--- a/hedgewars/uLandTexture.pas Tue Nov 10 18:16:35 2015 +0100
+++ b/hedgewars/uLandTexture.pas Tue Nov 10 20:43:13 2015 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
{$INCLUDE "options.inc"}
@@ -30,9 +30,11 @@
procedure SetLandTexture;
-uses uConsts, GLunit, uTypes, uVariables, uTextures, uDebug, uRender;
+uses uConsts, GLunit, uTypes, uVariables, uTextures, uDebug, uRender, uUtils;
const TEXSIZE = 128;
+ // in avoid tile borders stretch the blurry texture by 1 pixel more
+ BLURRYLANDOVERLAP: real = 1 / TEXSIZE / 2.0; // 1 pixel divided by texsize and blurry land scale factor
type TLandRecord = record
shouldUpdate, landAdded: boolean;
@@ -65,6 +67,7 @@
procedure UpdateLandTexture(X, Width, Y, Height: LongInt; landAdded: boolean);
var tx, ty: Longword;
+ tSize : LongInt;
if cOnlyStats then exit;
if (Width <= 0) or (Height <= 0) then
@@ -74,23 +77,25 @@
TryDo((Y >= 0) and (Y < LAND_HEIGHT), 'UpdateLandTexture: wrong Y parameter', true);
TryDo(Y + Height <= LAND_HEIGHT, 'UpdateLandTexture: wrong Height parameter', true);
- if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
- for ty:= Y div TEXSIZE to (Y + Height - 1) div TEXSIZE do
- for tx:= X div TEXSIZE to (X + Width - 1) div TEXSIZE do
+ tSize:= TEXSIZE;
+ // land textures have half the size/resolution in blurry mode
+ if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) <> 0 then
+ tSize:= tSize * 2;
+ for ty:= Y div tSize to (Y + Height - 1) div tSize do
+ for tx:= X div tSize to (X + Width - 1) div tSize do
+ begin
+ if not LandTextures[tx, ty].shouldUpdate then
LandTextures[tx, ty].shouldUpdate:= true;
- LandTextures[tx, ty].landAdded:= landAdded
- end
- else
- for ty:= (Y div TEXSIZE) div 2 to ((Y + Height - 1) div TEXSIZE) div 2 do
- for tx:= (X div TEXSIZE) div 2 to ((X + Width - 1) div TEXSIZE) div 2 do
- begin
- LandTextures[tx, ty].shouldUpdate:= true;
- LandTextures[tx, ty].landAdded:= landAdded
- end
+ inc(dirtyLandTexCount);
+ end;
+ LandTextures[tx, ty].landAdded:= landAdded
+ end;
-procedure RealLandTexUpdate;
+procedure RealLandTexUpdate(x1, x2, y1, y2: LongInt);
var x, y, ty, tx, lx, ly : LongWord;
isEmpty: boolean;
@@ -107,12 +112,13 @@
- for x:= 0 to LANDTEXARW -1 do
- for y:= 0 to LANDTEXARH - 1 do
+ for x:= x1 to x2 do
+ for y:= y1 to y2 do
with LandTextures[x, y] do
if shouldUpdate then
shouldUpdate:= false;
+ dec(dirtyLandTexCount);
isEmpty:= not landAdded;
landAdded:= false;
ty:= 0;
@@ -123,13 +129,13 @@
while isEmpty and (ty < TEXSIZE) do
isEmpty:= LandPixels[ly + ty, lx] and AMask = 0;
- if isEmpty then isEmpty:= LandPixels[ly + ty, lx + TEXSIZE-1] and AMask = 0;
+ if isEmpty then isEmpty:= LandPixels[ly + ty, Pred(lx + TEXSIZE)] and AMask = 0;
while isEmpty and (tx < TEXSIZE-1) do
isEmpty:= LandPixels[ly, lx + tx] and AMask = 0;
- if isEmpty then isEmpty:= LandPixels[ly + TEXSIZE-1, lx + tx] and AMask = 0;
+ if isEmpty then isEmpty:= LandPixels[Pred(ly + TEXSIZE), lx + tx] and AMask = 0;
// then search every other remaining. does this sort of stuff defeat compiler opts?
@@ -163,27 +169,90 @@
else if tex <> nil then
- begin
- FreeTexture(tex);
- tex:= nil
- end;
+ FreeAndNilTexture(tex);
+ // nothing else to do
+ if dirtyLandTexCount < 1 then
+ exit;
procedure DrawLand(dX, dY: LongInt);
-var x, y: LongInt;
+var x, y, tX, ty, tSize, fx, lx, fy, ly: LongInt;
+ tScale: GLfloat;
+ overlap: boolean;
+// init values based on quality settings
+if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) <> 0 then
+ begin
+ tSize:= TEXSIZE * 2;
+ tScale:= 2.0;
+ overlap:= (cReducedQuality and rqClampLess) <> 0;
+ end
+ begin
+ tSize:= TEXSIZE;
+ tScale:= 1.0;
+ overlap:= false;
+ end;
+// figure out visible area
+// first column
+tx:= ViewLeftX - dx;
+fx:= tx div tSize;
+if tx < 0 then dec(fx);
+fx:= max(0, fx);
+// last column
+tx:= ViewRightX - dx;
+lx:= tx div tSize;
+if tx < 0 then dec(lx);
+lx:= min(LANDTEXARW -1, lx);
-for x:= 0 to LANDTEXARW -1 do
- for y:= 0 to LANDTEXARH - 1 do
+// all offscreen
+if (fx > lx) then
+ exit;
+// first row
+ty:= ViewTopY - dy;
+fy:= ty div tSize;
+if ty < 0 then dec(fy);
+fy:= max(0, fy);
+// last row
+ty:= ViewBottomY - dy;
+ly:= ty div tSize;
+if ty < 0 then dec(ly);
+ly:= min(LANDTEXARH -1, ly);
+// all offscreen
+if (fy > ly) then
+ exit;
+// update visible areas of landtex before drawing
+if dirtyLandTexCount > 0 then
+ RealLandTexUpdate(fx, lx, fy, ly);
+tX:= dX + tsize * fx;
+// loop through columns
+for x:= fx to lx do
+ begin
+ // loop through textures in this column
+ for y:= fy to ly do
with LandTextures[x, y] do
if tex <> nil then
- if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
- DrawTexture(dX + x * TEXSIZE, dY + y * TEXSIZE, tex)
+ begin
+ ty:= dY + y * tSize;
+ if overlap then
+ DrawTexture2(tX, ty, tex, tScale, BLURRYLANDOVERLAP)
- DrawTexture(dX + x * TEXSIZE * 2, dY + y * TEXSIZE * 2, tex, 2.0)
+ DrawTexture(tX, ty, tex, tScale);
+ end;
+ // increment tX
+ inc(tX, tSize);
+ end;
procedure SetLandTexture;
@@ -212,13 +281,7 @@
for x:= 0 to LANDTEXARW - 1 do
for y:= 0 to LANDTEXARH - 1 do
with LandTextures[x, y] do
- begin
- if tex <> nil then
- begin
- FreeTexture(tex);
- tex:= nil
- end
- end;
+ FreeAndNilTexture(tex);
procedure freeModule;