changing slots of landgun and icegun, feel free to complain, improve and/or revert
locale = {
[":("] = ":(",
["!!!"] = "!!!",
["..."] = "...",
-- ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["30 minutes later..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "Bonus za presnosť!",
-- ["Ace"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
-- ["Achievement Unlocked"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling, Tumbler
-- ["A Classic Fairytale"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["A cy-what?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Africa"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "minihra Hedgewars", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
["Aiming Practice"] = "Tréning presnosti", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
-- ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
["Ammo Depleted!"] = "Výzbroj vyčerpaná!",
["ammo extended!"] = "výzbroj doplnená!",
["Ammo is reset at the end of your turn."] = "Výzbroj je na konci každého kola resetovaná.",
["Ammo Maniac!"] = "Muničný maniak!",
["Ammo"] = "Výzbroj",
-- ["And how am I alive?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["And so happenned that Leaks A Lot failed to complete the challenge! He landed, pressured by shame..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["And so it began..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["...and so the cyborgs took over the world..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Artur Detour"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["As a reward for your performance, here's some new technology!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["a shoppa minigame"] = "", -- WxW
-- ["Asia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Assault Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["As the ammo is sparse, you might want to reuse ropes while mid-air.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["As the challenge was completed, Leaks A Lot set foot on the ground..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["As you can see, there is no way to get on the other side!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Attack From Rope"] = "", -- WxW
-- ["Australia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
["Available points remaining: "] = "Zostávajúci počet bodov: ",
-- ["Back Breaker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Back in the village, after telling the villagers about the threat..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["[Backspace]"] = "[Backspace]",
-- ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
["Bamboo Thicket"] = "Bambusové krovie",
["Barrel Eater!"] = "Sudový labužník!",
["Barrel Launcher"] = "Vystreľovač sudov",
-- ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "Loptami triafajte vašich nepriateľov|a zhoďte ich tak do mora!",
["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "Odpálkujte vašich súperov do koša|a von z mapy!",
["Bazooka Training"] = "Tréning s bazukou",
-- ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Best laps per team: "] = "Najrýchlejšie kolá podľa tímov: ",
["Best Team Times: "] = "Najrýchlejšie tímové časy: ",
-- ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Bloody Rookies"] = "Mizerní zelenáči", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
-- ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Boom!"] = "Bum!",
["BOOM!"] = "BUM!",
["Boss defeated!"] = "Vodca bol porazený!",
["Boss Slayer!"] = "Vodca zabitý!",
-- ["Brain Blower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Brainiac"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Brainila"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Brain Stu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
-- ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Build a track and race."] = "Vybudujte trasu a pretekajte.",
-- ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["But that's impossible!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["But the ones alive are stronger in their heart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["But...we died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["But where can we go?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["But why would they help us?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Cannibals?! You're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Careless"] = "Bezstarostný",
-- ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Change Weapon"] = "Zmeniť zbraň",
-- ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Clumsy"] = "Nešikovný",
-- ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
-- ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
["Codename: Teamwork"] = "Kódové meno: Tímová práca",
-- ["Collateral Damage"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Collateral Damage II"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Collect all the crates, but remember, our time in this life is limited!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Collect or destroy all the health crates."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
-- ["Collect the crate on the right.|Hint: Select the rope, [Up] or [Down] to aim, [Space] to fire, directional keys to move.|Ropes can be fired again in the air!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Collect the crates within the time limit!|If you fail, you'll have to try again."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Come closer, so that your training may continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Compete to use as few planes as possible!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Complete the track as fast as you can!"] = "Prejdite trasu tak rýchlo, ako len viete!",
-- ["COMPLETION TIME"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
-- ["Configuration accepted."] = "", -- WxW
-- ["Congratulations"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Congratulations!"] = "Gratulujem!",
-- ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
-- ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "Gratulujem! Zneškodnili ste všetky ciele|v stanovenom čase.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
-- ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
["Control pillars to score points."] = "Ovládnite piliere, aby ste skórovali",
-- ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
-- ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
["Cybernetic Empire"] = "Kybertnetické impérium",
-- ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["DAMMIT, ROOKIE! GET OFF MY HEAD!"] = "Do kelu s tebou, zelenáč! Okamžite mi zlez z hlavy!",
["DAMMIT, ROOKIE!"] = "Prekliaty zelenáč!",
["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "Nebezpečné kačiatka",
["Deadweight"] = "Mŕtva váha",
-- ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Demolition is fun!"] = "Demolícia je super!",
-- ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "Vyčerpané kamikadze!",
-- ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "Ničte votrelcov a zbierajte tak body.",
-- ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: [Up], [Down] to aim, [Space] to shoot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Did anyone follow you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Did you see him coming?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Did you warn the village?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Die, die, die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Disguise as a Rockhopper Penguin: [Swap place with a random enemy hog in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Dist: "] = "", -- Space_Invasion
