use the way actions are initiated the same way as koda implemented with PascalExports, using boolean values such as upKey and enterKey, this prevents the user from being able to control the AI
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import System.IO
import Data.Maybe
import Database.HDBC
import Database.HDBC.MySQL
import CoreTypes
dbQueryAccount =
"SELECT users.pass, users_roles.rid FROM users LEFT JOIN users_roles ON users.uid = users_roles.uid WHERE = ?"
dbQueryStats =
"INSERT INTO gameserver_stats (players, rooms, last_update) VALUES (?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())"
dbInteractionLoop dbConn = forever $ do
q <- liftM read getLine
hPutStrLn stderr $ show q
case q of
CheckAccount clId clUid clNick _ -> do
statement <- prepare dbConn dbQueryAccount
execute statement [SqlByteString clNick]
passAndRole <- fetchRow statement
finish statement
let response =
if isJust passAndRole then
(fromSql . head . fromJust $ passAndRole)
(fromSql (last . fromJust $ passAndRole) == Just (3 :: Int))
(clId, clUid, Guest)
print response
hFlush stdout
SendStats clients rooms ->
run dbConn dbQueryStats [SqlInt32 $ fromIntegral clients, SqlInt32 $ fromIntegral rooms] >> return ()
dbConnectionLoop mySQLConnectionInfo =
Control.Exception.handle (\(e :: IOException) -> hPutStrLn stderr $ show e) $ handleSqlError $
(connectMySQL mySQLConnectionInfo)
--processRequest :: DBQuery -> IO String
--processRequest (CheckAccount clId clUid clNick clHost) = return $ show (clclId, clUid, Guest)
main = do
dbHost <- getLine
dbName <- getLine
dbLogin <- getLine
dbPassword <- getLine
let mySQLConnectInfo = defaultMySQLConnectInfo {mysqlHost = dbHost, mysqlDatabase = dbName, mysqlUser = dbLogin, mysqlPassword = dbPassword}
dbConnectionLoop mySQLConnectInfo