207 * Hard Flying: Fix ending in a Lua error |
207 * Hard Flying: Fix ending in a Lua error |
208 * The First Stop: Fix stats screen showing teams twice |
208 * The First Stop: Fix stats screen showing teams twice |
209 * Killing The Specialists: Fix killing hog with Deagle gave you chance to use another weapon in same turn |
209 * Killing The Specialists: Fix killing hog with Deagle gave you chance to use another weapon in same turn |
210 * Fix weird behaviour when walking right before the first animation in most missions |
210 * Fix weird behaviour when walking right before the first animation in most missions |
211 * Fix a coupe of texts being untranslatable |
211 * Fix a coupe of texts being untranslatable |
212 * Fix a variety of minor logic flaws in the story |
212 * Fix typos |
213 * Fix typos |
213 * All missions: Fix incorrect crate types |
214 * All missions: Fix incorrect crate types |
214 |
215 |
215 Missions: |
216 Missions: |
216 + New scenario: Teamwork 2 |
217 + New scenario: Teamwork 2 |