author Wuzzy <>
Mon, 13 Nov 2017 22:14:45 +0100
changeset 12836 8610462e3d33
parent 10017 de822cd3df3a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Remove 2 unused number tags in Construction Mode GUI These numbers are shown aside the power tag, but the numbers never change. They don't serve any purpose and are just visual clutter and annoying, since they partially overlap. They are probably a leftover from copying code over from other scripts. With this changeset, only the power and turn time are left visible, as it is supposed to.

 * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
 * Copyright (C) 2012 Simeon Maxein <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#include <frontlib.h>
#include <util/logging.h>
#include <util/util.h>
#include <base64/base64.h>
#include <model/schemelist.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>

#define ENGINE_DIR ".\\"
#define CONFIG_DIR "..\\share\\hedgewars"
#define DATA_DIR CONFIG_DIR"\\Data"

static flib_netconn *netconn;
static flib_gameconn *gameconn;
static flib_mapconn *mapconn;
static char nickname[128];
static flib_metascheme *metacfg;
static bool netConnected = false;

// Callback function that will be called when the map is rendered
static void handleMapGenerated(void *context, const uint8_t *bitmap, int numHedgehogs) {
    printf("Drawing map for %i brave little hogs...", numHedgehogs);

    // Draw the map as ASCII art
    for(int y=0; y<MAPIMAGE_HEIGHT; y+=8) {
        for(int x=0; x<MAPIMAGE_WIDTH; x+=6) {
            int pixelnum = x + y*MAPIMAGE_WIDTH;
            bool pixel = bitmap[pixelnum>>3] & (1<<(7-(pixelnum&7)));
            printf(pixel ? "#" : " ");

    mapconn = NULL;

static void onGameDisconnect(void *context, int reason) {
    flib_log_i("Connection closed. Reason: %i", reason);
    gameconn = NULL;
    if(netconn) {
        flib_netconn_send_roundfinished(netconn, reason==GAME_END_FINISHED);

// Callback function that will be called on error
static void handleMapFailure(void *context, const char *errormessage) {
    flib_log_e("Map rendering failed: %s", errormessage);
    mapconn = NULL;

static void startEngineMap(int port) {
    char cmdbuffer[255];
    char argbuffer[255];
    snprintf(cmdbuffer, 255, "%shwengine.exe", ENGINE_DIR);
    snprintf(argbuffer, 255, "%s %i landpreview", CONFIG_DIR, port);
    ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, cmdbuffer, argbuffer, NULL, SW_HIDE);

static void startEngineGame(int port) {
    char cmdbuffer[255];
    char argbuffer[255];
    char base64PlayerName[255];
    base64_encode(nickname, strlen(nickname), base64PlayerName, sizeof(base64PlayerName));
    snprintf(cmdbuffer, 255, "%shwengine.exe", ENGINE_DIR);
    snprintf(argbuffer, 255, "%s 1024 768 32 %i 0 0 0 10 10 %s 0 0 %s 0 0 en.txt", CONFIG_DIR, port, DATA_DIR, base64PlayerName);
    ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, cmdbuffer, argbuffer, NULL, SW_HIDE);

void handleNetDisconnect(void *context, int reason, const char *message) {
    printf("Disconnected: %s", message);
    netconn = NULL;

/*void printRoomList() {
    const flib_roomlist *roomlist = flib_netconn_get_roomlist(netconn);
    if(roomlist) {
        if(roomlist->roomCount>0) {
            for(int i=0; i<roomlist->roomCount; i++) {
                if(i>0) {
                    printf(", ");
                flib_room *room = roomlist->rooms[i];
                printf("%s", room->name);
        } else {
            puts("Unfortunately, there are no rooms at the moment.");
    } else {
        puts("Sorry, due to an error the room list is not available.");

void printTeamList() {
    flib_gamesetup *setup = flib_netconn_create_gamesetup(netconn);
    if(setup) {
        puts("The following teams are in this room:");
        for(int i=0; i<setup->teamlist->teamCount; i++) {
            if(i>0) {
                printf(", ");
            printf("%s", setup->teamlist->teams[i]->name);
    } else {
        puts("Sorry, due to an error the team list is not available.");

void handleNetConnected(void *context) {
    printf("You enter the lobby of a strange house inhabited by hedgehogs. Looking around, you see hallways branching off to these rooms:\n");
    printf("\n\nNow, you can chat by just entering text, or join a room with /join <roomname>.");
    printf(" You can also /quit or let me /describe <roomname>. Once in a room, you can /add <teamname> and set yourself /ready. You can also /list the available rooms (in the lobby) or the teams (in a room).\n");
    netConnected = true;

void handleChat(void *context, const char *nick, const char *msg) {
    if(gameconn) {
        flib_gameconn_send_chatmsg(gameconn, nick, msg);
    printf("%s: %s\n", nick, msg);

void handleEnterRoom(void *context, bool isChief) {
    puts("You have entered the room.");

