added little/big endian checks, added symbol for touch input, simplified iphoneos definitions
(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA *){$IFNDEF FPC}{$ERROR Only Free Pascal supported!}{$ENDIF}program hwengine;uses SDLh in 'SDLh.pas',{$IFDEF GLES11} gles11,{$ELSE} GL,{$ENDIF} uConsts in 'uConsts.pas', uGame in 'uGame.pas', uMisc in 'uMisc.pas', uStore in 'uStore.pas', uWorld in 'uWorld.pas', uIO in 'uIO.pas', uGears in 'uGears.pas', uVisualGears in 'uVisualGears.pas', uConsole in 'uConsole.pas', uKeys in 'uKeys.pas', uTeams in 'uTeams.pas', uSound in 'uSound.pas', uRandom in 'uRandom.pas', uAI in 'uAI.pas', uAIMisc in 'uAIMisc.pas', uAIAmmoTests in 'uAIAmmoTests.pas', uAIActions in 'uAIActions.pas', uCollisions in 'uCollisions.pas', uLand in 'uLand.pas', uLandTemplates in 'uLandTemplates.pas', uLandObjects in 'uLandObjects.pas', uLandGraphics in 'uLandGraphics.pas', uLocale in 'uLocale.pas', uAmmos in 'uAmmos.pas', uSHA in 'uSHA.pas', uFloat in 'uFloat.pas', uStats in 'uStats.pas', uChat in 'uChat.pas', uLandTexture in 'uLandTexture.pas';{$INCLUDE}// also: proto.incvar recordFileName : shortstring = '';procedure OnDestroy; forward;////////////////////////////////procedure DoTimer(Lag: LongInt);{$IFNDEF IPHONEOS}var s: string;{$ENDIF}begininc(RealTicks, Lag);case GameState of gsLandGen: begin GenMap; GameState:= gsStart; end; gsStart: begin if HasBorder then DisableSomeWeapons; AddClouds; AssignHHCoords; AddMiscGears; StoreLoad; InitWorld; ResetKbd; SoundLoad; if GameType = gmtSave then begin isSEBackup:= isSoundEnabled; isSoundEnabled:= false end; FinishProgress; PlayMusic; SetScale(zoom); GameState:= gsGame end; gsConfirm, gsGame: begin DrawWorld(Lag); // never place between ProcessKbd and DoGameTick - bugs due to /put cmd and isCursorVisible ProcessKbd; DoGameTick(Lag); ProcessVisualGears(Lag); end; gsChat: begin DrawWorld(Lag); DoGameTick(Lag); ProcessVisualGears(Lag); end; gsExit: begin OnDestroy; end; end;SDL_GL_SwapBuffers();{$IFNDEF IPHONEOS}//not going to make captures on the iPhoneif flagMakeCapture then begin flagMakeCapture:= false; s:= 'hw_' + cSeed + '_' + inttostr(GameTicks) + '.tga'; WriteLnToConsole('Saving ' + s); MakeScreenshot(s);// SDL_SaveBMP_RW(SDLPrimSurface, SDL_RWFromFile(Str2PChar(s), 'wb'), 1) end;{$ENDIF}end;////////////////////procedure OnDestroy;begin{$IFDEF DEBUGFILE}AddFileLog('Freeing resources...');{$ENDIF}if isSoundEnabled then ReleaseSound;StoreRelease;FreeLand;SendKB;CloseIPC;TTF_Quit;SDL_Quit;haltend;////////////////////////////////procedure Resize(w, h: LongInt);begincScreenWidth:= w;cScreenHeight:= h;if cFullScreen then ParseCommand('/fullscr 1', true)else ParseCommand('/fullscr 0', true);end;///////////////////procedure MainLoop;var PrevTime, CurrTime: Longword; event: TSDL_Event;{$IFDEF IPHONEOS}type TDirection = (nodir, left, right);var x, y: LongInt; oldy_zoom: LongInt = -1; oldy_aim: LongInt = -1;{$ENDIF}beginPrevTime:= SDL_GetTicks;repeatwhile SDL_PollEvent(@event) <> 0 do case event.type_ of{$IFDEF SDL13} SDL_WINDOWEVENT:{$ELSE} SDL_KEYDOWN: if GameState = gsChat then KeyPressChat(event.key.keysym.unicode); SDL_ACTIVEEVENT:{$ENDIF} if ( and SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS) <> 0 then cHasFocus:= = 1; //SDL_VIDEORESIZE: Resize(max(event.resize.w, 600), max(event.resize.h, 450));{$IFDEF TOUCHINPUT} {*MoveCamera is in uWord.pas -- conflicts with other commands*} {*Keys are in uKeys.pas*} SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: begin AddFileLog('********************************************* touch down'); SDL_GetMouseState(0, @x, @y); uKeys.leftClick:= true; {* zoom