-- ["Do not laugh, inexperienced one, for he speaks the truth!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Do not let his words fool you, young one! He will stab you in the back as soon as you turn away!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Do the deed"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Double Kill!"] = "Dvojitý zásah!",
-- ["DOUBLE KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
-- ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Drone Hunter!"] = "Lovec špionážnych lietadiel!",
-- ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
["Drowner"] = "Utopenec",
-- ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Dude, that's so cool!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Dude, we really need a new shaman..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Dude, what's this place?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "V každom ťahu dostanete 1-3 náhodné zbrane",
["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "Každé koho dostanete jednu náhodnú zbraň",
-- ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
-- ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
["Eliminate all enemies"] = "Zneškodnite všetkých nepriateľov",
["Eliminate all targets before your time runs out.|You have unlimited ammo for this mission."] = "Zneškodnite všetky ciele pred vypršaním času.|Na túto misiu máte neobmedzené množstvo streliva.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
-- ["Eliminate enemy hogs and take their weapons."] = "", -- Highlander
["Eliminate Poison before the time runs out"] = "Zneškodnite Poisona pred tým, ako vyprší čas",
["Eliminate the Blue Team"] = "Zneškodnite modrý tím",
["Eliminate the enemy before the time runs out"] = "Zneškodnite nepriateľa skôr ako vyprší čas", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
["Eliminate the enemy hogs to win."] = "Výhru si zaslúžite, ked zneškodníte nepriateľských ježkov.",
["Eliminate the enemy specialists."] = "Zneškodnite nepriateľských špecialistov.",
["- Eliminate Unit 3378 |- Feeble Resistance must survive"] = "- Zneškodnite Jednotku 3378|- Slabý odpor musí prežiť",
-- ["Elmo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Energetic Engineer"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket
["Enjoy the swim..."] = "Užite si plávanie...",
["[Enter]"] = "[Enter]",
-- ["Europe"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- [" ever done to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Everyone knows this."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
-- ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Fastest lap: "] = "Najrýchlejšie kolo: ",
["Feeble Resistance"] = "Slabý odpor",
-- ["Fell From Grace"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Fell From Heaven"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Fell From Heaven is the best! Fell From Heaven is the greatest!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
-- ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Fire"] = "",
-- ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["FIRST BLOOD MUTATES"] = "", -- Mutant
-- ["First Steps"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Flag captured!"] = "Získaná vlajka!",
["Flag respawned!"] = "Vlajka obnovená!",
["Flag returned!"] = "Vlajka vrátená!",
["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "Vlajky a domovské základňe budú umiestnené tam, kde každý tím skončí svoj ťah.",
["Flamer"] = "Plameňomet",
-- ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
-- ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Friendly Fire!"] = "",
["fuel extended!"] = "palivo doplnené!",
["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "HRA ZAČALA!!!",
["Game Modifiers: "] = "Modifikátory hry: ",
["Game Started!"] = "Hra začala!",
-- ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "Okamžite sa tam presuň a zneškodni ho!",
-- ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Get out of there!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
-- ["Get that crate!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Get the crate on the other side of the island!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Get to the target using your rope! |Controls: Left & Right to swing the rope - Up & Down to Contract and Expand!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
-- ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
-- ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Goal"] = "Cieľ",
["Good birdy......"] = "Dobrý vtáčik......",
-- ["Good Dude"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
-- ["Good idea, they'll never find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Good luck...or else!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Good luck out there!"] = "Veľa šťastia!",
-- ["Good so far!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
-- ["Good to go!"] = "", -- Racer, Tumbler
-- ["Go on top of the flower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Go, quick!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Gorkij"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
["GOTCHA!"] = "A MÁM ŤA!",
-- ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "", -- Tumbler
-- ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
-- ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
-- ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
-- ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["HAHA!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Hahahaha!"] = "Hehehehe!",
["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "Haha, tak TO by bolo niečo!",
-- ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Hapless Hogs"] = "Bezmocní ježkovia",
[" Hapless Hogs left!"] = " Bezmocných ježkov ostalo!",
-- [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
-- ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Health crates extend your time."] = "Lekárničky vám dávajú čas naviac.",
-- ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Heavy"] = "Ťažký",
-- ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "Hedgewars-Basketbal",
["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
-- ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "Heh, to nie je také zlé.",
-- ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Help me, please!!!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Help me, please!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["He moves like an eagle in the sky."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["He must be in the village already."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Here, let me help you!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Here, let me help you save her!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Here...pick your weapon!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Hero Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
-- ["He's so brave..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["He won't be selling us out anymore!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Hey, guys!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Hey guys!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Hey! This is cheating!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["HIGHLANDER"] = "", -- Highlander
