 156},
{x: 952, y: 528, w: 610, h: 300},
{x: 1150, y: 868, w: 352, h: 324},
{x: 1050, y: 1424, w: 500, h: 1},
{x: 1650, y: 1500, w: 1, h: 1},
{x: 1890, y: 1424, w: 1, h: 1},
{x: 1852, y: 1304, w: 74, h: 12},
{x: 1648, y: 975, w: 68, h: 425},
{x: 1826, y: 992, w: 140, h: 142},
{x: 1710, y: 592, w: 150, h: 350},
{x: 1988, y: 594, w: 148, h: 242},
{x: 2018, y: 872, w: 276, h: 314},
{x: 2110, y: 1250, w: 130, h: 86},
{x: 2134, y: 1424, w: 1, h: 1}
.add_fill_points(&[Point::new(1023, 0)])
fn init_source() -> LandSource<TemplatedLandGenerator> {
let template = test_template();
let generator = TemplatedLandGenerator::new(template);
fn draw_center_mark(land: &mut Land2D<u32>) {
for i in 0..32 {
land.draw_thick_line(Line::new(Point::new(LAND_WIDTH as i32 / 2, 0),
Point::new(LAND_WIDTH as i32 / 2, LAND_HEIGHT as i32)), 10, 128);
land.draw_thick_line(Line::new(Point::new(0, LAND_HEIGHT as i32 / 2),
Point::new(LAND_WIDTH as i32, LAND_HEIGHT as i32 / 2)), 10, 128);
land.fill_circle(Point::new(LAND_WIDTH as i32, LAND_HEIGHT as i32) / 2, 60, 128);
fn draw_random_lines(land: &mut Land2D<u32>) {
for i in 0..32 {
land.draw_thick_line(Line::new(point(), point()), rnd(5), 128);
land.fill_circle(point(), rnd(60), 128);
fn main() {
let sdl = sdl2::init().unwrap();
let _image = sdl2::image::init(sdl2::image::INIT_PNG).unwrap();
let events = sdl.event().unwrap();
let mut pump = sdl.event_pump().unwrap();
let video =;
let window = video.window("Theme Editor", WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT)
let mut source = init_source();
let mut land =
LandGenerationParameters::new(0, u32::max_value(), 1, false, false));
draw_center_mark(&mut land);
let mut land_surf = Surface::new(LAND_WIDTH, LAND_HEIGHT, PixelFormatEnum::ARGB8888).unwrap();
fill_texture(&mut land_surf, &land);
let mut win_surf = window.surface(&pump).unwrap();
let dest_rect = win_surf.rect();
land_surf.blit_scaled(land_surf.rect(), &mut win_surf, dest_rect).unwrap();
'pool: loop {
use sdl2::event::Event::*;
while let Some(event) = pump.poll_event() {
match event {
Quit{ .. } => break 'pool,
_ => ()