slider *} if (x <= 50) and (y <= 430) then begin{$IFDEF DEBUGFILE} AddFileLog('Wheel -- x: ' + inttostr(x) + ' y: ' + inttostr(y));{$ENDIF} if oldy_zoom = -1 then oldy_zoom:= y else begin if oldy_zoom - y > 10 then uKeys.wheelUp:= true else if oldy_zoom -y < -10 then uKeys.wheelDown:= true; {* update value only if movement is consistent *} if (y > oldy_zoom + 20 ) or (y < oldy_zoom - 20 ) then oldy_zoom:= y end; end; {* reset zoom *} if (x <= 50) and (y > 430) then begin{$IFDEF DEBUGFILE} AddFileLog('Middle Click -- x: ' + inttostr(x) + ' y: ' + inttostr(y));{$ENDIF} uKeys.middleClick:= true; end; {* aim slider *} if (x > 230) and (y <= 430) then begin{$IFDEF DEBUGFILE} AddFileLog('Up&Down -- x: ' + inttostr(x) + ' y: ' + inttostr(y));{$ENDIF} if oldy_aim = -1 then oldy_aim:= y else begin if oldy_aim - y > 10 then uKeys.upKey:= true else if oldy_aim -y < -10 then uKeys.downKey:= true; {* update value only if movement is consistent *} if (y > oldy_aim + 20 ) or (y < oldy_aim - 20 ) then oldy_aim:= y end; end; {* reset zoom *} if (x <= 50) and (y > 430) then begin{$IFDEF DEBUGFILE} AddFileLog('Middle Click -- x: ' + inttostr(x) + ' y: ' + inttostr(y));{$ENDIF} uKeys.middleClick:= true; end; {* long jump *} if (y > 430) and (x > 50) and (x <= 135) then begin{$IFDEF DEBUGFILE} AddFileLog('Enter -- x: ' + inttostr(x) + ' y: ' + inttostr(y));{$ENDIF} uKeys.enterKey:= true; end; {* high jump *} if (y > 430) and (x > 185) and (x <= 270) then begin{$IFDEF DEBUGFILE} AddFileLog('Backspace -- x: ' + inttostr(x) + ' y: ' + inttostr(y));{$ENDIF} uKeys.backspaceKey:= true; end; {* attack *} if (y <= 50) and (x > 50) and (x <= 270) then begin{$IFDEF DEBUGFILE} AddFileLog('Space DOWN -- x: ' + inttostr(x) + ' y: ' + inttostr(y));{$ENDIF} uKeys.spaceKey:= true; uKeys.isAttacking:= true; end else begin AddFileLog('Space UP -- x: ' + inttostr(x) + ' y: ' + inttostr(y)); uKeys.isAttacking:= false; end; end; SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: begin AddFileLog('********************************************* touch up'); SDL_GetMouseState(0, @x, @y); {* open ammo menu *} if (y > 430) and (x > 270) then begin{$IFDEF DEBUGFILE} AddFileLog('Right Click -- x: ' + inttostr(x) + ' y: ' + inttostr(y) );{$ENDIF} uKeys.rightClick:= true; end; end;{$ENDIF}{$IFDEF IPHONEOS} SDL_JOYAXIS: begin {* axis 0 = left and right; axis 1 = up and down; axis 2 = back and forth; *} if (event.jaxis.axis = 0) and (CurrentTeam <> nil) then begin if event.jaxis.value > 1500 then begin uKeys.rightKey:= true; uKeys.isWalking:= true; end else if event.jaxis.value <= -1500 then begin uKeys.leftKey:= true; uKeys.isWalking:= true; end else if (event.jaxis.value > -1500) and (event.jaxis.value <= 1500) then uKeys.isWalking:= false;{$IFDEF DEBUGFILE} AddFileLog('Joystick value: ' + inttostr(event.jaxis.value));{$ENDIF} end; end;{$ELSE} SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN then uKeys.wheelDown:= true; SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: if event.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDUP then uKeys.wheelUp:= true; SDL_JOYAXIS: ControllerAxisEvent(event.jaxis.which, event.jaxis.axis, event.jaxis.value); SDL_JOYHAT: ControllerHatEvent(event.jhat.which, event.jhat.hat, event.jhat.value); SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: ControllerButtonEvent(event.jbutton.which, event.jbutton.button, true); SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: ControllerButtonEvent(event.jbutton.which, event.jbutton.button, false);{$ENDIF} SDL_QUITEV: isTerminated:= true