--- a/hedgewars/uInputHandler.pas Thu May 17 16:52:17 2012 +0200
+++ b/hedgewars/uInputHandler.pas Thu May 17 20:01:56 2012 +0200
@@ -68,46 +68,8 @@
// TODO: Scale on screen dimensions and/or axis value (game controller)?
//TODO what is this for?
movecursor(5 * CursorMovementX, 5 * CursorMovementY);
-TODO reimplement
-// Controller(s)
-k:= j; // should we test k for hitting the limit? sounds rather unlikely to ever reach it
-for j:= 0 to Pred(ControllerNumControllers) do
- begin
- for i:= 0 to Pred(ControllerNumAxes[j]) do
- begin
- if ControllerAxes[j][i] > 20000 then
- tkbdn[k + 0]:= 1
- else
- tkbdn[k + 0]:= 0;
- if ControllerAxes[j][i] < -20000 then
- tkbdn[k + 1]:= 1
- else
- tkbdn[k + 1]:= 0;
- inc(k, 2);
- end;
- for i:= 0 to Pred(ControllerNumHats[j]) do
- begin
- tkbdn[k + 0]:= ControllerHats[j][i] and SDL_HAT_UP;
- tkbdn[k + 1]:= ControllerHats[j][i] and SDL_HAT_RIGHT;
- tkbdn[k + 2]:= ControllerHats[j][i] and SDL_HAT_DOWN;
- tkbdn[k + 3]:= ControllerHats[j][i] and SDL_HAT_LEFT;
- inc(k, 4);
- end;
- for i:= 0 to Pred(ControllerNumButtons[j]) do
- begin
- tkbdn[k]:= ControllerButtons[j][i];
- inc(k, 1);
- end;
- end;
-$ENDIF *)
procedure ProcessKey(code: LongInt; KeyDown: boolean);
Trusted: boolean;
@@ -317,6 +279,11 @@
DefaultBinds[KeyNameToCode('right')]:= '+right';
DefaultBinds[KeyNameToCode('left_shift')]:= '+precise';
+DefaultBinds[KeyNameToCode('j0a0u')]:= '+left';
+DefaultBinds[KeyNameToCode('j0a0d')]:= '+right';
+DefaultBinds[KeyNameToCode('j0a1u')]:= '+up';
+DefaultBinds[KeyNameToCode('j0a1d')]:= '+down';
for i:= 1 to 10 do DefaultBinds[KeyNameToCode('f'+IntToStr(i))]:= 'slot '+IntToStr(i);
for i:= 1 to 5 do DefaultBinds[KeyNameToCode(IntToStr(i))]:= 'timer '+IntToStr(i);
@@ -352,7 +319,7 @@
var i, j: Integer;
ControllerEnabled:= 0;
exit; // joystick subsystem disabled on iPhone
@@ -416,21 +383,34 @@
procedure ControllerAxisEvent(joy, axis: Byte; value: Integer);
+ k: LongInt;
- ControllerAxes[joy][axis]:= value;
+ SDL_GetKeyState(@k);
+ k:= k + joy * (ControllerNumAxes[joy]*2 + ControllerNumHats[joy]*4 + ControllerNumButtons[joy]*2);
+ ProcessKey(k + axis*2, value > 20000);
+ ProcessKey(k + (axis*2)+1, value < -20000);
procedure ControllerHatEvent(joy, hat, value: Byte);
+ k: LongInt;
- ControllerHats[joy][hat]:= value;
+ SDL_GetKeyState(@k);
+ k:= k + joy * (ControllerNumAxes[joy]*2 + ControllerNumHats[joy]*4 + ControllerNumButtons[joy]*2);
+ ProcessKey(k + ControllerNumAxes[joy]*2 + hat*4 + 0, (value and SDL_HAT_UP) <> 0);
+ ProcessKey(k + ControllerNumAxes[joy]*2 + hat*4 + 1, (value and SDL_HAT_RIGHT)<> 0);
+ ProcessKey(k + ControllerNumAxes[joy]*2 + hat*4 + 2, (value and SDL_HAT_DOWN) <> 0);
+ ProcessKey(k + ControllerNumAxes[joy]*2 + hat*4 + 3, (value and SDL_HAT_LEFT) <> 0);
procedure ControllerButtonEvent(joy, button: Byte; pressed: Boolean);
+ k: LongInt;
- if pressed then
- ControllerButtons[joy][button]:= 1
- else
- ControllerButtons[joy][button]:= 0;
+ SDL_GetKeyState(@k);
+ k:= k + joy * (ControllerNumAxes[joy]*2 + ControllerNumHats[joy]*4 + ControllerNumButtons[joy]*2);
+ ProcessKey(k + ControllerNumAxes[joy]*2 + ControllerNumHats[joy]*4 + button, pressed);
procedure initModule;