IFDEF out missing function with FIXME, revert pas2c change in 0ecf77e203c0 as suggested by unc0rr, another string annotation
Building and installing Hedgewars=================================This file explains to you how to build/compile Hedgewars and how to install it.See also: <https://hedgewars.org/kb/BuildingHedgewars>Dependencies------------### Hardware dependenciesSee README.md.### Core dependenciesTo compile and install Hedgewars, you need at least:- A C++ compiler (e.g. GCC)- CMake >= 2.6.0- A make program (e.g. GNU Make)- Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) >= 2.2.4- Qt 5- SDL >= 2.0- SDL\_net >= 2.0- SDL\_mixer >= 2.0- SDL\_image >= 2.0- SDL\_ttf >= 2.0### Recommended optional dependenciesThese are not strictly required to build Hedgewars, but it'susually better to have them installed. Hedgewars has fallback mechanismsin if these are not found on your system.- qtstyleplugins (for Qt 5)- PhysFS >= 2.0.0- Lua = 5.1.0### Optional dependenciesFor some additional features, you can optionally install these dependencies:- For PNG screenshots: - libpng >= 1.2- For video recording: - FFmpeg or Libav- For the Hedgewars Server: - GHC >= 6.10 - Various Haskell packages (see below)PhysFS will be internally built if `-DPHYSFS_SYSTEM=OFF` is passed to `cmake`(also allows to set `PHYSFS_LIBRARY` and `PHYSFS_INCLUDE_DIR` if needed).Lua will be automatically built if not found.### Hedgewars Server dependenciesThe Hedgewars Server is an **optional** separate application.It provides the online lobby and allows players to create rooms.You will also be able to launch the server from the frontend(network play → local network → start server).**Most players do not need this!**To compile it, you need:- Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) >= 6.10- These Haskell packages: - `containers` - `vector` - `bytestring` - `network` >= 2.3 - `random` - `time` - `mtl` >= 2 - `sandi` - `hslogger` - `process` - `deepseq` - `utf8-string` - `SHA` - `entropy` - `zlib` >= 0.5.3 and < 0.6 - `regex-tdfa` - `binary` >= - `yaml` >= 0.8.30 - `aeson` - `text` >= 1.2Building--------### SummaryTo build and install Hedgewars, obtain all dependencies, then run: $ cmake . $ make # make install### Step 1: ConfigureFor a default install with all dependencis, use this command: $ cmake .To build with a custom install directory, instead run: $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="<install_prefix>" .(Replace `<install_prefix>` with the directoy in which youwant Hedgewars to be installed.)Add the `-DNOSERVER=ON` switch if you do not want to buildthe server.#### CMake optionsFor more detailed build settings, change some CMake options.Run `ccmake` for an interactive way to edit them.Important CMake options:- `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`: Installation directory- `NOSERVER`: Set to `ON` to *not* build the server- `NOVIDEOREC`: Set to `ON` to *not* build the video recorder- `SYSTEM_PHYSFS`: Set to `OFF` to use Hedgewars-bundled PhysFS### Step 2: MakeRun: $ makeThis creates the following files:- `bin/hedgewars`: Hedgewars- `bin/hwengine`: Game engine, can be used to play demos and saved games- `bin/hedgewars-server`: Hedgewars Server (optional)### Step 3: InstallationTo install Hedgewars to the install directory run: # make installThat's all! Enjoy!Troubleshooting---------------### Qt is installed but it can't be foundIf this happens, set the following CMake option: QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE="<path_to_qmake>"(Replace `<path_to_qmake>` with the path to the `qmake` application.)If this didn't work, make sure you have the correct Qt version(see above).### Hedgewars compiles successfully, but games instantly crash the map preview failsThis is likely to be a problem with PhysFS. Try to build Hedgewarswith the Hedgewars-bundled PhysFS by setting the CMake option`SYSTEM_PHYSFS=OFF`, then try to run `make` again.If the _bundled_ PhysFS fails, too, this is likely to be a bug inHedgewars, please report at <https://issues.hedgewars.org/>.### Broken/missing Haskell dependenciesFirst, try to obtain the missing Haskell packages and make sure GHCis up-to date, then try again. Read the error messages carefullyto figure out missing package names.If everything fails and you don't need the server, set the CMakeoption `NOSERVER=ON` so the server isn't built at all.### Error messages related to libavcodec / libavformatUpdate Libav or FFmpeg (whatever is present on your system) tothe latest version or install one of them if you haven't already.Then try to build again.If this still doesn't work and you give up, set the CMake option`NOVIDEOREC=ON`, but then the video recording functionality willnot be available.### Error messages related to Lua, “undefined reference to `lua_tonumber'”, and so onIf you get error messages like these:* /home/username/hw/hedgewars//uScript.pas:226: undefined reference to `lua_tonumber'* /home/username/hw/hedgewars/CMakeFiles/hwengine.dir/uScript.o: In function `LUATOVISUALGEARTYPEORD':There might be something wrong with your Lua installation. Try to install Lua 5.1.If this doesn't work, or you don't want to install Lua 5.1, try to build Hedgewarswith the bundled Lua version.To build with the bundled Lua version, adding the CMake option `SYSTEM_LUA=OFF`, thenrepeat the building process.### Cleaning upIn case you want to start over and start with a clean build,run `make clean`, then go back to step 2.If things got seriously out of hand, you may want to reset*everything* (even your configuration). If you use theMercural repository, you can run `hg purge --all`. Proceed withstep 1.### Still can't build Hedgewars?Visit us in the forums or IRC (see `README.md`) and ask for help.