end;CurrTime:= SDL_GetTicks;if PrevTime + cTimerInterval <= CurrTime then begin DoTimer(CurrTime - PrevTime); PrevTime:= CurrTime end else SDL_Delay(1);IPCCheckSockuntil isTerminatedend;/////////////////////procedure DisplayUsage;begin WriteLn('Wrong argument format: correct configurations is'); WriteLn(); WriteLn(' hwengine <path to data folder> <path to replay file> [option]'); WriteLn(); WriteLn('where [option] must be specified either as'); WriteLn(' --set-video [screen width] [screen height] [color dept]'); WriteLn(' --set-audio [volume] [enable music] [enable sounds]'); WriteLn(' --set-other [language file] [full screen] [show FPS]'); WriteLn(' --set-multimedia [screen height] [screen width] [color dept] [volume] [enable music] [enable sounds] [language file] [full screen]'); WriteLn(' --set-everything [screen height] [screen width] [color dept] [volume] [enable music] [enable sounds] [language file] [full screen] [show FPS] [alternate damage] [timer value] [reduced quality]'); WriteLn(); WriteLn('Read documentation online at for more information'); halt(1);end;////////////////////procedure GetParams;var{$IFDEF DEBUGFILE} i: LongInt;{$ENDIF} p: TPathType;begin{$IFDEF DEBUGFILE}AddFileLog('Prefix: "' + PathPrefix +'"');for i:= 0 to ParamCount do AddFileLog(inttostr(i) + ': ' + ParamStr(i));{$ENDIF}case ParamCount of 17: begin val(ParamStr(2), cScreenWidth); val(ParamStr(3), cScreenHeight); cInitWidth:= cScreenWidth; cInitHeight:= cScreenHeight; cBitsStr:= ParamStr(4); val(cBitsStr, cBits); val(ParamStr(5), ipcPort); cFullScreen:= ParamStr(6) = '1'; isSoundEnabled:= ParamStr(7) = '1'; isSoundHardware:= ParamStr(8) = '1'; cLocaleFName:= ParamStr(9); val(ParamStr(10), cInitVolume); val(ParamStr(11), cTimerInterval); PathPrefix:= ParamStr(12); cShowFPS:= ParamStr(13) = '1'; cAltDamage:= ParamStr(14) = '1'; UserNick:= DecodeBase64(ParamStr(15)); isMusicEnabled:= ParamStr(16) = '1'; cReducedQuality:= ParamStr(17) = '1'; for p:= Succ(Low(TPathType)) to High(TPathType) do if p <> ptMapCurrent then Pathz[p]:= PathPrefix + '/' + Pathz[p] end;{$IFDEF IPHONEOS} 0: begin PathPrefix:= 'hedgewars/Data'; recordFileName:= 'hedgewars/save.hws'; val('320', cScreenWidth); val('480', cScreenHeight); cInitWidth:= cScreenWidth; cInitHeight:= cScreenHeight; cBitsStr:= '32'; val(cBitsStr, cBits); val('100', cInitVolume); isMusicEnabled:= false; isSoundEnabled:= false; cLocaleFName:= 'en.txt'; cFullScreen:= true; //T or F is is the same here cAltDamage:= false; cShowFPS:= true; val('8', cTimerInterval); cReducedQuality:= true; for p:= Succ(Low(TPathType)) to High(TPathType) do if p <> ptMapCurrent then Pathz[p]:= PathPrefix + '/' + Pathz[p] end;{$ENDIF} 3: begin val(ParamStr(2), ipcPort); GameType:= gmtLandPreview; if ParamStr(3) <> 'landpreview' then OutError(errmsgShouldntRun, true); end; 2: begin PathPrefix:= ParamStr(1); recordFileName:= ParamStr(2); for p:= Succ(Low(TPathType)) to High(TPathType) do if p <> ptMapCurrent then Pathz[p]:= PathPrefix + '/' + Pathz[p] end; 6: begin PathPrefix:= ParamStr(1); recordFileName:= ParamStr(2); if ParamStr(3) = '--set-video' then begin val(ParamStr(4), cScreenWidth); val(ParamStr(5), cScreenHeight); cInitWidth:= cScreenWidth; cInitHeight:= cScreenHeight; cBitsStr:= ParamStr(6); val(cBitsStr, cBits); end else begin if ParamStr(3) = '--set-audio' then begin val(ParamStr(4), cInitVolume); isMusicEnabled:= ParamStr(5) = '1'; isSoundEnabled:= ParamStr(6) = '1'; end else begin if ParamStr(3) = '--set-other' then begin cLocaleFName:= ParamStr(4); cFullScreen:= ParamStr(5) = '1'; cShowFPS:= ParamStr(6) = '1'; end else