-- ["Hightime"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Hint: Double Jump - Press [Backspace] twice"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Hint: Select the BlowTorch, aim and press [Fire]. Press [Fire] again to stop.|Don't blow up the crate."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Hint: Select the LowGravity and press [Fire]."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Hint: you might want to stay out of sight and take all the crates...|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["His arms are so strong!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Hit Combo!"] = "Opakovaný zásah!",
-- ["Hmmm...actually...I didn't either."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Hmmm..."] = "Hmm..",
-- ["Hmmm, I'll have to find some way of moving him off this anti-portal surface..."] = "", -- portal
-- ["'s a draw. How unfortunate!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Hmmm...perhaps a little more time will help."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
-- ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["Hooray!"] = "Hurá!",
-- ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["How can I ever repay you for saving my life?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["How come in a village full of warriors, it's up to me to save it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["How difficult would you like it to be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["HOW DO THEY KNOW WHERE WE ARE???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["However, if you fail to do so, she dies a most violent death, just like your friend! Muahahaha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["However, if you fail to do so, she dies a most violent death! Muahahaha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["However, my mates don't agree with me on letting you go..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- [" HP"] = "", -- Mutant
["Hunter"] = "Lovec", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
-- ["I believe there's more of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["I can see you have been training diligently."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["I can't believe it worked!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["I can't believe this!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["I can't believe what I'm hearing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["I can't wait any more, I have to save myself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["I could just teleport myself there..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["I'd better get going myself."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["I didn't until about a month ago."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["I don't know how you did that.. But good work! |The next one should be easy as cake for you!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
-- ["I feel something...a place! They will arrive near the circles!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["If only I had a way..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["If only I were given a chance to explain my being here..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["I forgot that she's the daughter of the chief, too..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["If they try coming here, they can have a taste of my delicious knuckles!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["If you agree to provide the information we need, you will be spared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["If you can get that crate fast enough, your beloved \"princess\" may go free."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["If you decide to help us, though, we will no longer need to find a new governor for the island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["I have to follow that alien."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["I have to get back to the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["I hope you are prepared for a small challenge, young one."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["I just don't want to sink to your level."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["I just found out that they have captured your princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["I just wonder where Ramon and Spiky disappeared..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["I'll hold them off while you return to the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Imagine those targets are the wolves that killed your parents! Take your anger out on them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["I'm...alive? How? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["I'm a ninja."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["I marked the place of their arrival. You're welcome!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["I'm certain that this is a misunderstanding, fellow hedgehogs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["I mean, none of you ceased to live."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["I'm getting old for this!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["I'm getting thirsty..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["I'm here to help you rescue her."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- [" are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Incredible..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["I need to move the tribe!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["I need to prevent their arrival!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Instructor"] = "Inštruktor", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
-- ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["invaders destroyed"] = "votrelci zničení",
-- ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["I see..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["I see you would like his punishment to be more...personal..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["I sense another wave of cannibals heading my way!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["I sense another wave of cannibals heading our way!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["I shouldn't have drunk that last pint."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Is this place in my head?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["It doesn't matter. I won't let that alien hurt my daughter!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["I think we are safe here."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["I thought their shaman died when he tried our medicine!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["It is called 'Hogs of Steel'."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["It is time to practice your fighting skills."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["It must be a childhood trauma..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["It must be the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["It must be the aliens' deed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["It must be the cyborgs again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["I told you, I just found them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["It's a good thing SUDDEN DEATH is 99 turns away..."] = "Je dobre, že NÁHLA SMRŤ je tu až za 99 ťahov...",
