author Zorg <zorgiepoo@gmail.com>
Wed, 08 Jun 2011 03:36:54 -0400
changeset 5229 148d581b17ab
parent 4976 088d40d8aba2
child 6616 f77bb02b669f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Attempt to fix issue #125. The password pop-up doesn't appear every time when going into the official server anymore, now it only does it when the password is blank. If a user enters an invalid password, the password is set blank to avoid the user going back to the official server just to be rejected. When entering an invalid password, the unknown error dialog doesn't show up anymore, but the connection lost to server one still does. This fixes the bug where the user would be spammed with error messages. The user can also now change his password in the settings page.

 * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA

char sdlkeys[1024][2][128] = {
    {"mousel", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Mouse: Left button")},
    {"mousem", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Mouse: Middle button")},
    {"mouser", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Mouse: Right button")},
    {"wheelup", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Mouse: Wheel up")},
    {"wheeldown", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Mouse: Wheel down")},
    {"backspace", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Backspace")},
    {"tab", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Tab")},
    {"clear", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Clear")},
    {"return", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Return")},
    {"pause", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Pause")},
    {"escape", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Escape")},
    {"space", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Space")},
    {"!", "!"},
    {"\"", "\""},
    {"#", "#"},
    {"$", "$"},
    {"&", "&"},
    {"'", "'"},
    {"(", "("},
    {")", ")"},
    {"*", "*"},
    {"+", "+"},
    {",", ","},
    {"-", "-"},
    {".", "."},
    {"/", "/"},
    {"0", "0"},
    {"1", "1"},
    {"2", "2"},
    {"3", "3"},
    {"4", "4"},
    {"5", "5"},
    {"6", "6"},
    {"7", "7"},
    {"8", "8"},
    {"9", "9"},
    {":", ":"},
    {";", ";"},
    {"<", "<"},
    {"=", "="},
    {">", ">"},
    {"?", "?"},
    {"@", "@"},
    {"[", "["},
    {"\\", "\\"},
    {"]", "]"},
    {"^", "^"},
    {"_", "_"},
    {"`", "`"},
    {"a", "A"},
    {"b", "B"},
    {"c", "C"},
    {"d", "D"},
    {"e", "E"},
    {"f", "F"},
    {"g", "G"},
    {"h", "H"},
    {"i", "I"},
    {"j", "J"},
    {"k", "K"},
    {"l", "L"},
    {"m", "M"},
    {"n", "N"},
    {"o", "O"},
    {"p", "P"},
    {"q", "Q"},
    {"r", "R"},
    {"s", "S"},
    {"t", "T"},
    {"u", "U"},
    {"v", "V"},
    {"w", "W"},
    {"x", "X"},
    {"y", "Y"},
    {"z", "Z"},
    {"delete", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Delete")},
    {"[0]", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Numpad 0")},
    {"[1]", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Numpad 1")},
    {"[2]", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Numpad 2")},
    {"[3]", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Numpad 3")},
    {"[4]", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Numpad 4")},
    {"[5]", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Numpad 5")},
    {"[6]", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Numpad 6")},
    {"[7]", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Numpad 7")},
    {"[8]", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Numpad 8")},
    {"[9]", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Numpad 9")},
    {"[.]", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Numpad .")},
    {"[/]", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Numpad /")},
    {"[*]", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Numpad *")},
    {"[-]", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Numpad -")},
    {"[+]", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Numpad +")},
    {"enter", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Enter")},
    {"equals", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Equals")},
    {"up", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Up")},
    {"down", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Down")},
    {"right", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Right")},
    {"left", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Left")},
    {"insert", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Insert")},
    {"home", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Home")},
    {"end", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "End")},
    {"page up", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Page up")},
    {"page down", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Page down")},
    {"f1", "F1"},
    {"f2", "F2"},
    {"f3", "F3"},
    {"f4", "F4"},
    {"f5", "F5"},
    {"f6", "F6"},
    {"f7", "F7"},
    {"f8", "F8"},
    {"f9", "F9"},
    {"f10", "F10"},
    {"f11", "F11"},
    {"f12", "F12"},
    {"f13", "F13"},
    {"f14", "F14"},
    {"f15", "F15"},
    {"numlock", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Num lock")},
    {"caps_lock", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Caps lock")},
    {"scroll_lock", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Scroll lock")},
    {"right_shift", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Right shift")},
    {"left_shift", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Left shift")},
    {"right_ctrl", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Right ctrl")},
    {"left_ctrl", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Left ctrl")},
    {"right_alt", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Right alt")},
    {"left_alt", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Left alt")},
    {"right_meta", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Right meta")},
    {"left_meta", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Left meta")}

// button name definitions for Microsoft's XBox360 controller
// don't modify button order!
char xb360buttons[][128] = {
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "A button"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "B button"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "X button"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Y button"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "LB button"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "RB button"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Back button"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Start button"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Left stick"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Right stick")

// axis name definitions for Microsoft's XBox360 controller
// don't modify axis order!
char xbox360axes[][128] = {
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Left stick (Right)"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Left stick (Left)"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Left stick (Down)"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Left stick (Up)"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Left trigger"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Right trigger"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Right stick (Down)"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Right stick (Up)"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Right stick (Right)"),
    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "Right stick (Left)"),
char xb360dpad[128] = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("binds (keys)", "DPad");