void handleRoomJoin(void *context, const char *nick) {
    if(strcmp(nick, nickname)) {
        printf("%s is here.\n", nick);

void handleRoomLeave(void *context, const char *nick, const char *partmsg) {
    if(strcmp(nick, nickname)) {
        printf("%s leaves.\n", nick);

void handleReady(void *context, const char *nick, bool ready) {
    if(strcmp(nick, nickname)) {
        if(ready) {
            printf("%s is ready to go.\n", nick);
        } else {
            printf("%s is not ready.\n", nick);
    } else {
        if(ready) {
            printf("You are ready to go.\n");
        } else {
            printf("You are not ready.\n");

void handleEmFromNet(void *context, const uint8_t *em, size_t size) {
    if(gameconn) {
        flib_gameconn_send_enginemsg(gameconn, em, size);

void handleEmFromEngine(void *context, const uint8_t *em, size_t size) {
    if(netconn) {
        flib_netconn_send_engineMessage(netconn, em, size);

void handleChatFromGame(void *context, const char *message, bool teamchat) {
    if(netconn) {
        if(teamchat) {
            flib_netconn_send_teamchat(netconn, message);
        } else {
            flib_netconn_send_chat(netconn, message);

void handleRunGame(void *context) {
    flib_gamesetup *gamesetup = flib_netconn_create_gamesetup(netconn);
    if(gameconn) {
        flib_log_e("Request to start game, but a game is already running.");
    } else if(gamesetup) {
        gameconn = flib_gameconn_create(nickname, gamesetup, true);
        flib_gameconn_onEngineMessage(gameconn, handleEmFromEngine, NULL);
        flib_gameconn_onDisconnect(gameconn, onGameDisconnect, NULL);
        flib_gameconn_onChat(gameconn, handleChatFromGame, NULL);

void handleNickTaken(void *context, const char *nick) {
    printf("The nickname %s is already in use, please choose a different one:\n", nick);
    flib_gets(nickname, sizeof(nickname));
    flib_netconn_send_nick(netconn, nickname);

void handlePwRequest(void *context, const char *nick) {
    printf("A password is required to log in as %s, please enter (warning: shown in cleartext):\n", nick);
    char password[256];
    flib_gets(password, sizeof(password));
    flib_netconn_send_password(netconn, password);

void handleMessage(void *context, int type, const char *msg) {
    if(gameconn) {
        flib_gameconn_send_textmsg(gameconn, 1, msg);
    printf("*** %s\n", msg);

void handleTeamAccepted(void *context, const char *teamname) {
    printf("The team %s has been accepted.\n", teamname);

void handleMapChanged(void *context, const flib_map *map, int changetype) {
    if(map->mapgen != MAPGEN_NAMED && changetype != NETCONN_MAPCHANGE_THEME) {
        if(mapconn) {
            mapconn = NULL;
        mapconn = flib_mapconn_create(map);
        if(mapconn) {
            flib_mapconn_onSuccess(mapconn, handleMapGenerated, NULL);
            flib_mapconn_onFailure(mapconn, handleMapFailure, NULL);
    } else if(map->mapgen == MAPGEN_NAMED) {
        printf("The map %s has been selected.\n", map->name);

void handleLeaveRoom(void *context, int reason, const char *msg) {
        printf("The chief has abandoned the room.");
    } else if(reason == NETCONN_ROOMLEAVE_KICKED) {
        printf("You have been kicked from the room.");
    if(msg) {
        printf(" (%s)", msg);
    puts(" You are back in the lobby.");

void handleSchemeChanged(void *context, const flib_scheme *scheme) {
    printf("Game scheme: %s.\n", scheme->name);

void handleWeaponsetChanged(void *context, const flib_weaponset *weaponset) {
    printf("Weaponset: %s.\n", weaponset->name);

void handleHogcountChanged(void *context, const char *team, int count) {
    printf("Team %s will send %i hogs into the fight.\n", team, count);

void handleRoomAdd(void *context, const flib_room *room) {
    printf("%s created a new room called %s.\n", room->owner, room->name);

void handleRoomDelete(void *context, const char *roomName) {
    printf("The room %s has collapsed.\n", roomName);

void handleScriptChanged(void *context, const char *script) {
    printf("Game Type: %s\n", script);

void handleTeamAdd(void *context, const flib_team *team) {
    printf("%s puts the team %s to the planning board.\n", team->ownerName, team->name);

void handleTeamDelete(void *context, const char *teamName) {
    printf("The team %s decided not to fight this battle after all.\n", teamName);

void handleTeamColorChanged(void *context, const char *name, int colorIndex) {
    static const char* colorNames[] = {"red", "blue", "teal", "purple", "pink", "green", "orange", "brown", "yellow"};
    const char *colorName = "strange";
    if(colorIndex>=0 && colorIndex < 9) {
        colorName = colorNames[colorIndex];
    printf("The team %s will wear %s uniforms today.\n", name, colorName);

