--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uLandGraphics.pas Fri Jan 20 19:02:50 2006 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+unit uLandGraphics;
+type PRangeArray = ^TRangeArray;
+ TRangeArray = array[0..31] of record
+ Left, Right: integer;
+ end;
+procedure DrawExplosion(X, Y, Radius: integer);
+procedure DrawHLinesExplosions(ar: PRangeArray; Radius: Longword; y, dY: integer; Count: Byte);
+procedure DrawTunnel(X, Y, dX, dY: real; ticks, HalfWidth: integer);
+procedure FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius: integer; Value: Longword);
+uses SDLh, uStore, uMisc, uLand;
+procedure FillCircleLines(x, y, dx, dy: integer; Value: Longword);
+var i: integer;
+if ((y + dy) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then
+ for i:= max(x - dx, 0) to min(x + dx, 2047) do Land[y + dy, i]:= Value;
+if ((y - dy) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then
+ for i:= max(x - dx, 0) to min(x + dx, 2047) do Land[y - dy, i]:= Value;
+if ((y + dx) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then
+ for i:= max(x - dy, 0) to min(x + dy, 2047) do Land[y + dx, i]:= Value;
+if ((y - dx) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then
+ for i:= max(x - dy, 0) to min(x + dy, 2047) do Land[y - dx, i]:= Value;
+procedure FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius: integer; Value: Longword);
+var dx, dy, d: integer;
+ dx:= 0;
+ dy:= Radius;
+ d:= 3 - 2 * Radius;
+ while (dx < dy) do
+ begin
+ FillCircleLines(x, y, dx, dy, Value);
+ if (d < 0)
+ then d:= d + 4 * dx + 6
+ else begin
+ d:= d + 4 * (dx - dy) + 10;
+ dec(dy)
+ end;
+ inc(dx)
+ end;
+ if (dx = dy) then FillCircleLines(x, y, dx, dy, Value);
+procedure DrawExplosion(X, Y, Radius: integer);
+var ty, tx, p: integer;
+FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius, 0);
+if SDL_MustLock(LandSurface) then
+ SDLTry(SDL_LockSurface(LandSurface) >= 0, true);
+p:= integer(LandSurface.pixels);
+case LandSurface.format.BytesPerPixel of
+ 1: ;// not supported
+ 2: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
+ for tx:= max(0, round(x-radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(x+radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
+ PWord(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 2)^:= 0;
+ 3: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
+ for tx:= max(0, round(x-radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(x+radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
+ begin
+ PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 0)^:= 0;
+ PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 1)^:= 0;
+ PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 2)^:= 0;
+ end;
+ 4: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
+ for tx:= max(0, round(x-radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(x+radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
+ PLongword(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 4)^:= 0;
+ end;
+inc(Radius, 4);
+case LandSurface.format.BytesPerPixel of
+ 1: ;// not supported
+ 2: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
+ for tx:= max(0, round(x-radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(x+radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
+ if Land[y + ty, tx] = $FFFFFF then
+ PWord(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 2)^:= cExplosionBorderColor;
+ 3: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
+ for tx:= max(0, round(x-radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(x+radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
+ if Land[y + ty, tx] = $FFFFFF then
+ begin
+ PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 0)^:= cExplosionBorderColor and $FF;
+ PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 1)^:= (cExplosionBorderColor shr 8) and $FF;
+ PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 2)^:= (cExplosionBorderColor shr 16);
+ end;
+ 4: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
+ for tx:= max(0, round(x-radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(x+radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
+ if Land[y + ty, tx] = $FFFFFF then
+ PLongword(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 4)^:= cExplosionBorderColor;
+ end;
+if SDL_MustLock(LandSurface) then
+ SDL_UnlockSurface(LandSurface);
+SDL_UpdateRect(LandSurface, X - Radius, Y - Radius, Radius * 2, Radius * 2)
+procedure DrawHLinesExplosions(ar: PRangeArray; Radius: Longword; y, dY: integer; Count: Byte);
