3 |
4 local teamnames = {} |
5 local hognames = {} |
6 teamnames[0] = { |
7 ["en"] = "Bloody Rookies", |
8 ["de"] = "Blutige Anfänger" |
9 } |
10 |
11 teamnames[1] = { |
12 ["en"] = "Instructors", |
13 ["de"] = "Ausbilder" |
14 } |
15 |
16 hognames[0] = { |
17 ["en"] = "Joker", |
18 ["de"] = "Joker" |
19 } |
20 |
21 hognames[1] = { |
22 ["en"] = "Harthog", |
23 ["de"] = "Harthog" |
24 } |
25 |
26 local caption = { |
27 ["en"] = "Boot Camp", |
28 ["de"] = "Grundausbildung" |
29 } |
30 |
31 local subcaption = { |
32 ["en"] = "Follow the instructions!", |
33 ["de"] = "Befolge die Anweisungen!" |
34 } |
35 |
36 local goals = {} |
37 |
38 goals[0] = { |
39 ["en"] = "Listen to your Drill Instructor and follow his lead!", |
40 ["de"] = "Höre deinem Ausbilder zu und befolge seine Anweisungen!" |
41 } |
42 |
43 goals[1] = { |
44 ["en"] = "Destroy the target to finish this mission!", |
45 ["de"] = "Zerstöre das Ziel, um diese Mission abzuschließen!" |
46 } |
47 |
48 goals[2] = { |
49 ["en"] = "Excellent! You've passed the Boot Camp!", |
50 ["de"] = "Ausgezeichnet! Du hast das Ausbildungslager bestanden!" |
51 } |
52 |
53 local failed = { |
54 ["en"] = "You failed! Follow the instructions and shoot the target only!", |
55 ["de"] = "Du hast versagt! Befolge die Anweisungen und schieß nur auf das Ziel!" |
56 } |
57 |
58 local drill = {} |
59 |
60 drill[0] = { |
61 ["en"] = "Allright, maggot!", |
62 ["de"] = "Also gut, du Made!" |
63 } |
64 |
65 drill[1] = { |
66 ["en"] = "Show that you aren't that useless.", |
67 ["de"] = "Zeig, dass du nicht so nutzlos bist." |
68 } |
69 |
70 drill[2] = { |
71 ["en"] = "Use [left] to move to the left!", |
72 ["de"] = "Benutze [Links], um nach links zu gehen!" |
73 } |
74 |
75 drill[3] = { |
76 ["en"] = "Good! Now use [right] to come back!", |
77 ["de"] = "Gut! Nun komm mit [Rechts] zurück!" |
78 } |
79 |
80 drill[4] = { |
81 ["en"] = "Excellent!", |
82 ["de"] = "Ausgezeichnet!" |
83 } |
84 |
85 drill[5] = { |
86 ["en"] = "Now jump to the left using [return]!", |
87 ["de"] = "Jetzt springe mit [Eingabetaste] nach links!" |
88 } |
89 |
90 drill[6] = { |
91 ["en"] = "Use [up] and [down] to aim.", |
92 ["de"] = "Benutze [Hoch] und [Runter], um zu zielen." |
93 } |
94 |
95 drill[7] = { |
96 ["en"] = "Hold [space] to power up your shot and then release it to shoot.", |
97 ["de"] = "Halte [Leertaste], um deinen Schuss aufzuladen, und lasse dann rechtzeitig los." |
98 } |
99 |
100 drill[8] = { |
101 ["en"] = "Destroy the target to finish your basic training!", |
102 ["de"] = "Zerstöre das Ziel, um deine Grundausbildung abzuschließen!" |
103 } |
104 |
105 local function loc(text) |
106 if text == nil then return "**missing**" |
107 elseif text[L] == nil then return text["en"] |
108 else return text[L] |
109 end |
110 end |
111 |
112 local player = nil |
113 local instructor = nil |
114 local target = nil |
115 |
116 function onGameStart() |
117 |
118 end |
119 |
120 local player_start_x = 2300 |
121 local player_start_y = 1250 |
122 local target_x = 1900 |
123 local target_y = 1250 |
124 local player_health = 100 |
125 local instructor_health = 100 |
126 local teamcolor = 14483456 |
127 |
128 local progress = 0 |
129 local time_start = 0 |
130 |
131 function onGameTick() |
132 if progress == -1 and (time_start + 2500) == GameTime then |
133 EndGame() |
134 elseif progress == -1 then |
135 |
136 elseif progress > 0 and ((TurnTimeLeft == 0) or (GetHealth(player) ~= player_health) or (GetHealth(instructor) ~= instructor_health)) then |
137 progress = -1 |
138 ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(failed), -amBazooka, 0); |
139 time_start = GameTime |
140 PlaySound(sndNooo) |
141 TurnTimeLeft = 0 |
142 elseif GameTime == 0 then |