void tick() {
    if(gameconn) {
    if(netconn) {
    if(mapconn) {

static HANDLE hStdin;

static int init() {
    hStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
    if(hStdin == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        flib_log_e("Unable to get stdin handle");
        return 1;
    if(!flib_init(0)) {
        freopen( "CON", "w", stdout );
        freopen( "CON", "w", stderr );
        metacfg = flib_metascheme_from_ini("metasettings.ini");
        if(!metacfg) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            return 0;
    return -1;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    if(init()) {
        return -1;

    puts("Please enter a nickname:");
    flib_gets(nickname, sizeof(nickname));

    netconn = flib_netconn_create(nickname, metacfg, DATA_DIR"\\", "", 46631);
    if(!netconn) {
        return -1;

    flib_netconn_onConnected(netconn, handleNetConnected, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onDisconnected(netconn, handleNetDisconnect, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onChat(netconn, handleChat, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onEnterRoom(netconn, handleEnterRoom, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onRunGame(netconn, handleRunGame, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onEngineMessage(netconn, handleEmFromNet, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onRoomJoin(netconn, handleRoomJoin, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onRoomLeave(netconn, handleRoomLeave, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onReadyState(netconn, handleReady, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onNickTaken(netconn, handleNickTaken, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onPasswordRequest(netconn, handlePwRequest, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onMessage(netconn, handleMessage, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onTeamAccepted(netconn, handleTeamAccepted, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onMapChanged(netconn, handleMapChanged, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onLeaveRoom(netconn, handleLeaveRoom, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onCfgScheme(netconn, handleSchemeChanged, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onWeaponsetChanged(netconn, handleWeaponsetChanged, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onHogCountChanged(netconn, handleHogcountChanged, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onRoomAdd(netconn, handleRoomAdd, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onRoomDelete(netconn, handleRoomDelete, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onScriptChanged(netconn, handleScriptChanged, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onTeamAdd(netconn, handleTeamAdd, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onTeamDelete(netconn, handleTeamDelete, NULL);
    flib_netconn_onTeamColorChanged(netconn, handleTeamColorChanged, NULL);

    INPUT_RECORD inputRecord;
    DWORD eventCount = 0;

    while(netconn || gameconn) {
        if(netconn && netConnected) {
            while(PeekConsoleInput(hStdin, &inputRecord, 1, &eventCount) && eventCount>0) {
                if(inputRecord.EventType != KEY_EVENT) {
                    ReadConsoleInput(hStdin, &inputRecord, 1, &eventCount);
                } else {
                    printf("%s: ", nickname);
                    char input[256];
                    if(!flib_gets(input, sizeof(input))) {
                        if(!memcmp("/quit", input, strlen("/quit"))) {
                            flib_netconn_send_quit(netconn, "Player quit.");
                        } else if(!memcmp("/describe ", input, strlen("/describe "))) {
                            const char *roomname = input+strlen("/describe ");
                            /*const flib_roomlist *roomlist = flib_netconn_get_roomlist(netconn);
                            flib_room *room = flib_roomlist_find(roomlist, roomname);
                            if(!room) {
                                puts("Unknown room.");
                            } else {
                                char *text = flib_asprintf(
                                        "%s is a room created by %s, where %i players (%i teams) are %s on %s%s, using the %s scheme and %s weaponset.",
                                        room->inProgress ? "fighting" : "preparing to fight",
                                        room->map[0]=='+' ? "" : "the map ",
                                        !strcmp("+rnd+", room->map) ? "a random map" :
                                                !strcmp("+maze+", room->map) ? "a random maze" :
                                                !strcmp("+drawn+", room->map) ? "a hand-drawn map" :
                                if(text) {
                        } else if(!memcmp("/join ", input, strlen("/join "))) {
                            const char *roomname = input+strlen("/join ");
                            flib_netconn_send_joinRoom(netconn, roomname);
                        } else if(!memcmp("/ready", input, strlen("/ready"))) {
                        } else if(!memcmp("/loglevel ", input, strlen("/loglevel "))) {
                            int loglevel = atoi(input+strlen("/loglevel "));
                        } else if(!memcmp("/list", input, strlen("/list"))) {
                            if(flib_netconn_is_in_room_context(netconn)) {
                            } else {
                                puts("From this big and expansive lobby, hallways branch off to these rooms:");
                        } else if(!memcmp("/addteam ", input, strlen("/addteam "))) {
                            const char *teamname = input+strlen("/addteam ");
                            if(!flib_contains_dir_separator(teamname)) {
                                char *teamfilename = flib_asprintf("%s.hwt", teamname);
                                if(teamfilename) {
                                    flib_team *team = flib_team_from_ini(teamfilename);
                                    if(team) {
                                        flib_netconn_send_addTeam(netconn, team);
                                    } else {
                                        printf("Teamfile %s not found.\n", teamfilename);
                        } else if(strlen(input)>0) {
                            flib_netconn_send_chat(netconn, input);

    return 0;