add a higher resolution preview image, could be nice to add a hover effect on normal preview that displays this bigger version
-- Hedgewars - Knockball for 2+ Players
local caption = {
["en"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
["de"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
["es"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
["pl"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
["pt_PT"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
["sk"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
["sv"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
["pt_BR"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball"
local subcaption = {
["en"] = "Not So Friendly Match",
["de"] = "Kein-so-Freundschaftsspiel",
["es"] = "Partido no-tan-amistoso",
["pl"] = "Mecz Nie-Do-Końca Towarzyski",
["pt_PT"] = "Partida não muito amigável",
["sk"] = "Nie tak celkom priateľský zápas",
["sv"] = "En inte så vänlig match",
["pt_BR"] = "Partida não muito amigável"
local goal = {
["en"] = "Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!",
["de"] = "Schlage Bälle auf deine Widersacher|und lass sie ins Meer fallen!",
["es"] = "¡Batea pelotas hacia tus enemigos|y hazlos caer al agua!",
["pl"] = "Uderzaj piłkami w swoich przeciwników|i strącaj ich do wody!",
["pt_PT"] = "Bate bolas contra os teus|enimigos e empurra-os ao mar!",
["sk"] = "Loptami triafajte vašich nepriateľov|a zhoďte ich tak do mora!",
["sv"] = "Slå bollar mot dina fiender|och slå ner dem i havet",
["pt_BR"] = "Rebata as bolas em direção ao seus|e derrube-os no mar!"
local scored = {
["en"] = "%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:",
["de"] = "%s ist draußen und Team %d|erhält einen Punkt!| |Punktestand:",
["es"] = "¡%s cayó y Equipo %d|anotó un tanto!| |Puntuación:",
["pl"] = "%s utonął i drużyna %d|zdobyła punkt!| |Punktacja:",
["pt_PT"] = "%s está fora e a equipa %d|soma um ponto!| |Pontuação:",
["sk"] = "%s je mimo hru a tím %d|získal bod!| |Skóre:",
["sv"] = "%s är ute och lag %d|fick ett poäng!| |Poängställning:",
["pt_BR"] = "%s está fora e a Equipe %d|marcou um ponto!| |Pontuação:"
local failed = {
["en"] = "%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:",
["de"] = "%s ist draußen und Team %d|erhält eine Strafe!| |Punktestand:",
["es"] = "¡%s cayó y Equipo %d|anotó una falta!| |Puntuación:",
["pl"] = "%s utonął i drużyna %d|dostała punkt karny!| |Punktacja:",
["pt_PT"] = "%s está fora e a equipa %d|perde um ponto!| |Pontuação:",
["sk"] = "%s je mimo hru a tím %d|dostal trestný bod!| |Skóre:",
["sv"] = "%s är ute och lag %d|fick ett straff!| |Poängställning:",
["pt_BR"] = "%s está fora e a Equipe %d|sofreu uma penalidade!| |Pontuação:"
local function loc(text)
if text == nil then return "**missing**"
elseif text[L] == nil then return text["en"]
else return text[L]
local score = {[0] = 0, [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 0, [4] = 0, [5] = 0}
local ball = nil
local started = false
function onGameInit()
GameFlags = gfSolidLand + gfInvulnerable + gfDivideTeams
TurnTime = 20000
CaseFreq = 0
MinesNum = 0
Explosives = 0
Delay = 500
SuddenDeathTurns = 99999 -- "disable" sudden death
function onGameStart()
ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(goal), -amBaseballBat, 0)
started = true
function onGameTick()
if ball ~= nil and GetFollowGear() ~= nil then FollowGear(ball) end
function onAmmoStoreInit()
SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 9, 0, 0, 0)
SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
function onGearAdd(gear)
if GetGearType(gear) == gtShover then
ball = AddGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), gtBall, 0, 0, 0, 0)
if ball ~= nil then
CopyPV2(gear, ball)
SetState(ball, 0x200) -- temporary - might change!
SetTag(ball, 8) -- baseball skin
function onGearDelete(gear)
if not started then
if gear == ball then
ball = nil
elseif (GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog) and CurrentHedgehog ~= nil then
local clan = GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)
local s
if clan ~= nil then
if GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) ~= GetHogClan(gear) then
score[clan] = score[clan] + 1
s = string.format(loc(scored), GetHogName(gear), clan + 1)
score[clan] = score[clan] - 1
s = string.format(loc(failed), GetHogName(gear), clan + 1)
s = s .. " " .. score[0]
for i = 1, ClansCount - 1 do s = s .. " - " .. score[i] end
ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), s, -amBaseballBat, 0)