143 ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(goals[0]), -amBazooka, 0); |
144 TurnTimeLeft = 60000 |
145 elseif GameTime == 2500 then |
146 FollowGear(instructor) |
147 HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[0]), SAY_SAY) |
148 elseif GameTime == 5000 then |
149 FollowGear(instructor) |
150 HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[1]), SAY_SAY) |
151 elseif GameTime == 7500 then |
152 FollowGear(instructor) |
153 HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[2]), SAY_SHOUT) |
154 progress = 1 |
155 TurnTimeLeft = 10000 |
156 elseif progress == 1 then |
157 local x, y = GetGearPosition(player); |
158 if x < player_start_x - 50 then |
159 progress = 2 |
160 FollowGear(instructor) |
161 HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[3]), SAY_SHOUT) |
162 end |
163 TurnTimeLeft = 10000 |
164 elseif progress == 2 then |
165 local x, y = GetGearPosition(player); |
166 if x > player_start_x then |
167 progress = 3 |
168 FollowGear(instructor) |
169 HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[4]), SAY_SAY) |
170 time_start = GameTime |
171 end |
172 elseif progress == 3 and (time_start + 2500 == GameTime) then |
173 progress = 4 |
174 FollowGear(instructor) |
175 HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[5]), SAY_SHOUT) |
176 HogTurnLeft(player, true) |
177 TurnTimeLeft = 10000 |
178 elseif progress == 4 then |
179 local x, y = GetGearPosition(player); |
180 if y < player_start_y then |
181 progress = 5 |
182 FollowGear(instructor) |
183 HogSay(instructor, "Yeah!", SAY_SAY) |
184 time_start = GameTime |
185 TurnTimeLeft = 30000 |
186 end |
187 elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 2500 == GameTime) then |
188 FollowGear(instructor) |
189 HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[6]), SAY_SAY) |
190 elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 5000 == GameTime) then |
191 FollowGear(instructor) |
192 HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[7]), SAY_SAY) |
193 elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 7500 == GameTime) then |
194 FollowGear(instructor) |
195 HogSay(instructor, loc(drill[8]), SAY_SHOUT) |
196 ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(goals[1]), 1, 0); |
197 target = AddGear(target_x, target_y, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0) |
198 TurnTimeLeft = 60000 |
199 elseif progress == 5 and (time_start + 10000 == GameTime) then |
200 FollowGear(target) |
201 elseif progress == 6 then |
202 progress = 7 |
203 ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(goals[2]), 0, 0); |
204 PlaySound(sndVictory); |
205 time_start = GameTime |
206 elseif progress == 7 and (time_start + 2500 == GameTime) then |
207 EndGame() |
208 end |
209 end |
210 |
211 function onGameInit() |
212 Seed = 0 |
213 GameFlags = gfMultiWeapon + gfOneClanMode |
214 TurnTime = 25000 |
215 CaseFreq = 0 |
216 LandAdds = 0 |
217 Explosives = 0 |
218 Delay = 2500 |
219 Map = "Mushrooms" |
220 Theme = "Nature" |
221 |
222 AddTeam(loc(teamnames[0]), teamcolor, "Simple", "Island", "Default") |
223 player = AddHog(loc(hognames[0]), 0, player_health, "NoHat") |
224 SetGearPosition(player, player_start_x, player_start_y); |
225 |
226 AddTeam(loc(teamnames[1]), teamcolor + 1, "Simple", "Island", "Default") |
227 instructor = AddHog(loc(hognames[1]), 0, instructor_health, "NoHat") |
228 SetGearPosition(instructor, player_start_x + 100, player_start_y) |
229 HogTurnLeft(instructor, true) |
230 |
231 FollowGear(player); |
232 end |
233 |
234 function onAmmoStoreInit() |
235 SetAmmo(amBazooka, 9, 0, 0, 0) |
236 end |
237 |
238 function onGearDelete(gear) |
239 if GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget then |
240 progress = 6 |
241 end |
242 end |