--- a/hedgewars/GSHandlers.inc Wed Dec 22 04:09:56 2010 +0100
+++ b/hedgewars/GSHandlers.inc Wed Dec 22 00:17:43 2010 -0500
@@ -558,6 +558,97 @@
+procedure doStepSnowflake(Gear: PGear);
+var xx, yy, px, py: LongInt;
+ move: Boolean;
+ s: PSDL_Surface;
+ p: PLongwordArray;
+if GameTicks and $7 = 0 then
+ begin
+ with Gear^ do
+ begin
+ X:= X + cWindSpeed * 1600 + dX;
+ Y:= Y + dY + cGravity * vobFallSpeed * 8; // using same value as flakes to try and get similar results
+ xx:= hwRound(X);
+ yy:= hwRound(Y);
+ if vobVelocity <> 0 then
+ begin
+ DirAngle := DirAngle + (Angle / 12500000);
+ if DirAngle < 0 then DirAngle := DirAngle + 360
+ else if 360 < DirAngle then DirAngle := DirAngle - 360;
+ end;
+ inc(Health, 8);
+ if Health > vobFrameTicks then
+ begin
+ dec(Health, vobFrameTicks);
+ inc(Timer);
+ if Timer = vobFramesCount then Timer:= 0
+ end;
+ move:= false;
+ // move back to cloud layer
+ if yy > cWaterLine then move:= true
+ else if ((yy and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((xx and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and (Land[yy, xx] > 255) then
+ begin
+ // we've collided with land. draw some stuff and get back into the clouds
+ move:= true;
+////////////////////////////////// TODO - ASK UNC0RR FOR A GOOD HOME FOR THIS ////////////////////////////////////
+ Land[yy, xx]:= Land[yy, xx] or lfBasic;
+ if yy > 1 then
+ begin
+ Land[yy-1, xx]:= Land[yy-1, xx] or lfBasic;
+ if (cWindSpeed * 1600 + dX < _0) and (xx > 1) then
+ begin
+ Land[yy-1, xx-1]:= Land[yy-1, xx-1] or lfBasic;
+ Land[yy, xx-1]:= Land[yy, xx-1] or lfBasic
+ end
+ else if xx < LAND_WIDTH then
+ begin
+ Land[yy-1, xx+1]:= Land[yy-1, xx+1] or lfBasic;
+ Land[yy, xx+1]:= Land[yy, xx+1] or lfBasic
+ end
+ end;
+ dec(yy,4);
+ dec(xx,2);
+ if (((cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0) and
+ (xx >= 0) and (xx < LAND_WIDTH-2) and (yy >= 0) and (yy < LAND_HEIGHT)) or
+ (((cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) <> 0) and
+ (xx >= 0) and (xx < (LAND_WIDTH div 2)-2) and (yy >= 0) and (yy < LAND_HEIGHT div 2)) then
+ begin
+ s:= SpritesData[sprSnow].Surface;
+ p:= s^.pixels;
+ for py:= 0 to Pred(s^.h) do
+ begin
+ for px:= 0 to Pred(s^.w) do
+ begin
+ if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
+ begin
+ if LandPixels[yy + py, xx + py] = 0 then
+ LandPixels[yy + py, xx + px]:= p^[px];
+ end
+ else
+ if LandPixels[(yy + py) div 2, (xx + px) div 2] = 0 then
+ LandPixels[(yy + py) div 2, (xx + px) div 2]:= p^[px];
+ end;
+ p:= @(p^[s^.pitch shr 2])
+ end;
+ UpdateLandTexture(xx, 4, yy, 4)
+ end
+////////////////////////////////// TODO - ASK UNC0RR FOR A GOOD HOME FOR THIS ////////////////////////////////////
+ end;
+ if move then
+ begin
+ X:= int2hwFloat(GetRandom(LAND_WIDTH+1024)-512);
+ Y:= int2hwFloat(1000+(GetRandom(25)-50))
+ end
+ end
+ end
procedure doStepGrave(Gear: PGear);