-- ["It's always up to women to clear up the mess men created!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["It's a shame, I forgot how to do that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["It's impossible to communicate with the spirits without a shaman."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["It's over..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["It's time you learned that your actions have consequences!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["It's worth more than wood!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["It wants our brains!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["It was not a dream, unwise one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["I've seen this before. They just appear out of thin air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["I want to play a game..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["I want to see how it handles this!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["I wish to help you, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["I wonder where Dense Cloud is..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["I wonder why I'm so angry all the time..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["I won't let you kill her!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Jeremiah"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["John"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Judas"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Jumping is disabled"] = "Skákanie je vypnuté",
-- ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "Expert na samovraždy!",
-- ["Keep it up!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
-- ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Killing spree!"] = "", -- Tumbler
-- ["KILL IT!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["KILLS"] = "ZABITÍ:",
-- ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Last Target!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
-- ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Leaks A Lot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Leaks A Lot, depressed for killing his loved one, failed to save the village..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Leaks A Lot gave his life for his tribe! He should have survived!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Leaks A Lot must survive!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["[Left Shift]"] = "[Ľavý Shift]",
-- ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Let's go home!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Let's head back to the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Let's see what your comrade does now!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Let's show those cannibals what we're made of!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "Počúvaj, ty biedny červ!",
-- ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling
-- ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
-- ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
-- ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Mine Deployer"] = "", -- Space_Invasion, Tumbler
-- ["Mine Eater!"] = "", -- Tumbler
["|- Mines Time:"] = "|- Časovač pre míny:", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
["MISSION FAILED"] = "MISIA NEÚSPEŠNÁ", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "MISIA ÚSPEŠNÁ", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
-- ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
-- ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "Pohyb: [Hore], [Dole], [Vľavo], [Vpravo]",
["Multi-shot!"] = "Viacnásobná rana!",
-- ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
-- ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
-- ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
["Nameless Heroes"] = "Hrdinovia bez mena",
-- ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "", -- Tumbler
["NEW fastest lap: "] = "NOVÉ najrýchlejšie kolo: ",
-- ["New Mines Per Turn"] = "", -- Tumbler
-- ["Newton's Hammock"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
-- ["Nicely done, meatbags!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["NomNom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
-- ["Not now, Fiery Water!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Not So Friendly Match"] = "Nie tak celkom priateľský zápas", -- Basketball, Knockball
-- ["Not you again! My head still hurts from last time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["No, we made sure of that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Now find the next target! |Tip: Normally you lose health by falling down, so be careful!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
-- ["No! What have I done?! What have YOU done?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["OH, COME ON!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Oh, my!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Oh, my! This is even more entertaining than I've expected!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["Oh no! Just try again!"] = "Áále nie! Tak to skúste znovu!", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
-- ["Oh no, not "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Oh no! Time's up! Just try again."] = "Áále nie! Čas vypršal! Tak to skúste znovu.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
-- ["Oh no! You failed! Just try again."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
-- ["Oh, silly me! I forgot that I'm the shaman."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Olive"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Omnivore"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Operation Diver"] = "Operácia Potápač",
["Opposing Team: "] = "Nepriateľský tím",
-- ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
-- ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "Žalostný ježko #%d",
-- ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
-- ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "Samostatná munícia pre ježkov",
-- ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
-- ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "", -- Racer
-- ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
-- ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
-- ["Play with me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Please place the way-point further from the waterline."] = "", -- Racer
-- ["Please place the way-point in the open, within the map boundaries."] = "", -- Racer
-- ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
["points"] = "body", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
["Poison"] = "Poison",
-- ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
["Power Remaining"] = "Zostáva energie",
-- ["Prepare yourself"] = "", -- The_Specialists
-- ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
-- ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "Stlačte [Presnejšie mierenie] pre preskočenie intra",
-- ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
-- ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Race complexity limit reached."] = "Bol dosiahnutý limit zložitosti závodu.",
-- ["RACER"] = "", -- Racer
-- ["Rachel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
-- ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
-- ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
-- ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
[" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = " - Skórujete prinesením nepriateľskej vlajky do vašej základne | - Prvý tím, ktorý dosiahne 3 body, vyhráva | - Skórujete len vtedy, keď je máte svoju vlajku v základni | - Spadnuté vlajky môžu byť vrátené na základňu alebo sa ich môže zmocniť súpere | - Ježkovia po smrti ožiujú",
-- ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
-- ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
-- ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["Round Limit"] = "Limit na kolo",
-- ["Round Limit:"] = "", -- Racer
["Rounds Complete"] = "Dokončených kôl",
-- ["Rounds Complete: "] = "", -- Racer
["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "PRAVIDLÁ HRY [Stlačte Esc pre ich zobrazenie]",
-- ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Save as many hapless hogs as possible!"] = "Zachráňte toľko bezmocných ježkov, koľko len viete!",
-- ["Save Fell From Heaven!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Save Leaks A Lot!|Hint: The Switch utility might be of help to you."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Save the princess! All your hogs must survive!|Hint: Kill the cyborgs first! Use the ammo very carefully!|Hint: You might want to spare a girder for cover!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Save the princess by collecting the crate in under 12 turns!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
["SCORE"] = "SKÓRE",
-- ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
["sec"] = "sek", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
-- ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["See that crate farther on the right?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["See ya!"] = "Tak zatiaľ!",
-- ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["selected!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion, Tumbler
-- ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["Shield boosted! +30 power"] = "Štít posilnený! Energia +30",
["Shield Depleted"] = "Štít vyčerpaný",
["Shield is fully recharged!"] = "Štít je plne nabitý!",
["Shield Master!"] = "Odborník na štíty!",
["Shield Miser!"] = "Amatér na štíty!",
["Shield OFF:"] = "Štít VYPNUTÝ:",
["Shield ON:"] = "Štít ZAPNUTÝ:",
["Shield Seeker!"] = "Hľadač štítov!",
-- ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
["Shotgun Team"] = "Shotgun tím",
["Shotgun Training"] = "Tréning s brokovnicou",
["Shots Left: "] = "Zostáva striel: ", -- GaudyRacer, Tumbler
["shots remaining."] = "striel ostáva.",
["Silly"] = "Hlúpy",
["Sinky"] = "Prepadnutý",
-- ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s je mimo hru a tím %d|dostal trestný bod!| |Skóre:", -- Basketball, Knockball
["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s je mimo hru a tím %d|získal bod!| |Skóre:", -- Basketball, Knockball
-- ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Smith 0.99b"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Smith 0.99f"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Smith 1.0"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Sniper Rifle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Sniper!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
["Sniper Training"] = "Tréning pre ostreľovačov",
["Sniperz"] = "Ostreľovači",
-- ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
-- ["Special Weapons:"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Spiky Cheese"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Sponge"] = "Špongia",
["Spooky Tree"] = "Strašidelný strom",
["s|"] = "s|",
["s"] = "s", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
["STATUS UPDATE"] = "AKTUALIZÁCIA STAVU", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
-- ["Steel Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
-- ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
-- ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
-- ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
-- ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Switched to "] = "Prepnuté na ",
-- ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Team %d: "] = "Tím %d: ",
["Team Scores"] = "Tímové skóre", -- Control, Space_Invasion
-- ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Thanks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Thank you, oh, thank you, my heroes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["That is, indeed, very weird..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["That makes it almost invaluable!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["That ought to show them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["That's for my father!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["That shaman sure knows what he's doing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["That Sinking Feeling"] = "Potopené pocity",
-- ["That's not our problem!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["That's typical of you!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["That was just mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["That was pointless."] = "To bolo zbytočné.",
-- ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
-- ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["The Dilemma"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["The enemy can't move but it might be a good idea to stay out of sight!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["The enemy is hiding out on yonder ducky!"] = "Nepriateľ sa schováva na tamtej kačičke!",
-- ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
["The flag will respawn next round."] = "V ďalšom kole sa obnoví vlajka.",
-- ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
-- ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["The Nameless One"] = "Bez mena",
-- ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
-- ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["There's nothing more satisfying to us than seeing you share your beauty..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["There's nothing more satisfying to us than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["The Rising"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["The Savior"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["These primitive people are so funny!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["The Shadow Falls"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["The Showdown"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["The Slaughter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["The spirits of the ancerstors are surely pleased, Leaks A Lot."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["The Torment"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["The Tunnel Maker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["The Ultimate Weapon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["The Union"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["The village, unprepared, was destroyed by the cyborgs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["The walk of Fame"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["The wasted youth"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["The weapon in that last crate was bestowed upon us by the ancients!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["The what?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["The wind whispers that you are ready to become familiar with tools, now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["They are all waiting back in the village, haha."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["They Call Me Bullseye!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
