changeset 16004 2146cb7be36f
parent 15929 128ace913837
parent 16003 8bb07b0f50ca
--- a/hedgewars/uRenderUtils.pas	Fri Mar 10 11:42:25 2023 +0100
+++ b/hedgewars/uRenderUtils.pas	Tue Aug 22 08:35:46 2023 +0200
@@ -29,7 +29,10 @@
 procedure copyToXY(src, dest: PSDL_Surface; destX, destY: LongInt); 
 procedure copyToXYFromRect(src, dest: PSDL_Surface; srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, destX, destY: LongInt);
-procedure DrawSprite2Surf(sprite: TSprite; dest: PSDL_Surface; x,y: LongInt); 
+function GetSurfaceFrameCoordinateX(Surface: PSDL_Surface; Frame, frameWidth, frameHeight: LongInt): LongInt;
+function GetSurfaceFrameCoordinateY(Surface: PSDL_Surface; Frame, frameHeight: LongInt): LongInt;
+procedure DrawSprite2Surf(sprite: TSprite; dest: PSDL_Surface; x,y: LongInt);
 procedure DrawSpriteFrame2Surf(sprite: TSprite; dest: PSDL_Surface; x,y: LongInt; frame: LongInt);
 procedure DrawLine2Surf(dest: PSDL_Surface; x0,y0,x1,y1:LongInt; r,g,b: byte);
 procedure DrawRoundRect(rect: PSDL_Rect; BorderColor, FillColor: Longword; Surface: PSDL_Surface; Clear: boolean);
@@ -78,7 +81,25 @@
     WriteInRoundRect:= WriteInRoundRect(Surface, X, Y, Color, Font, s, 0);
-function IsTooDarkToRead(TextColor: LongWord): boolean; 
+function GetSurfaceFrameCoordinateX(Surface: PSDL_Surface; Frame, frameWidth, frameHeight: LongInt): LongInt;
+var nx, ny: LongInt;
+   nx:= Surface^.w div frameWidth; // number of horizontal frames
+   if nx = 0 then nx:= 1; // one frame is minimum
+   ny:= Surface^.h div frameHeight; // number of vertical frames
+   if ny = 0 then ny:= 1;
+   GetSurfaceFrameCoordinateX:= (Frame div ny) * frameWidth;
+function GetSurfaceFrameCoordinateY(Surface: PSDL_Surface; Frame, frameHeight: LongInt): LongInt;
+var ny: LongInt;
+   ny:= Surface^.h div frameHeight; // number of vertical frames
+   if ny = 0 then ny:= 1; // one frame is minimum
+   GetSurfaceFrameCoordinateY:= (Frame mod ny) * frameHeight;
+function IsTooDarkToRead(TextColor: LongWord): boolean;
 var clr: TSDL_Color;
     clr.r:= (TextColor shr 16) and $FF;
@@ -94,7 +115,7 @@
     clr: TSDL_Color;
     TTF_SizeUTF8(Fontz[Font].Handle, PChar(s), @w, @h);
-    if (maxLength > 0) and (w > maxLength * HDPIScaleFactor) then w := maxLength * HDPIScaleFactor;
+    if (maxLength > 0) and (w > round(maxLength * HDPIScaleFactor)) then w := round(maxLength * HDPIScaleFactor);
     finalRect.x:= X;
     finalRect.y:= Y;
     finalRect.w:= w + cFontBorder * 2 + cFontPadding * 2;
@@ -322,6 +343,29 @@
+// Wraps the text s by inserting breakStr as newlines with
+// maximum column length maxCol.
+// Same as Pascal's WrapText, but without the annoying
+// behavior that text enclosed in " and ' disables word-wrapping
+function SimpleWrapText(s, breakStr: string; maxCol: integer): string;
+    breakChars: set of char = [#9,' ','-'];
+    // escape the " and ' characters before calling WrapText
+    // using ASCII ESC control character
+    s:= StringReplace(s, '"', #27+'Q', [rfReplaceAll]);
+    s:= StringReplace(s, '''', #27+'q', [rfReplaceAll]);
+    s:= WrapText(s, #1, breakChars, maxCol);
+    // Undo the escapes
+    s:= StringReplace(s, #27+'Q', '"', [rfReplaceAll]);
+    s:= StringReplace(s, #27+'q', '''', [rfReplaceAll]);
+    SimpleWrapText:= s;
 function RenderStringTex(s: ansistring; Color: Longword; font: THWFont): PTexture;
     RenderStringTex:= RenderStringTexLim(s, Color, font, 0);
@@ -341,7 +385,7 @@
         font:= CheckCJKFont(s, font);
         w:= 0; h:= 0; // avoid compiler hints
         TTF_SizeUTF8(Fontz[font].Handle, PChar(s), @w, @h);
-        if (maxLength > 0) and (w > maxLength * HDPIScaleFactor) then w := maxLength * HDPIScaleFactor;
+        if (maxLength > 0) and (w > round(maxLength * HDPIScaleFactor)) then w := round(maxLength * HDPIScaleFactor);
         finalSurface:= SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, w + cFontBorder*2 + cFontPadding*2, h + cFontBorder * 2,
                 32, RMask, GMask, BMask, AMask);
@@ -413,9 +457,6 @@
 var textWidth, textHeight, x, y, w, h, i, j, pos, line, numLines, edgeWidth, edgeHeight, cornerWidth, cornerHeight: LongInt;
     finalSurface, tmpsurf, rotatedEdge: PSDL_Surface;
     rect: TSDL_Rect;
-    {$IFNDEF PAS2C}
-    breakChars: set of char = [#9,' ','-'];
-    {$ENDIF}
     substr: ansistring;
     edge, corner, tail: TSPrite;
@@ -444,10 +485,6 @@
     edgeWidth:= SpritesData[edge].Width;
     cornerWidth:= SpritesData[corner].Width;
     cornerHeight:= SpritesData[corner].Height;
-    // This one screws up WrapText
-    //s:= 'This is the song that never ends.  ''cause it goes on and on my friends. Some people, started singing it not knowing what it was. And they''ll just go on singing it forever just because... This is the song that never ends...';
-    // This one does not
-    //s:= 'This is the song that never ends.  cause it goes on and on my friends. Some people, started singing it not knowing what it was. And they will go on singing it forever just because... This is the song that never ends... ';
     numLines:= 0;
@@ -464,7 +501,7 @@
         w:= 0;
         i:= round(Sqrt(length(s)) * 2);
         {$IFNDEF PAS2C}
-        s:= WrapText(s, #1, breakChars, i);
+        s:= SimpleWrapText(s, #1, i);
         pos:= 1; line:= 0;
     // Find the longest line for the purposes of centring the text.  Font dependant.