DisplayUsage; end end; for p:= Succ(Low(TPathType)) to High(TPathType) do if p <> ptMapCurrent then Pathz[p]:= PathPrefix + '/' + Pathz[p] end; 11: begin PathPrefix:= ParamStr(1); recordFileName:= ParamStr(2); if ParamStr(3) = '--set-multimedia' then begin val(ParamStr(4), cScreenWidth); val(ParamStr(5), cScreenHeight); cInitWidth:= cScreenWidth; cInitHeight:= cScreenHeight; cBitsStr:= ParamStr(6); val(cBitsStr, cBits); val(ParamStr(7), cInitVolume); isMusicEnabled:= ParamStr(8) = '1'; isSoundEnabled:= ParamStr(9) = '1'; cLocaleFName:= ParamStr(10); cFullScreen:= ParamStr(11) = '1'; end else DisplayUsage; for p:= Succ(Low(TPathType)) to High(TPathType) do if p <> ptMapCurrent then Pathz[p]:= PathPrefix + '/' + Pathz[p] end; 15: begin PathPrefix:= ParamStr(1); recordFileName:= ParamStr(2); if ParamStr(3) = '--set-everything' then begin val(ParamStr(4), cScreenWidth); val(ParamStr(5), cScreenHeight); cInitWidth:= cScreenWidth; cInitHeight:= cScreenHeight; cBitsStr:= ParamStr(6); val(cBitsStr, cBits); val(ParamStr(7), cInitVolume); isMusicEnabled:= ParamStr(8) = '1'; isSoundEnabled:= ParamStr(9) = '1'; cLocaleFName:= ParamStr(10); cFullScreen:= ParamStr(11) = '1'; cAltDamage:= ParamStr(12) = '1'; cShowFPS:= ParamStr(13) = '1'; val(ParamStr(14), cTimerInterval); cReducedQuality:= ParamStr(15) = '1'; end else DisplayUsage; for p:= Succ(Low(TPathType)) to High(TPathType) do if p <> ptMapCurrent then Pathz[p]:= PathPrefix + '/' + Pathz[p] end; else DisplayUsage; end;end;/////////////////////////procedure ShowMainWindow;beginif cFullScreen then ParseCommand('fullscr 1', true) else ParseCommand('fullscr 0', true);SDL_ShowCursor(0)end;///////////////procedure Game;var s: shortstring;beginWriteToConsole('Init SDL... ');SDLTry(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO or SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) >= 0, true);WriteLnToConsole(msgOK);SDL_EnableUNICODE(1);WriteToConsole('Init SDL_ttf... ');SDLTry(TTF_Init <> -1, true);WriteLnToConsole(msgOK);ShowMainWindow;ControllerInit; // has to happen before InitKbdKeyTable to map keysInitKbdKeyTable;if recordFileName = '' then InitIPC;WriteLnToConsole(msgGettingConfig);if cLocaleFName <> 'en.txt' then LoadLocale(Pathz[ptLocale] + '/en.txt');LoadLocale(Pathz[ptLocale] + '/' + cLocaleFName);if recordFileName = '' then SendIPCAndWaitReply('C') // ask for game configelse begin LoadRecordFromFile(recordFileName); end;s:= 'eproto ' + inttostr(cNetProtoVersion);SendIPCRaw(@s[0], Length(s) + 1); // send proto versionInitTeams;AssignStores;if isSoundEnabled then InitSound;StoreInit;isDeveloperMode:= false;TryDo(InitStepsFlags = cifAllInited, 'Some parameters not set (flags = ' + inttostr(InitStepsFlags) + ')', true);MainLoop;ControllerCloseend;/////////////////////////procedure GenLandPreview;var Preview: TPreview; h: byte;beginInitIPC;IPCWaitPongEvent;TryDo(InitStepsFlags = cifRandomize, 'Some parameters not set (flags = ' + inttostr(InitStepsFlags) + ')', true);Preview:= GenPreview;WriteLnToConsole('Sending preview...');SendIPCRaw(@Preview, sizeof(Preview));h:= MaxHedgehogs;SendIPCRaw(@h, sizeof(h));WriteLnToConsole('Preview sent, disconnect');CloseIPCend;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// m a i n ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////beginWriteLnToConsole('Hedgewars ' + cVersionString + ' engine');GetParams;// FIXME - hack in font with support for CJKif (cLocaleFName = 'zh_CN.txt') or (cLocaleFName = 'zh_TW.txt') or (cLocaleFName = 'ja.txt') then Fontz:= FontzCJK;Randomize;if GameType = gmtLandPreview then GenLandPreview else Gameend.