-- ["They have weapons we've never seen before!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["They keep appearing like this. It's weird!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["They killed "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["They must be trying to weaken us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["They never learn"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["They told us to wear these clothes. They said that this is the newest trend."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["They've been manipulating us all this time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Thighlicker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["This is it! It's time to make Fell From Heaven fall for me..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["This island is the only place left on Earth with grass on it!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["This is typical!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["This must be some kind of sorcery!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["This must be the caves!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["This one's tricky."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
["This rain is really something..."] = "Ten dážď naozaj stojí za to...",
-- ["This will be fun!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Those aliens are destroying the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
["TIME: "] = "ČAS: ",
["Timed Kamikaze!"] = "Časovaná samovražda!",
["Time Extended!"] = "Predĺžený čas!",
["Time Extension"] = "Predĺženie času",
["Time Left: "] = "Zostávajúci čas: ",
-- ["Tip: The rope physics are different than in the real world, |use it to your advantage!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Toggle Shield"] = "Prepnúť štít",
-- ["To help you, of course!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["To place a girder, select it, use [Left] and [Right] to select angle and length, place with [Left Click]"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Torn Muscle"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- [" to save the village."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Toxic Team"] = "Toxic tím", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
["Track Time: "] = "Čas: ",
-- ["training"] = "", -- portal
-- ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
-- ["Tribe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
["TrophyRace"] = "Preteky o trofej",
-- ["Try to protect the chief! You won't lose if he dies, but it is advised that he survives."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["T_T"] = "T_T",
-- ["Tumbling Time Extended!"] = "", -- Tumbler
-- ["Turns until Sudden Death: "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- [" turns until Sudden Death! Better hurry!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
["Turn Time"] = "Čas na ťah",
-- ["Two little hogs cooperating, getting past obstacles..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Uhm...I met one of them and took his weapons."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Uhmm...ok no."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
-- ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Unit 3378"] = "Jednotka 3378",
["Unit 835"] = "Jednotka 835",
-- ["United We Stand"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
["Unit"] = "Jednotka",
["Unlimited Attacks"] = "Neobmedzené útoky",
-- ["Unlucky Sods"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["Unstoppable!"] = "Nezastaviteľný!",
-- ["Unsuspecting Louts"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
-- ["[Up], [Down] to aim, [Space] to shoot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["User Challenge"] = "Výzva",
-- ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "Použite lano na presun zo štartovnej pozície do cieľa tak rýchlo, ako to len viete!",
["v.06"] = "v.06",
-- ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
["Victory for the "] = "Víťazstvo pre", -- CTF_Blizzard, Capture_the_Flag
-- ["Violence is not the answer to your problems!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Walls Left"] = "", -- WxW
-- ["Walls Required"] = "", -- WxW
-- ["WALL TO WALL"] = "", -- WxW
-- ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
-- ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
-- ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["Waypoint placed."] = "Navigačný bod umiestnený.",
["Way-Points Remaining"] = "Ostáva navigačných bodov",
-- ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
["Weapons Reset"] = "Reset zbraní",
-- ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["We can't defeat them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["We can't hold them up much longer!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["We can't let them take over our little island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["We have no time to waste..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["We have nowhere else to live!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["We have to protect the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["We have to unite and defeat those cylergs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Welcome, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["Well done."] = "Výborne.",
-- ["We'll give you a problem then!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["We'll spare your life for now!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Well, that was a waste of time."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Well, well! Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Well, yes. This was a cyborg television show."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["We made sure noone followed us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["We need to move!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["We need to prevent their arrival!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["We need to warn the village."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["We should head back to the village now."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["We were trying to save her and we got lost."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["We won't let you hurt her!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["What?! A cannibal? Here? There is no time to waste! Come, you are prepared."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["What a douche!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["What am I, yo?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["What are you doing at a distance so great, young one?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["What are you doing? Let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["What a ride!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["What a strange cave!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["What a strange feeling!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["What do my faulty eyes observe? A spy!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Whatever floats your boat..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- [" What !! For all of this struggle i just win some ... TIME o0"] = "", -- portal