+var tx, ty, i, p: integer;
+if SDL_MustLock(LandSurface) then
+ SDL_LockSurface(LandSurface);
+p:= integer(LandSurface.pixels);
+for i:= 0 to Pred(Count) do
+ begin
+ case LandSurface.format.BytesPerPixel of
+ 1: ;
+ 2: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
+ for tx:= max(0, round(ar[i].Left - radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(ar[i].Right + radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
+ PWord(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 2)^:= 0;
+ 3: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
+ for tx:= max(0, round(ar[i].Left - radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(ar[i].Right + radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
+ begin
+ PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 0)^:= 0;
+ PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 1)^:= 0;
+ PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 2)^:= 0;
+ end;
+ 4: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
+ for tx:= max(0, round(ar[i].Left - radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(ar[i].Right + radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
+ PLongword(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 4)^:= 0;
+ end;
+ inc(y, dY)
+ end;
+inc(Radius, 4);
+dec(y, Count*dY);
+for i:= 0 to Pred(Count) do
+ begin
+ case LandSurface.format.BytesPerPixel of
+ 1: ;
+ 2: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
+ for tx:= max(0, round(ar[i].Left - radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(ar[i].Right + radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
+ if Land[y + ty, tx] = $FFFFFF then
+ PWord(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 2)^:= cExplosionBorderColor;
+ 3: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
+ for tx:= max(0, round(ar[i].Left - radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(ar[i].Right + radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
+ if Land[y + ty, tx] = $FFFFFF then
+ begin
+ PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 0)^:= cExplosionBorderColor and $FF;
+ PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 1)^:= (cExplosionBorderColor shr 8) and $FF;
+ PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 2)^:= (cExplosionBorderColor shr 16);
+ end;
+ 4: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
+ for tx:= max(0, round(ar[i].Left - radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(ar[i].Right + radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
+ if Land[y + ty, tx] = $FFFFFF then
+ PLongword(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 4)^:= cExplosionBorderColor;
+ end;
+ inc(y, dY)
+ end;
+if SDL_MustLock(LandSurface) then
+ SDL_UnlockSurface(LandSurface);
+// - (dX, dY) - direction, vector of length = 0.5
+procedure DrawTunnel(X, Y, dX, dY: real; ticks, HalfWidth: integer);
+var nx, ny: real;
+ i, t, tx, ty, p: integer;
+begin // (-dY, dX) is (dX, dY) turned by PI/2
+if SDL_MustLock(LandSurface) then
+ SDL_LockSurface(LandSurface);
+nx:= X + dY * (HalfWidth + 8);
+ny:= Y - dX * (HalfWidth + 8);
+p:= integer(LandSurface.pixels);
+for i:= 0 to 7 do
+ begin
+ X:= nx - 8 * dX;
+ Y:= ny - 8 * dY;
+ for t:= -8 to ticks + 8 do
+ {$include tunsetborder.inc}
+ nx:= nx - dY;
+ ny:= ny + dX;
+ end;
+for i:= -HalfWidth to HalfWidth do
+ begin
+ X:= nx - dX * 8;
+ Y:= ny - dY * 8;
+ for t:= 0 to 7 do
+ {$include tunsetborder.inc}
+ X:= nx;
+ Y:= ny;
+ for t:= 0 to ticks do
+ begin
+ X:= X + dX;
+ Y:= Y + dY;
+ tx:= round(X);
+ ty:= round(Y);
+ if ((ty and $FFFFFC00) = 0) and ((tx and $FFFFF800) = 0) then
+ begin
+ Land[ty, tx]:= 0;
+ case LandSurface.format.BytesPerPixel of
+ 1: ;
+ 2: PWord(p + LandSurface.pitch * ty + tx * 2)^:= 0;
+ 3: begin
+ PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch * ty + tx * 3 + 0)^:= 0;
+ PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch * ty + tx * 3 + 1)^:= 0;
+ PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch * ty + tx * 3 + 2)^:= 0;
+ end;
+ 4: PLongword(p + LandSurface.pitch * ty + tx * 4)^:= 0;
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ for t:= 0 to 7 do
+ {$include tunsetborder.inc}
+ nx:= nx - dY;
+ ny:= ny + dX;
+ end;
+for i:= 0 to 7 do
+ begin
+ X:= nx - 8 * dX;
+ Y:= ny - 8 * dY;
+ for t:= -8 to ticks + 8 do
+ {$include tunsetborder.inc}
+ nx:= nx - dY;
+ ny:= ny + dX;
+ end;
+if SDL_MustLock(LandSurface) then
+ SDL_UnlockSurface(LandSurface)