-- ["What has "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["What? Here? How did they find us?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["What is this place?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["What shall we do with the traitor?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["WHAT?! You're the ones attacking us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["When?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["When I find it..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Where are all these crates coming from?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Where are they?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Where did that alien run?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Where did you get the exploding apples?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Where did you get the exploding apples and the magic bow that shoots many arrows?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Where did you get the magic bow that shoots many arrows?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Where did you get the weapons in the forest, Dense Cloud?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["Why are you doing this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Why are you helping us, uhm...?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Why can't he just let her go?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Why do men keep hurting me?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Why do you not like me?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Why do you want to take over our island?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
-- ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
["Will this ever end?"] = "Skončí to vôbec niekedy?",
-- ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
-- ["Wise Oak"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-- ["With Dense Cloud on the land of shadows, I'm the village's only hope..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["With the rest of the tribe gone, it was up to "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Worry not, for it is a peaceful animal! There is no reason to be afraid..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Wow, what a dream!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Y3K1337"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Yay, we won!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Y Chwiliad"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Yeah...I think it's a 'he', lol."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Yeah, sure! I died. Hillarious!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Yeah, take that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["Yeah? Watcha gonna do? Cry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Yes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["You bear impressive skills, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["You can't fire a portal on the blue surface"] = "", -- portal
-- ["You couldn't possibly believe that after refusing my offer I'd just let you go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
["You'd almost swear the water was rising!"] = "Prisahal by si, že voda stúpa!",
-- ["You'd better watch your steps..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["You did not make it in time, try again!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
-- ["You have 7 turns until the next wave arrives.|Make sure the arriving cannibals are greeted appropriately!|If the hog dies, the cause is lost.|Hint: you might want to use some mines..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["You have "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
-- ["You have been giving us out to the enemy, haven't you!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["You have been respawned, at your last checkpoint!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
-- ["You have been respawned, be more carefull next time!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
-- ["You have chosen the perfect moment to leave."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["You have failed to complete your task, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["You have failed to save the tribe!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["You have finally figured it out!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["You have kidnapped our whole tribe!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["You have killed an innocent hedgehog!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["You have proven yourself worthy to see our most ancient secret!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["You have proven yourselves worthy!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["You have SCORED!!"] = "SKÓROVALI ste!!",
-- ["You have to destroy 12 targets in 180 seconds"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
-- ["You have won the game by proving true cooperative skills!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["You just appeared out of thin air!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["You just committed suicide..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["You killed my father, you monster!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["You know...taking a stroll."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
-- ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-- ["You probably know what to do next..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-- ["Your deaths will be avenged, cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-- ["Your death will not be in vain, Dense Cloud!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["You're...alive!? But we saw you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["You're a pathetic liar!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["You're funny!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["You're getting pretty good! |Tip: When you shorten you rope you move faster! |and when you lengthen it you move slower"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
-- ["You're pathetic! You are not worthy of my attention..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["You're probably wondering why I bought you back..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["You're terrorizing the forest...We won't catch anything like this!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["Your hogs must survive!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
-- ["Your movement skills will be evaluated now."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
["You saved"] = "Zachránili ste",
-- ["You've been assaulting us, we have been just defending ourselves!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
["You've failed. Try again."] = "Neuspeli ste. Skúste to znova.",
["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "Dosiahli ste cieľ!| |Čas: ",
-- ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-- ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-- ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-- ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
["'Zooka Team"] = "Bazuka tím",
-- ["Zork"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen